This is San Francisco. This is Ocean Beach in San Francisco. This is me at Ocean Beach in San Francisco feeling so grateful for this day, for my friend’s car, for my hike along the hills, for the sun that rose and fell, for the salty air, and for my eyes that can see all this beauty.
“Look at your eyes. They are small, but they see enormous things.”
– Rumi
i wish i was there.
I wish I was there too.
I wish I had a digital rebel…
Beautiful Shot!
Dear Andrea,
Thank you for your photos and your words. I am grateful for them. When I see a beautiful image, I too must capture it…and share it with others. I often find myself in awe of the beauty I discover around me. It is equally gratifying to see others react…be touched in the same way. How fortunate to be truly “present”, to bear witness to such wonders…and to freeze time so that others may see.
A salute to your eyes and your soul!
ahhhh… winter ocean! what a wonderful way to start my morning – and i’m just looking at your captured image! thanks andrea! ^_^
holy COW that is gorgeous. be grateful for your eyes, yes. for the beach and the sun and the friend and all the rest of it… but, DAMN. are we grateful for that new camera or WHAT? 🙂
your new camera is fabulous, absolutely, but your pictures are just as lovely when you’ve used a thrift store poloroid. It’s how you see things that make these images truly wonderful.
thanks for sharing.. it’s beautiful as always.
wow… breathtaking.
thank you for blessing us all with your beautiful pictures. I am always greatful and suprised at how much you remind us to be in the here and now, and to pay attention to the beautilful world we live in. Thank you for helping us and for being a voice in our heads also.
So beautifu! I’ve been down there feeling the same way and it’s just the most miraculous feeling ever. It brings me back to the reality that I live here and love the ocean for all it’s glory.
thank you for sharing all your beautiful photos and beautiful insights.
I love the picture and I’m so glad you updated. I liked the first picture of that man but his hands were too much. I have to admit that when I visited your site I hurriedly refreshed and scrolled down so I wouldn’t have to see them again.
So thank you, beautiful sunset. Beautiful camera. Beautiful woman. 🙂
This used to be my favourite for many years: “I bring thee a shell from the ocean beach; but listen thou well, for my shell hath speech.” I just recalled it, thank you 🙂
What an amazing photo!…. I am grateful that you have such an awesome sense of beauty and wonder, and that you take such fabulous pictures to share with all of us. Seeing such breath-taking beauty, really made my day. Thank you 🙂
Great shot, A!
I have spent the last few days enjoying everything around me (more than usual). The bright warm winter sun, the way the undisturbed snow instantly beautifies any road trip. The elderly gentleman who walked up to my small table at the coffee shop and asked what book I was reading.
Isn’t it funny that we were both enjoying the same beautiful day from two entirely different parts of the world!?
You are so blessed to live near such beauty. Thank you for sharing this beauty with everyone you can. Voyeuristic as it may be I am a big fan of your website. Every thing you say is so sincere. Thank you.
what is beyotch? sounds like the way some people pronounce “bitch.” is this right?