keri & jeff

keri and jeff, Canon Digital Rebel

Witnessing the love story firsthand while Keri Smith and Jeff Pitcher stay with me. What a gift to see love unfolding {and unfolded} before your eyes.


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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. jenn

    What a beautiful piture of Jeff and Keri. You can feel the love and happiness between them. What a wonderful thing to get to witness.

  2. Jenny Vorwaller

    whoa! i have been reading keri’s site for years now (literally!) and have never seen such an honest picture of her~it’s really strange…to have been inspired by keri for so long and then see a picture of her, pop! up on your site, unexpected. (they are such a great looking couple!) thanks~

  3. Jennifer

    Thanks for including the links to Jeff and Keri’s websites!! I’ve never visited them before…

  4. Carrie Colbert

    How cool to see this picture of Keri! I just recently found her site (through you, I am sure, Andrea) and have ordered her book. 🙂
    Beautiful photos!
    – Carrie

  5. Deanna

    I love these guys, they are an inspiration,
    I read both of their site’s.
    Kerri by far is living out loud, I’m on my way.
    Thanks for the honesty and inspiration you guys share,
    its here in these photos.

  6. Mabelle

    Such beautiful photo, it really captures their love…thanks for sharing it with us!
    I had the priviledge of meeting Keri at the HOW Conference this past spring and I enjoyed every single minute of her presentation. Her smile is totally transparent, it shows her spirit!

  7. mati

    wow! i love it! i saw them earlier today at cafe gratitude and could not put my finger on who they were, but they looked familiar. funny. they are glowing:)

  8. Caroline

    Ack, I’m so jealous. I can’t find a date and everyone else is falling in love. How are all these people finding each other? Awesome pictures though, I don’t mean to be a downer. Bad week.

  9. Dawn

    Andrea, You are all three such beautiful people – on all levels – and your beauty is humbly reflected in your artistic expression and work. Truly, thanks for sharing!

  10. Julia

    What pretty people you know! It’s such a delight to see the love shining in their eyes. Such joy and beauty is a delight. Thanks for sharing them and their stories. 🙂

  11. erika

    They do make a cute couple. I LOVE Keri’s ring. Ask her where she got it, please pretty please. I can’t find thick silver rings like that anywhere. I have many quests going on right now and that’s one of them.
    Caroline, you aren’t the only one. Where is my Prince Semi-Charming?? 🙂
    I’m not settling but I would love to have love right now. I’m impatient.

  12. Robin

    Greetings from Canada!
    Hi Andrea. I have been reading your site for about a year now and I just have to tell you how much I enjoy it. Your words and photos are truly beautiful. Your creativity inspires me to the nth degree. It is through you that I have discovered Keri. Thank you!! I recently purchased “Living Out Loud” and what a great investment that turned out to be. Take care.
    Side Note: Did anyone else notice that Keri used the fabric from the shirt Jeff is wearing in these photos in her caricature in her September 27th post?
    Either I have a really good eye for detail or I have way too much time on my hands……I hope it’s not the latter. : )

  13. erika

    Robin – wow, you do have a fantastic eye. I would have never noticed that.

  14. laura

    That is absolutely fantastic that they met through your website Andrea, after you posted the piece on Jeff back in November. I didn’t realise that until I read all their posts. They were filling in the gaps in each other’s stories. Like a giant join the dots. A join the words!!
    I found the link to Jeff’s site and Keri’s site through your community links.I thought they knew each other before November. I don’t know why, but I thought maybe all the people knew each other.
    But they didn’t, you brought them together through your fantastic descriptions.
    You are the ultimate Friendster!!! 🙂

  15. Karen Murley

    I can’t remember who asked about Keri’s ring, but the Sundance Catalog carries great handmade jewelry and I know I’ve seen chunky silver rings like that before in there…they’re online,

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