A big thank you to everyone who helped me with my comment spam tsunami. I still have some things to sort out, but there is hope! So thanks for being so generous with your knowledge.
In the meantime (while I continue deleting until my fingers cramp) you can enjoy some half baked ideas, adventure tales from the road , and some musical delights.
Also, if you have a photoblog and would like to be part of a book, visit my friend Chris Colin. He is putting together a book called Citizen Journalist about we photobloggie types. You will like him. Go tell him why you do what you do. He has a book deal and everything. And he is so nice.
You’re welcome!
No website so far, but I’d like one. Any advice for a first time bloggie (blogger?)? I’m not sure where to start.
I just wanted to tell you that I posted the paragraph pertaining to your friend’s book in my blog on LiveJournal. I figure a larger venue couldn’t hurt to spread the word. (I did quote you and provide a link to your journal as well.)