look out Martha

downtown San Francisco, Olympus Epic

Okay, my inner Martha Stewart finally reared her head. I thought it would stop with the George Forman grill, but you guys got to talking about the Swiffer Jet, and well, I couldn’t help myself.

I was with my mother-in-law yesterday and we ended up in one of those domestic superstores and I saw the Swiffer Jet gleaming in the distance. As I fondled it, my mother-in-law said, “So what do you normally use?”

How could I break it to her that I don’t normally use anything? that I have one crusty black foam mop that I haven’t used in say, six months? (The only time we mop is when we spill something really horrible on the floor.)

When I got it home, I discovered that it is BATTERY POWERED! My god. You push a button and it actually squirts liquid onto the floor in front of you which you then mop away.


I was laughing like a maniac. I found it hilarious and like a godsend and I mopped and mopped until I couldn’t inhale that fresh clean smell any longer.

Matt was laying on the couch reading, watching me out of the corner of his eye, wondering if he should delight in the fact that I was actually doing my share of the cleaning, or if he should be terribly worried about me.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Peppermint Tina*:)

    See! That’s how cleaning should be done-with fun! Enjoy your swiffer!

  2. sarah

    Too funny! I had a frighteningly similar experience, except I made my husband try it too! Now we both think the Swiffer Wet-Jet rocks!

  3. nicole bruni

    I think I’m the only person in the world who isn’t thrilled with the Swiffer. I still end up on my hands and knees. I think it’s the only way to “get my clean on.”

  4. keri

    I have a girlfriend who is addicted to her Swiffer Jet. She actually plans evenings (girls night alone) around mopping with it. She turns on the tunes and mops her little heart out. I just couldn’t believe how much she raved about it, and now this post! There must be something about this thing, is it the smell?

  5. Lena

    If you have pets wait til you discover the Swiffer Dirt Devil Combo. It is a recharable vaccuum with the Swiffer thingy on it. I love it with all my cleaning heart and even my husband does too. When I start cleaning, he jumps in and does the floors right away. It’s pretty funny actually.

  6. jenn

    I too, am obsessed with the swiffer wet jet. I also reccomend the swiffer duster. Nothing in my house ever got dusted before, but now I do it about three times a week just because I enjoy playing with the thing. Sick, I know.

  7. christine

    i just swiffed last night! and, yes, every time i do it, i feel giddy as a schoolgirl. it makes me so happy. my boyfriend jokes that i am more in love with it than him.

  8. virginia

    Andrea, dear, what’s happened to you? Such an original artsy girl turning into a domesticated woman…. what’s next, the Shark Steamer? A Slowcooker (crockpot)? Oh wait… I love to Swiffer, Shark Steam my bathrooms and mix up a big stew in the slowcooker…. the 50’s attack! We are turning into our grandmothers!!!!

  9. Sarah's Hubbie

    Sarah Lies. I do *not* think the swiffer wet jet “rocks”! I cleaned kitchen and bathroom floors for years as a kid, and the best method is on your hands and knees, with elbow grease to get the spots out and the floor shiney. Evry once in a while the kitchen needs to be thoroughly cleaned, and the swiffer invites you to slack on that!
    Although, if I must be honest. Must I?
    Swiffer is useful for those twice a day quick cleans.

  10. Julia

    As much as I hate all things cleaning related…I too, have to admit that the Swiffer wet-jet “rocks”!! It makes housecleaning and all that drudgery so much easier to bear. So until I can afford a maid ….I’ll be using mine regularly. Thanks for your delightful insight and story about your “swiffer experience”. You rock too!!

  11. dayment

    And now, I must get one.

  12. james

    hooray for mops

  13. fern

    Ok..ok.. I didn’t get the Forman Grill thing you all got goofy over, but this mopping thing..hmmm I am not a floor cleaner..I too just when something horrendous spills..but yesteday I too was fondling those swifter mop machnes…I did not buy one though..maybe tonight on my way home from work….what am I nuts?

  14. Jennifer

    I LOVE my Swiffer-thingie – totally easy, easy, easy, as cleaning should be, am I right?

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