hey hoss

hoss, Davis, CA Canon 300D

Do you remember what it feels like to feed a horse? Holding your arm out, full of grass, and feeling those horse lips in the palm of your hand. There’s nothin like it.

Matt and I are going to stay at a place called Costanoa this weekend. I hear that you can rent horses and ride them along the coast. Yee haw!

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. wendy

    I used to ride all the time as a kid. I really miss it. I like to tickle their top lip so they make wacky faces. They are such funny creatures. They are smart, but goofy like big dogs. You don’t always get a sense of this because we are often intimidated by their size. This realization came to me when I went to visit a friend who raises miniature horses. I had such fun with them. I would run as fast as I could to the other side of the corral and they all ran with me. Then I would wait until they all calmed down and do it again. They loved that game. One of her little horses likes to untie shoe laces of unsuspecting visitors. I remember my riding teacher told me that horses are pack animals and want a leader so when you get in the saddle, the horse says “whose in charge?” and then it says “I hope it’s not me!”

  2. Jane

    You capture the most amazing moments! This guy is wondering what that weird thing is (camera) and why you are holding it up to your face.

  3. jill

    That place looks awesome… I found myself on the site all morning long trying to pick out which room I’d like to stay in. It all sounds so fabulous! Have a great time and I hope to see some pictures…

  4. Laura

    I love Costanoa!!!
    Went there a few years ago after a wedding in Half Moon Bay and have been wanting to return ever since! Have a blast ~
    (And, I found those tapes – they’re from 99. I’ll give them a listen or, as the tape says, “Burn harder and listen to us glisten!)

  5. christine

    I fed a horse for the first time on Sunday! I’d forgotten how huge they are, so I was a little intimidated at first. But it was easy peasy.

  6. Philip Dhingra

    “Do you remember what it feels like to feed a horse? Holding your arm out, full of grass, and feeling those horse lips in the palm of your hand. There’s nothin like it.”
    Nope, but I do now!

  7. Julia

    It has been years since I fed a horse….you really brought back the feeling of it, with your descriptive words. I also love this shot of the horse. He looks so kind and gentle. I am also sooo…jealous! Costanoa sounds like a delightful place. Lucky you & Matt! Have a great time.

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