Just discovered boy shorts, Miha Matei, Chris McCaw and the best smoothie of my life at Cafe Gratitude. At each table there is a game you can play called The Abounding River. It is about creating abundance.
This cafe has positive words written all over the walls. I love its good spirit and unabashed lack of cynicism.
“No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an
uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit.”
– Helen Keller
you only just discovered boy shorts? they are all i wear.. you know, apart from clothes.
I know!
I was late to the whole thong thing too. I finally gave up on that with my new discovery. Things are just better now.
I don’t miss “home” nearly as much since I have found the pleasure of visiting your site. Thank you for introducing me to great new things – for reminding me of good stuff about myself – for sharing yourself with us –
Brilliant Day to You!
(think I’ll get myself some boy shorts)
hold on here!
question: do these boy shorts roll up? do they stay put around the cheeks? i good and bad experiences with boy shorts, but love them, and am always on the lookout for good brands – how are these?
other good underwear… guys boxer briefs…they stay in place great! and guys tighty whities… although, i can’t really be a hypocrite and say to my man, “ewww! you can’t wear tighty whities!” and then wear them myself!
A great discovery! I just found the boy shorts myself and love, love, love them! You do have to search for the “right” ones though:)
Thanks for always turning us on to great sites and great undies:)
I alway so look forward to your entries! Such a treat…life is so full of cynicism and people trying to pull others down to get ahead. What’s wonderful about you and those that visit your site (and respond) is that this crowd really chooses to see the beauty and comfort in life and try to uplift yourself and others…so thanks. It is much appreciated
sniff. boy shorts make my a** look huge. or maybe that’s smoothies i see!
I finally was able to check out Chris McCaw’s website – amazing photographs! I couldn’t stop looking at them and really trying to see how he does it – THANK YOU for sharing all these wonderful people with us!
Andrea, I think this is my favorite photo of yours yet! I love the colors.
Oh, and I love boy shorts too, but I have noticed that they tend to roll up on the bottoms, which someone else commented about. So it’s all about finding the perfect, non-rolling pair!
Hmm… my boy shorts haven’t been rolling up. I guess i got the right kind!
I hesitate to say where I got them because I purchase things very very sparingly at this place. (Think very large company with tiny soul.)
I prefer to advertise American Apparel, where I will be buying my next pairs.
Some of the photography you share reminds me of In The Cut – Love the story/movie but the photography is the best part – some shots are blurry then the person becomes clear – peddle storm/garden – the colors – shots of NYC raw – at times the camera following hands instead of faces. Thought you might like it if you haven’t seen it yet.
I just love all the interesting sites you bring to your website!!
Boy shorts – I grew out of mine – then back into them again (thank god) but I think I’ve been preferring my thongs. Feels like no underwear!!
That is the perfect quote to battle my jaded, cynical chemistry teacher (even if only in my own head). Thank you. =)
I came across your site via your Photo Friday entry for the Clean theme (which I think is excellent), and then saw this image – which I really like. I can’t quite explain why I like it so much – something to do with the colours, composition, and the sense of movement from the angle of the grass. Anyway, the reasons don’t really matter – it’s a beautiful shot.