robin’s egg blue

Deb Talan, Canon Digital Rebel

A story I heard from SARK that has stuck with me forever…

A woman at one of SARKs’ book signings stood up and told this story: When she was little, she found a robin’s egg in a tree. She was SO excited about it that she went to check on it every day to see if it had hatched. Every day it looked the same, simply a beautiful little blue treasure sitting in a nest. And every day she grew more impatient. One day she couldn’t help herself and took the egg out of the nest and picked at it until it opened up. She found a chick inside, far too small to survive. If she had only left it to grow a big longer, it would have cracked open, big and healthy on its own.

I think of this story today as I wait {mostly impatiently} for the beauties and joys in my life to be born. I draw upon this story when I think that sometimes it looks like nothing is happening, when really there is something growing every day even if we can’t see it.

I know there are obvious parallels to pregnancy here, but I offer up this image today to remind you that whatever seeds you have been planting {creative ideas, a new business, a new relationship} are working their magic even when you can’t see them.


My trunk show list for the season. Also, the new candy cane jewels.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Jennifer

    You take such wonderful photos! I don’t know what it is about you and your subjects – I mean, if I tried to just plop somebody down with a flower, it wouldn’t come close to what you produce!!

  2. JC

    Sometimes, I think that if I stare at whatever I planted intesely enough that it will cause growth. I also think that it take courage to keep planting and experiencing growth instead of getting discouraged.

  3. Eva

    I read this saying somewhere: wait when you think you can?t wait any longer. And it really works. I like to have done everything immediatelly and I tend to push people around me doing it. Or myself. No good. Some waiting can be good if not better 🙂

  4. Rachel

    I really needed to read just such a story today. I will tuck those images in my heart and pull them out as necessary. Thank you.

  5. Ali

    Andrea – you have such a way with words and images. I love this story and the idea that something is growing even when we can not *see* it with our eyes. Blessings on you 🙂

  6. Dawne

    Andrea, you always have the most inspiring stories, and you always post them when I need to hear them. Thank you!

  7. Sue

    I pray for you often Andrea. You’re a gift.
    I also love your new line of jewelry. It’s beautiful.

  8. emily

    oh darling, i am sending such warm wishes from a freezing cold burlington, vt. you are in my thoughts, and i am praying for you!!
    ps- ruby tuesdays got sued by a girl in PA because they tried to fire her for not wearing makeup!!!!!! 🙂 isnt that stellar? no more makeup at work!

  9. iliana

    Truly beautiful picture and post.

  10. Amy

    Your journal is a reservoir of goodness…Thank you!
    I just wanted to say that I am traveling to Germany on Saturday and I am going to light a candle for you and Matt in one of the old cathedrals for the blessing of a little one to grown inside your belly. I figure letting a bit of “wish” light shine on all of those wise, ancient walls could never be a bad thing!
    Happy Holiday’s ~ Amy K.

  11. mati

    so nice to see you at we be! best wishes for your trunk shows & magic happenin’. i just noticed that sunday is the fiesta of our lady of guadalupe- mexico’s miracle worker:) let’s see!

  12. penelope

    What a great story. I’m sure I’ll think of it a lot as I’m a very impatient person myself.

  13. Kate

    You make my day. I wish I could offer a more eloquent overall assessment to your journal and your art right now. But that’s it: it makes my day to visit your site. It gives me hope. Thank you.

  14. korin

    I was just introduced to your journal.. and I just wanted to say I love your style! Blessings to you!
    Also.. the woman in this picture.. is this Deb Talan of the band Hummingfish?? Her voice has been haunting me as of late! Her song “She” fills my days! If it is her, glad to know she’s still out there making kick ass music. Now I must look at her website!
    Thanks! Blessings!

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