tulip, Nikon Coolpix 4500
Okay. Call me crazy, but sometimes things don’t smell exactly how you’d expect… I have found this to be the case with several flowers and other food items.
Here is a partial list:
Tulips: Certain varieties of tulips (like the one pictured above) smell like lemons and sugar. It is the most amazing and heavenly thing.
Cherry blossoms: Smell exactly like corn tortillas. Put your nose deep into one of the blossoms, inhale deeply. You will be transported to your nearest taqueria.
Raw carrots: Now this is the really weird one. I’m not sure if it tastes or smells like new carpet. But it truly does. I’ve wondered about this ever since I was a kid.
Try this at home.
I can’t relate to any of those smells but I’ll try to remember this post when I get near one of those on your list. I did see something that tripped me out. I saw SCENTED windshield wiper fluid. I thought this was the weirdest thing because I can’t smell the fluid when I spray it on my windshield. But apparently some people can. Odd.
I just finished reading Susan Orlean’s The Orchid Thief, and in it she mentions that among the many unusal scents they give off, there is an orchid that smells like grape Kool-Aid and another that smells like rotting meat!
Oh Andrea, my Andrea.
You are such a wonderblossom.
I don’t know you, but feel like I do.
I have been devouring your delicious website since, well, forever.
You are an inspiration.
Matt is one lucky muppet.
Keep on sparkling.
A few of my favorite smells:
My Girlfriend’s Hair
Juicy Fruit Gum
Puppy Breath
Pumpkin Pie
New Car
okay, I just had to invade India’s nap, but its true, my dog’s paws smell like fritos corn chips. all you dog owners out there, check it.
my cat’s breath smells like fried bologna,
and i kind of like it.
but one of my favorite scents is of the wild phlox
that grows in our backyard…smells just like grape pop. yum.
My grandmother and her mother both grew the iris that smelled like grape juice. People that I know with Jack Russell Terriers swear that their dogs feet smell like fritos. Go figure.
Fresh cut grass smell exactly like a water melon, red inside .. kind of makes me sick but on the other hand I love it 🙂
I think that a lot of tree blossoms in general have a faint fish scent.
btw. the colorful photo on left side was better, this one is nice too, just prefer the first more 🙂
Some artificial strawberry scents (like those for children erasers or scented gel writers) actually smell the way strawberries taste. I found that irritating, since fruits usually smell different from what they taste like.
I think that the inserts in New CDs smell like corn tortillas. Call me crazy.
There is some sort of bubble yum gum that tastes EXACTLY like vanilla smells.
*sigh* unfortunatley vanilla doesnt taste as good as it smells..