A radio station called Artist Empowerment Radio was recommended to me by the photographer Jon Andress. I spent an entire afternoon listening to it and felt really inspired. He said some really simple things that stopped me dead in my tracks like, “Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.” Of course! Oh, how we need to be reminded over and over again.
“Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.”
– Lao Tzu
Indeed. That would be quite the gift.
Wow. Great radio find. Definitely worth listening to when on the daily grind.
i love you! you’re a best friend i’ve never met but somehow know me so well!
I totally need a coat like that.
Great link, Andrea! And great coat! It instantly made me think of Buffalo Exchange on Haight. Maybe because I bought some great coats there (a long time ago)…(sigh)…sometimes I miss those days… 🙂
i love your coat. i used to manage a vintage shop in downtown dallas. we sold many coats of that format.
Andrea: You are such a cutey patootey.
Amen to that! Being positive abd focusing on that, as opposed to all the negative crap…what a concept!! Of course I always knew that was the best way to happiness, but thank you so much for your inspiring reminder. By theway, I want that coat! Very cool photo too….. 🙂
Thank you Andrea, this post was just what I most needed to hear.
I so rarely focus on what I DO want, as opposed to what I do NOT want.
A reminder that heals.
I love, love, LOVE your Muppet coat!!!
It looks like a cross between a creature and a cape…which gets me to thinking…
I have often classified people into either…
A. Muppets
B. Superheroes
C. Villians
Though I adore Superheroes, Muppets have always held a very soft spot for me…
There is also another class of human bean…a rare breed indeed…
D. Muppet Superheroes
You fall into the D column.
And that is why you rock so very hard.
Bless you dear one.
Thanks for pulling me out of my ferocious funk with your superfly post.
I’ve been repeating that saying all day to myself “Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want”
What a beautiful, simple quote.
Thanks for sharing…always!
Oh so true.
andrea- thanks so much for that artist’s empowerment radio link! i love it!!! im reading a book called the “artist’s way” right now- its all about empowering yourself as an artist and overcoming creative blocks- its great, and it goes hand in hand with this show so seamlessly- brilliant!