Welcome to 

Brave in Friendship! 

Hello beautiful human!

Get ready to create some serious magic in your life!

You might be asking yourself, but why would I take a course on friendship?

  • Perhaps you’re craving deeper connections that inspire you to be braver with your life. No more holding back.
  • Or maybe you’re ready to show up differently in your friendships. More authentic. Less playing small. More honesty.
  • Or maybe you’re hungry for friendships that can repair when there’s conflict, and lovingly let go of the ones that no longer serve you.

this course will invite you

  to re-engage those you miss, discover those who have been waiting for you, and intentionally fill your life only with women who will inspire, delight, and see you. 

What can happen in 6 weeks of prompts,
juicy discussions, thought-provoking
missions, and more? 

This is for you if…

  • You want to take a good look at your friend life and get clear on what you want more of, less of.
  • You want to spark beautiful new friendships that will go the distance.
  • You’re craving friendships that allow you to show up in your fullness, imperfections and all.
  • You’re finding it difficult to make new friends these days.
  • You want to let go of friendships that no longer serve, and tend to the ones that do.
  • You want to have more fun and friend magic in your life. 

You are meant to have thriving friendships.

Brave in Friendship is devoted to helping you

nurture, deepen and spark beautiful friendships.

Not just any friendships, but the ones that celebrate your joy.

  • The ones that want you to shine bright.
  • The ones that hold your heart during tough times.
  • The ones that know your stories and hold your journey sacred.

IT ALL BEGINS MAY 26th, 2023

Our Juicy Curriculum

Igniting possibility

Let’s get all lit up about friendship and what’s possible! We’ll explore our longings, what is getting in the way, and get clear on what we want to call in.

How to put out the friend signal

We’ll explore fun and practical ways to make ourselves available. We’ll also create space for magical friendships to drop in!

rewriting old stories about friendship

We’ll explore limiting beliefs and create new ones that empower us to create the friend life we want to have. 

Extending invitations

Time for fun! We’ll explore ordinary to outlandish missions that will get us moving + conncting with our people.

Conflict in friendship

How do we repair when things go awry? And use it as an opportunity to create an even more solid foundation?

Tools for deepening connection

Out-of-the-box ways to engage and transform existing (and new) friendships.

how the classWorks

Weekly Live Sessions beginning Friday, May 26th, 2023

Live classes every Friday, 2pm – 3:30pm PST

Engaging and inspiring weekly live video sessions. Every week we will hop on Zoom for a live, juicy gathering. There will be journaling, discussions, breakout rooms, and more! Come to one of the live classes or come to all of them! Totally up to you. They will be recorded.

Can’t make the live classes?

No problem! We’ll have a vibrant classroom where the Zoom recordings will be available. Even better? The classroom will be full of kindred spirits and potential new friends.

Two great waysto do this course

Join us Live on Zoom

Every Friday, we will hop on Zoom for a live, juicy gathering. There will be journaling, discussions, breakout rooms and more. Come to one of the live classes or come to all of them! Totally up to you. They will be recorded.

Get all the goodness in the classroom

We’ll have a vibrant classroom where the Zoom recordings will be available. Even better? The classroom will be full of kindred spirits and potential new friends.

Here's to creating vibrant friendships!

If your heart is saying, “YES!” please join us!



One time payment



Per person

“Kelly Rae and Andrea are luminous treasures in this world!

I’m so glad they are offering this course and speaking authentically about such a juicy topic. They are gifted teachers and wise mentors in friendship.” 


about your Guides

Hi, I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

As an artist, author, and social worker (MSW), I have had the honor of leading countless groups of women both in person and online for the last 20 years. It has been one of my life’s greatest, most consistent gifts – to travel in these heart-led spaces with women.

I met Andrea almost 20 years ago! She has traveled with me through all the pivotal layers of my adult life. The painful ones, and the joyous ones, too. As one of my favorite friends, she is a gentle mirror, reminding me always of my own goodness, truth, and wonder.

Hi, I’m Andrea Scher.

As an author, artist and life coach (CPCC), I have spent the last 25 years helping women feel more brave, vibrant and connected in their lives. And women’s friendship is one of my passions.

Kelly Rae and I met almost 20 years ago and our friendship is one of the greatest gifts in my life. She expands my sense of what’s possible. She shows me how to be brave in sadness and brave in love. She is one of my favorite people to laugh with. 


frequently Asked Questions

When do the live sessions happen?

For six weeks beginning May 26th, we will meet via Zoom every Friday from 2pm – 3:30pm PST.

What if I can't make the live sessions?

No worries, friend! We’ll have a vibrant classroom where the Zoom recordings will be available. Whether you can make all the live sessions, or prefer to get the recordings, you are very much welcome in this course.

Do I need to prove I am bringing a friend for the lower price?

We trust you! (No proof needed)

Just have your friend sign up at the $99 price (and you too) We are delighted to have you.

What if I don't have many friends/have a hard time making friends?

This class is not about making (or having) lots of friends, but creating a specific intention around friendship that would enrich your current season of life. 

You’re not alone if you struggle with making friends. It’s a practice, not unlike other practices that are good for us (yoga, mediations, etc). In this course, we’ll explore gentle, true-to-you ways of calling in and engaging the exact people you hope for.

What if I'm too busy to make beautiful friendships?

We understand… We’re busy. We’re tending our families and work. We don’t have big social lives. We get in bed by 9!

What we’ve learned is that it doesn’t actually take a lot of time to create meaningful friendships. We’ll help you change the narrative from “I’m too busy” to “Small, intentional moves creates lasting and vibrant friendships.”

I'm an introvert. Is this class for me?

You do not need to be an extrovert to take this class (or to be a friend magnet!). We will show you ways that honor your authentic nature.

I already have great friendships in my life. Do I need to take this class?

Us too! We both have awesome friends in our lives. The beauty of this course is the invitation to consciously tend our most cherished connections. Just like any other relationship, friendships are dynamic and want to grow and blossom.

Join Us

It all starts May 26th, 2023



One time payment



Per person

Experiments in Wonder:Your FREE 5-day mini course designed to activate your delight + joy.

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