Photo Friday: Delicate

macchiato, Canon Digital Rebel

Photo Friday’s theme this week is “Delicate.”

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. shafina

    beautiful 🙂

  2. kristine

    That resonates on so many levels.

  3. Marloes

    I’ve never seen a macchiato served in a cup. Here (several european countries) it’s served in a high glass. 🙂

  4. Zwiedawurzn

    man I miss Seattle….it’s just perfect.

  5. Marilyn

    It’s been YEARS since anyone artfully caressed my foam… 😉

  6. wn

    WOW…how do they they get the foam to do that?
    (thinking I need to get out more)

  7. *AGK*


  8. Jenny


  9. adele

    i love it! that pic is so unpredictable and interesting.

  10. blu

    ilove this picture

  11. Kate

    That barista is an artist!

  12. Beth

    Ahhh! My local coffee shop baristas make the same beautiful fern shapes in my morning soy lattes. I always take a minute and admire it as a beautiful little gift before adding my sugar and sadly stirring it away. I’m so exited to see that you enjoy these as well. I love your site and check it often. Thanks for an often-needed dose of happiness.

  13. Lynn

    Oooh! So pretty!

  14. stef

    So beautiful!

  15. Kelly

    That’s beautiful. I’ve seen hearts and spirals before, but never patterns like this. Mmmm, makes me want a coffee from Flagstaff…

  16. mipmup

    is that from blue bottle by any chance?

  17. G-Man


  18. jus

    awesome… and more

  19. Julia

    So lovely! How does the barista create the beautiful leaf shape?? I have never seen anything that sophisticated and pretty in a coffee house here in So Cal. Makes me want a chai-latte. 🙂

  20. michelle ensminger

    you’d be so proud of me. i took my first public pictures tonight at a japanese steak house. i couldn’t resist the paper lanterns hanging form the ceiling. i can’t wait to get them off my camera and post them on my blog. yeah for me!

  21. Wanda Tucker

    Ah…nectar of the gods.

  22. Leonie

    in a multi layered kinda way

  23. Krista

    Cool. I want to know how to do that to my coffee!

  24. jenn

    I love this photo.
    Please let us know how this happened!

  25. Morgan

    Hi Andrea…I love photos of mugs with tea or coffee in them. It makes me feel insta-cozy! I have a question for you. I also have a Digital Rebel, and I find that I never take it with me anywhere! Horrible, I know! I wanted to ask you what you carry your camera in. Is it a backpack, a special camera case, a purse/bag? I love the camera, but it seems so darn big sometimes. What is your camera carrying “way”? Do you bring it with you everywhere and anywhere? Have a wonderful weekend…

  26. zee

    I want one of those!!!
    Beautiful shot!

  27. pfong

    This is marvellous! Lovely and delicate.

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