50 millimeters of love

doggie in art car, Canon Digital Rebel

See that wonderful blurry foreground on this photo? That’s the magic of my lovely new lens… I love you new lens! For the camera geeks out there, I originally purchased an 85mm {known as a portrait lens} but quickly realized that on my digital SLR the lens became a 135mm or something like it. To take a portrait I had to practically stand in a separate room than the person I was photographing! Not too practical or intimate. I instead bought a 50mm f/1.4 lens which translates to an 80mm and I am madly in love.

Another fantastic photographer who loves his 50mm f/1.4 is Eric Wahlstrom. Boy, is he good. He takes very beautiful, fashion-y photos of his friends that make me crazy. I want to eat these photos, and his friends. Check them out. You know what’s even cooler about him? He’s from Sweden. I didn’t even know how to decorate his name from my keyboard with all the umlats and wingdingies.

And take a little trip around the world on this site, Way to Blue.

Oh, and by the way, it’s the big 33 today and I was so happy to have all of your wishes. You guys fill me up and make my days so much brighter. Thank you…

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. David

    Happy Birthday! Use your new lens in the best of health!!!

  2. jenn

    happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear andrea, happy birthday to you.
    i just got back from vacation and had no idea it was your birthday. wishing you a day full of suprises and love.

  3. jenn

    ps… i love eric’s pictures and the way to blue website… they make me drunk with jealousy for a canon rebel.

  4. penelope

    Happy birthday, miss!
    I hope all your wishes come true!

  5. sasha

    i am sending all my birthday wishes from chilly NYC…

  6. Mabelle

    Feliz Cumpleanos, Andrea! I wish for you a lifetime of joy, health and endless love!

  7. Donna


  8. Michele

    Ohhhhh f/1.4. That is an awesome lens, and at a bargain price! Love your photography, you make beautiful pictures.
    Happy birthday! I think you’re awesome.

  9. Danie

    HaPPy biRthDaY!!!!!
    I love your pictures- even before your new lens! May all your birthday wishes come true!!

  10. Laura

    Happy birthday, you baby you!

  11. jackie

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day…

  12. Leonie

    Hap-hap-happy Birthday Scorpio sister!
    My birthday is on Friday ~ it is the season of celebrations.
    wishing you the most beautiful, magical, serendipitous special day and year.
    33 is such a precious, immense age (not that I have yet to reach it, I turn 22, but I’m a big fan of the number 3 and a big fan of same number b’days).
    Your webpage, journal, necklaces, photography and T-shirts burst with exuberance and joy.
    I’m looking forward to seeing your art too hun ~ I know it’s there ~ have seen it in SARK’s books 😉
    Much love and laughter to you and your new lens,

  13. JC

    Happy Birthday, Dear One.

  14. ani

    Happy Birthday! May it be a wonderful day, year and many more birthdays with goodness.

  15. lena

    yes, happy happy day. here’s to a happy, healthy and prosperous year.
    much love, lena

  16. The Other Andrew

    Happy Birthday Andrea from Down Under!
    One of the best birthday parties I ever went to was for a friend’s 33 1/3rd birthday (4 months after her actual birthday). She called the party ‘Analog’ and everyone had to bring along vinyl records, cassettes, 8 tracks – anything non-digital! It was great, by default it ended up being a 70’s & 80’s fest.

  17. Jill

    Happy Birthday Andrea! You are truly a gift to this world. I heard this quote today and it has stayed with me all day… I though you would appreciate it as it is the essence of what you continually remind me of through your words and your art…and so my gift to you:
    “The heart of joy is creation”
    – Laurie Chikering
    best wishes and blessings,

  18. Julia

    Happy, Happy, Joyous Birthday to you! May all the blessings life has to offer, come to you in abundance. p.s. Love the effect with you new lens!

  19. Caroline

    Have a happy, lucky birthday! Great sites by the way, the Swedish guy is amazing.

  20. mademoiselle a.

    33 is a magical number — but I am biased. Or hopeless? Happy Birthday, and many more to come!

  21. Loody

    Happy Birthday! I really enjoy your blog. x

  22. Keri Smith

    oooh, a belated birthday hug to you my dear!
    may the next year open you up in the most beautiful and expansive ways.
    see you in a couple of weeks!
    love k.

  23. Keri Smith

    oooh, a belated birthday hug to you my dear!
    may the next year open you up in the most beautiful and expansive ways.
    see you in a couple of weeks!
    love k.

  24. Keri Smith

    oooh, a belated birthday hug to you my dear!
    may the next year open you up in the most beautiful and expansive ways.
    see you in a couple of weeks!
    love k.

  25. Keri Smith

    oooh, a belated birthday hug to you my dear!
    may the next year open you up in the most beautiful and expansive ways.
    see you in a couple of weeks!
    love k.

  26. Keri Smith

    oooh, a belated birthday hug to you my dear!
    may the next year open you up in the most beautiful and expansive ways.
    see you in a couple of weeks!
    love k.

  27. Keri Smith

    oooh, a belated birthday hug to you my dear!
    may the next year open you up in the most beautiful and expansive ways.
    see you in a couple of weeks!
    love k.

  28. Keri Smith

    oooh, a belated birthday hug to you my dear!
    may the next year open you up in the most beautiful and expansive ways.
    see you in a couple of weeks!
    love k.

  29. Keri Smith

    oooh, a belated birthday hug to you my dear!
    may the next year open you up in the most beautiful and expansive ways.
    see you in a couple of weeks!
    love k.

  30. Keri Smith

    oooh, a belated birthday hug to you my dear!
    may the next year open you up in the most beautiful and expansive ways.
    see you in a couple of weeks!
    love k.

  31. becky

    your birthday is november 9th too? happy birthday to you! hope you found a special way to celebrate the wonderful woman that you are. I just returned from a trip to Walt Disney World – where if it’s your birthday you get to wear a pin that says “it’s my birthday” and every cast member says HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you 🙂

  32. iliana

    Hope you had a wonderful birthday Andrea! Can’t wait to see more pics you’ll take with your new lens.

  33. Katherine

    I checked out 40h.net – and you are right: the pictures make you want to just eat them up yum! so vibrant and luminous and alive . . . thanks for the url . . . and happy birthday! 🙂

  34. Gayla

    Oh how exciting! Happy Birthday wishes to you! 33 is a super great age. You will rock out harder than ever this year Andrea!

  35. erika

    Happy belated birthday hun! You rocked out. Poor Tweety! 🙂

  36. Jen in Cleveland

    Love the site, love your art, love everything about you, you’re fabulous. Well…everything I know at any rate. 🙂
    And, thanks for sharing the “way to blue” site, it rocks my socks!
    Have a wonderful happy happy birthday! I hope all your wishes come true!

  37. jenn

    ack! i missed the birthday! buon cumpleano! tanti agurri!
    (got my shirt last week. loved my shirt since before last week)
    thanks for your positive energy!

  38. NY shygirl

    Happy Birthday, Andrea!
    I’ve never posted a comment here before and I’ve never ordered any of your stuff (sorry, no consumer am I). But I do read your blog often and just want to wish you a happy birth-day everyday. Your work on this site helps so much. It’s like reading a favorite book on a quiet Sunday and you know the author is your friend even though you know you’ll never meet. Reading/viewing your stuff is like that. Stay true, stay honest, keep being alive. I do love you even though we are technically strangers to each other. What a great world, eh?
    (It’s actually Sat, Nov 13 so I guess this is a belated Happy B from NYC.)

  39. Marita Paige

    I wish I could eat your photos. You’re amazing!

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