Join me for some manifesting in the New Year!
Hello friends!
Let’s get off the internet + play in real life! I have been envisioning a series of in-person workshops where we come together for creativity, connection and serious MAGIC-MAKING. My vision is this: Circling up for things like Storybowl, manifesting exercises, intuitive painting, incredible food, superhero portraits of YOU taken by ME, collective secret kindness missions… and more. Does this sound as delicious to you as it does to me?
My hope is to host these every couple of months or so, each time with a guest teacher I know and love (Laurel Bleadon-Maffei, Jennifer Lee, Juna Mustad, Mati Rose Studio, just to name a few… )
Mostly, I just want to come together in REAL LIFE and listen to your voice + hug you + have you meet each other + have a totally delightful time.
Guess what? The first one is all scheduled and ready to go! Description below…

Consciously Creating 2018 with Andrea Scher + Laurel Bleadon-Maffei
If you have been following me for any length of time, you’ve probably heard me mention one of my favorite healers – Laurel Bleadon-Maffei. Laurel is a spiritual teacher and angel channeler… which means that she is a medium for a tribe of angels that come into her sessions with you. It might sound a little out there if you haven’t experienced it! but Laurel is the real deal. Having a session with her feels like pure love flowing from her right into your heart + the most compassionate kind of wisdom. I’m so delighted to be leading this workshop with her.
Here’s what we’ll be doing:
We will be completing our 2017 by celebrating all that we created, all the ways that we were brave, all the places we grew… and then letting it all go. Phew! 2017 was rough for so many of us – we are excited to bring ritual and consciousness to this process of letting it go and cleaning the slate for the new year.
Then we will dive into consciously creating 2018. We will be:
- -Doing a powerful clearing ritual to let go of 2017
- -Group angel session with Laurel
- -Guided meditation
- -Getting clear on our theme/intentions for 2018
- -Creative manifesting exercises + rituals that will gather support from your wisest self, the circle of kindred spirits at the workshop, and the Universe. Power manifesting people!
You will come away clear + energized and ready for the magic to flow this year.
(Plus! You will meet a collection of other beautiful humans who can support you in 2018 + hold your vision with you.)
Register here: $195 per person (This will be a small group + will definitely sell out! So nab your spot soon)

When: Saturday, January 6th, 2018
10am -4pm
Where: A gorgeous space in Berkeley, CA (more details upon registering!)
What: A day of connecting + manifesting
Bring: An open heart + a journal
Your investment: 195-
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