This gas station very suddenly was torn down a few weeks ago. Since then it has been covered in more and more graffiti art and taken over by renegade artists like Neck Face. I met a guy last night named Tony Dominguez who set up a huge paper mache sun in the gas station over the weekend and was transporting it back home to Los Angeles when I met him.
It makes me think of a tree growing over a sidewalk and the inevitability of nature. In this town, there is the inevitability of artists taking over a good canvas when they see it.
Wow! It looks like alot of the graffiti here in L.A. For a minute there, I thought I was looking at a photo taken here in So Cal. I am so glad you dicovered Tony Dominguez! I just love his colorful paper mache creations. He has a really great gallery here in East Los Angeles, and is really one excellent and creative guy. Andrea, you always seem to bump into the most interesting people. Thanks again for mentioning Tony’s work. I hope more people can check out his site, and be exposed to his colorful artwork. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
wow, so the mystery of neckface has been solved! I remember when I lived in New York I was always seeing these hilarious neckface representations all over the city, and no one could tell me anything about it….he travels fast!
i was wondering what neck face’s story was! there’s a giant one near rainbow grocery that makes me want to scream & laugh simultaneously. thanks for the full story!
This photographer on live journal takes the most soulful images of graffiti in San Francisco. I’m so addicted to his images:
…of course I’m also forever addicted to your words and images too. 🙂
Andrea, this post makes me think of the book I am re-reading at the moment! It is a novel by Pat Murphy called “The City, Not Long After” where a bunch of artists take over an abandoned, post-apocolyptic San Francisco. San Francisco becomes both gallery space and pallette for the artists.
artists assuming canvas mirrors nature. nature assume creation imitating art imitating life.
beautiful site by the way.
Everythings a canvas! I love seeing graffiti- the colors are so vibrant and happy, and the art is such a true and honest expression of the people living in that area.
Speaking of canvases- this is a fun example of expression in the form of protest panties!! (regardless of your political views- no disrespect intended to anyone with differing views)