
Ocean Beach, Canon 300D

Recent comforts:
– Reading White Oleander (dark and beautiful) and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time (this fictional story is told from the perspective of a fifteen-year-old boy with autism)
– Laughing so hard we hyperventilated while watching Patton Oswalt at a comedy club. I am a big fan of inappropriate extreme potty humor.
– A daylong meditation retreat with my friend Sara. I didn’t last the entire day because I was seduced by the sunny day outside and the promise of a transcendent beach walk. Ironically, when I arrived at Ocean Beach (pictured above) it was so impossibly windy that my ears and eyes immediately filled with sand and my perfect beach walk fantasy crumbled under my bare feet. I suppose I should have brought my Burning Man goggles.
– Celebrating SARK’s new book, Make Your Creative Dreams Real at a local bookstore. I am honored to make a cameo appearance in this book!
– Holding Matt’s hand.
– I-tunes! and shuffling our entire CD collection while I make jewelry. I have been comforted by my work these days, putting colors together, sending happy bits out into the world.
– Receiving sweet messages from you.
– A perfect poem.
– Knowing I don’t need to call or write anyone back these days. The freedom of trusting my friendships enough to be silent.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Jen

    I love your list of recent comforts!!
    I’ve been reading Naked by David Sedaris for hysterical laughs. I feel so silly reading this b/c I end up getting fits of laughter while sitting alone in places.
    Also – I drank red wine outside on my porch last night. The soothing sounds of the wind on a hot night while watching the stars – it was so relaxing and much needed!!
    A couple of my recent favorite things!
    I hope you are feeling better!!

  2. stef

    I saw Patton Oswalt too – totally hysterical!
    Dancing in the living room w/Tim.
    Tim trying to teach me karate kicks – TRYING is the key word here.
    Having a Corona at lunch today
    A few of my favorite things these days…
    It was so great to see you the other night….

  3. stef

    I LOVE! this poem!!

  4. penelope

    I was just thinking about the book White Oleander today. I read it a while back, and it’s one of those that just stuck with me. I hope you like it.
    I also just bought Sark’s new book. Man, we must be on the same wavelength!
    Happy day!

  5. Marilyn

    Great poem. Sometimes we ‘hear’ just what we need at the unlikeliest times…from the unlikeliest sources. I found myself intially reading the poem within the framework of your recent sadness…and finished realizing it was speaking to me in the exact way I needed to be spoken to…just now.
    I have such fond memories of countless nights spent in S.F.’s comedy clubs. Glad to hear you had a good hard laugh.
    I’ve been struggling…and I need to just l-e-t g-o. This post reminded me of that…so thanks.
    Love, light and blessings to you. You’re a shiny one, Andrea…your light is very bright…thanks for sharing it with all of us.

  6. Bianca

    Hi there… I haven’t had a chance to reply to your prior post – I was away for a few weeks.
    Sorry to hear about what happen! Hope you are healing and enjoying each day! I’m really sorry!
    I really love your post today, nice interesting links.
    speciall like the last part:
    “Knowing I don’t need to call or write anyone back these days. The freedom of trusting my friendships enough to be silent.”
    Have a great week!

  7. Jennifer

    i love your last comment about how it’s enough to be silent. I think that the older you get, the more “space” you’re willing to give both yourself and your friends (and family). that’s a good thing…

  8. G-Man

    I have to tell you, your photography is amazing.
    Isn’t it great when working on your art becomes an escape, almost a form of meditation? Those are the moments I live for.
    I am, G-Man

  9. Emily

    You are an absolute treasure… i adore every fiber of your being! you are a blessing. you are the best role model i could ever ask for.

  10. bluefaery

    I once read this article that detailed the Budhist (Ithink?) tradition of acknowledging miscarriage in China. They blieve that that children who have miscarried are water or spirit babies that were never meant for this world and immediatly transcend into the next. In China they have gardens full of sculptures representing these water babies and you can adopt one as a symbol of your own water baby. The gardens a full of these shrines where mothers can sometimes leave gifts, decoate their sculpture or just sit in silence. It amazed me.
    stay strong andrea. continue to cradle your grief. And i pray that God would heal you of your loss.

  11. sara

    andrea, i thank you for your willingness to be vulnerable and soft. it gives others the courage to do the same.
    thank you also for the measureless gifts you bring — your links and images inspire me daily.

  12. Eva

    What a fabulous photo. I just love the smell of “fresh” water in the air .. White Oleander is beautiful .. have you read Lovely bones? Very touching.

  13. jenn

    I loved white oleaner. Try she’s come undone. that’s another great beautiful and dark book.
    beautiful picture. it reminds me of a magazine picture from the late 50’s or early 60’s.
    I loved the way you ended this entry. I am always amazed at the way you can word things. You always seem to get us all thinking. I love that!
    Thank you also for creating a clearing for us women. I feel like we as women guard ourselves, keeping the most private details inside. Thank you for letting us inside of you. It gives us a first step in allowing others inside of us.

  14. Jennifer

    I love walks on the beach, despite the weather. I think that “bad” weather – wind, rain, whatever – can actually be rather calming.

  15. Donna

    What a beautiful poem. It brought tears to my eyes. How touching and real.
    your photo was a perfect accompaniment. Beautiful.

  16. Katherine

    you rock! . . . and the bits that you put together and send outinto the world fill my living with joy on a daily basis . . . smooches to you! 🙂

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