clouds, Digital Rebel
I was thinking of my dear friend’s one-year-old boy today and realizing that he is seeing everything in the world for the first time. The very first time!
Sometimes, while taking pictures I get the tiniest glimpse of what that wonder might be like, that feeling that you can’t believe something exists. It’s just too colorful and smells too delicious and is too impossibly beautiful. And instead of eating it, I grab for the shutter and snap, click, and share it with you.
Thank you for all of your comments about the new photos and new camera!
When I first came to your blog nearly a year ago I saw that your photos were taken with a Nikon Coolpix and I knew immediately I had to have one. I got one. Now I am looking at these Canon Rebel photos and drooling all over the place – not to mention a close friend also just got one. Man, oh man. If we weren’t saving every penny for our move to Canada, I’d be running to the store now. Your photos, as always, are just beautiful.
dearest andrea,
these new photos are clear and deep and resonant. your new camera is matching your soul
love, susan
sompletly loving the new photos and all the conversation that’s surrounded them. this website is rockin as are you.
I totally know what you mean. That is one of the things I love most about photography. Sometimes when I look through the viewfinder, it is like peering through the eyes of a child, or through a keyhole into another dimension.
Thank you for sharing your wonder with us.
“Nothing Is Too Wonderful To Be True”
–Michael Faraday
“seeing everything in the world for the first time” can be truly depressing to ponder how much I forget too “see”
we live in an amazingly, beautiful ‘almost an island’area in far northeastern New England.
..there is blow-your-mind landscape and wildlife every place you turn..
how could I forget to SEE IT?
last night at dusk I was driving into town on a last minute errand and tried to “see” the gorgeous bay and light and wind and sky as if I had never seen it before…
only glimpses of that rushing feeling seeped in before my thoughts slipped back to my grocery list, and plans for tomorrow etc…
I was able to gather a few ‘snapshots’ in my head before I got to the store…imagine living in that high place behind my eyes all the time? wow!
thanks for the reminder…~Fern
My first time visiting
I found you by clicking through from my friends link to his “squatterblog”.
I love your photos.
WRT the first time seeing things, I have stopped taking pictures because I have felt that they can becomes something that comes between our self and our potential to experience the world. A conceptualization. I first felt this when I was in Costa Rica on a dolphin watch. I was trying to take pictures of the dolphins to capture the experience and I was missing the actual fleeting experience. Every time you see anything can be your first time seeing it if you let yourself. I suppose it depends on the situation and your intention.
I do appreciate the glimpses you capture on film just the same.