Hawaii, in seven colors

plumeria bloom, Hana, Maui, Canon 300D

It’s so difficult to put into words what we experienced in Hana… Should I talk about the scent of pink plumeria blooms in the yard? Or the tree that rained fresh avocados on us each day? I could talk about the moist air filled with flowery, sweet guava as we hiked through a muddy trail to Seven Pools, or maybe the bamboo forest where the bamboo grew so thick and tall, it was like nighttime in there; only tiny beams of light dappling the earth.

I could talk to you about the clouds for days, about their mottled blues and greys and how everywhere you looked there was a new show of turbulent shapes that would twist and stretch across the green pastures. I could talk about so many cattle grazing over Hana Ranch, that sometimes all you could see were cows and ocean and sky for miles… and how we hiked by them one day and held our breath and walked ever so gently, waiting for the males with huge horns to charge us.

But maybe I should just talk to you about blues and greens; the blue of the ocean with hints of black in it, as if the dark sand of the beaches was peeking through. The bright clear turquoise water of Hamoa beach and the dusty sand you felt in your toes as the waves washed over. I could talk to you about the bright lime of the bamboo trees or the dark forest of pines that edged the bluffs over the ocean. I could talk to you about the black of lava rock walls and cliffs.

I could talk to you about Venus Pool and Blue Pool and Seven Pools and our hike to see unimaginable waterfalls. I could talk to you about the brown of the Hawaiian’s skin.

So much water, so much rain, so much green, so many flowers, so much rock, so many clouds, and SO many avocados. So much beauty it was hard to hold. Sometimes when I looked at the sky, I had to look away for a few minutes and look back just to be able to really see it again. I didn’t want to ever get used to its briliance and magic. I wanted to see over and over again.

When I think about our trip, I am reminded of abundance and fertility, of lushness and green and of life’s inevitability. I am reminded that in spite of ourselves (our resistance) that we will grow and change shape and become ripe and fall… and that we are a part of the grand Everything doing just that.

Leokane told me that there is a joke in Hana that you can put a chopstick in the ground and it will grow. From what I saw, (life bursting out of every crack and every inch) I wouldn’t be surprised.

We are meant to grow, to be green, to be rich. We are meant to be big and robust and colorful and full. We are meant to be alive and we are meant to give life, in whatever form that takes.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. JC

    Being meant to be big sounds so good. I am glad that you had such a lovely trip.

  2. erika

    That was beautiful. I especially thank you for sharing since I’ve never been there! It looks beautiful and just makes me want to go even more.

  3. kat

    Sounds like a beautiful and amazing trip. I love the plumeria photo and the one of the sky…such rich colors that are probably twice as full in real life. I can imagine it from your description, though, and the life all around.

  4. mipmup

    a beautiful post that really touched me. i felt like i was there and it sounds like this was just a (the) perfect trip.

  5. azura

    oooh fantastic pictures!

  6. stef

    What a beautiful story – you brought me there. The photos are so rich and colorful!

  7. Deanna

    I can’t wait,
    I’m going to visit friends that live on a coffee plantation on the
    big island in the early new year! Yee 🙂
    You make it sound so wonderful, I can really hardly wait;)
    Your words, today and every day are full of thought, compassion, love and sincerity these things bring me back to you each day hungry for more…
    Thanks for sharing, and for allowing a place for me to share too.

  8. Jen

    It sounds so truly amazing!!! The pictures and your description were beautiful! I hope to go sometime. It sounds all so healing.:) I’m jealous of all the free avocados practically bouncing off your head. (Hee Hee). I LOVE AVOCADOS!!! I’m glad your trip was so extraordinary!

  9. Retinna

    These photos were simply spirit-tingling! I just got back from a vacation in the mountains and had to go back to work today. And the first day back was much more stressful than I’d ever imagined it would be. Quotas, VIP’s I knew nothing about, and problems, problems, problems. Just for a minute, I wanted to float back to my mountain forests and precious little brooks! But your photographs and beautiful descriptions took me on another trip. The photographs that you take are truly uplifting and they touch me deeply. You are truly a gifted artist. I am happy to know that you enjoyed yourself and glad that you shared so much of it with others. Hope that you take many more.

  10. chantel

    i adore that picture of matt in “god’s light.”
    i think i’ve found the place i want to honeymoon. 🙂
    thank you for your e-mail awhile back. made my day, dear! best of days to you.

  11. Giselle Taminez

    We are meant to grow, to be green, to be rich. We are meant to be big and robust and colorful and full. We are meant to be alive and we are meant to give life, in whatever form that takes.
    So meaningful…I am close to a divorce and deciding which way to go. A possibility has come up but I had other more creative paths in mind, it’s just that the possibility sounds safe and the responsible way to go. But I feel it will not make me big and robust and colorful and full. I feel it will take me down a road I don’t wish to take a road I have travelled the last 6 years of my life.
    Your words were the answer to which road I should take, I need to go down whatever path will make me bloom, will make me ripe and lush and full. I need to go where I will be fulfilled and not “safe” and sad. Thank you, it makes a lot more sense now.

  12. fern

    tell us more!!!!

  13. Julia

    Thank you for your colorful words and beautiful pictures. You made me feel like I had just been on vacation with you….Your words and images prove that you are that rich, ripe and alive human being! Sharing beauty is your gift to all of us. 🙂

  14. Michele

    The bamboo forest took my breath away when I saw your picture! I want to be there so much right now!! You are very lucky to be able to have good friends show you all wonderful nooks and crannies. I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip and please, please more pictures!!! Thank you for sharing them!

  15. jenn

    what lovly pictures. the picture of matt in the bamboo was very spiritual. it made me feel like the universe was directly connecting to matt. letting him know everything works out okay. i loved the pines right next to the ocean. what a beautiful sky. the water looks like a million different blues… i just love it. you’ve make me feel like i am actually there. like when i look at these pictures i can say to myself… oh yes, that is what hana is like, as if i have actually been there. i believe the more we are able to just be in the moment… the more we can grow. it sounds like you had a wonderful time in hana and were able to be open to all of it, the colors, the surroundings, the complete experience. and from being able to just be, you have grown. thank you for sharing not only your pictures but also your experience.

  16. jennifer

    OH. MY. GOD….

  17. Janece

    Unbelievably beautiful photo. I want to dive into the depth and richness of the color.

  18. mademoiselle a.

    Beautiful picture – the texture looks like precious, smooth, soothing silk; so much actually that it makes me want to try to wear it!

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