Photo Friday: Faces

Sasha with teacup, Canon Digital Rebel

Photo Friday’s theme this week is “Faces.” Note cartoonlike steam coming out of tea cup.

An excellent list of radio stations you can stream on the internet {Down with sucky mainstream radio!}

And Hay House radio {via Island Fever}

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. erika

    that is beautiful. and the steam is amazing. i can catch steam with my rebel?? hmmm 🙂 hehe.
    portrait or freeze frame mode?

  2. andrea

    I used a flash which captured the “action” really well::

  3. Penelope

    What a beautiful photo!
    (p.s. I wish it were green here. ugh.)

  4. lena

    and i like the heart coming out of her head!

  5. Kate
    Best radio station I have found. It’s in Seattle but streams beautifully on the internet. I can dream of the West Coast while here in Austin, TX.

  6. tine

    Just gorgeous and truly exquisite, Andrea! The colours are all perfect and the atmosphere you captured…wow! The steam is almost too good to be true 🙂
    And Sasha…she is such a gorgeous soul especially in that necklace of yours (which kind is it??). Love it!! Just beautiful. *sigh*
    Tine 😀

  7. andrea

    thanks guys!
    And Tine, she is wearing a cotton candy necklace. 🙂

  8. Kymberlee

    Andrea, this is SO beautiful! I’ve seen Sasha on your journal often. She is so radiant, filled with life and so photogenic. Your skillful photography makes all your subjects photogenic, I think. This is one of those moments that is such a blessing when captured. Thank you for sharing it here. 🙂

  9. tine

    Cool, Andrea!
    I was thinking she might but wasn’t a hundred percent sure. She looks magical in it!! Makes me want to order one, too… 🙂

  10. Donavan

    Super shot, beautiful Sasha, great light, expert framing (heart over the head is GREAT!)…
    Did you use the flash head on or bounce it?
    Auto or manual?
    I know, I’m a photo geek.
    But then again, so are you… 😉

  11. andrea

    such good questions!
    I pointed the flash to the ceiling and bounced that shit
    all over the place. 🙂
    420 EX
    I usually shoot on P. I love P.
    your fellow photo geek,

  12. Chloe

    Best radio station online right now is you can get a free stream or help them out with a monthly donation. Has about 12 different stations you can listen too… check it out!!
    Great picture… BTW 🙂

  13. jules

    woxy rocks! it is the only thing i like about cincinnati!!! cool picture. i miss the sunshine.

  14. carrster

    How lovely! I want to be sitting right there in that room – with the back door open, GREEN grass, a hot cuppa somthing and laughter filling the air. *sigh* Heaven.

  15. Amy

    That is absolutely my favorite photograph of Sasha — excellent eye and compostition Andrea!
    It is pure magic!!!!

  16. Marilyn

    That ‘cartoon steam’ makes it all just perfect. Gorgeous photo of Sasha…and I want that house/cottage! It’s like you opened the door and suddenly there was…Oz…(West Coast version)…

  17. mati

    wow! this pic looks unreal, like a photomontage… i love it! this weather is AMAZING!!

  18. Sophie

    That photo is fantastic. Sasha is very beautiful, and i want to live in that house.

  19. Leonie

    Pardon me while I *drooooool*
    That is the most SCRUMPTIOUS photo ~ such a beautiful moment ~ everything entirely sublime. The subject, the hair, the light on the hair, the tea cup, the steam, the outside, the fence, the lush lush grass.
    Adore, adore, adore!
    Yay You!
    love and laughter,

  20. Andrea

    Ditto on the photography comments and the beautiful Sasha comments…
    But it’s the steam, baby! I LOVE IT! It’s like there’s a genie coming out of that teacup, damn it! It’s alive! I JUST LOVE IT!!!
    (Ohmygosh…why am I shouting on your blog? BECAUSE I’M FEELING SO GLEEFUL BECAUSE OF THAT STEAM!!!)

  21. paisley jane

    great photo ! i love that cup!

  22. Sonia

    I was wandering by and find your page. I love it! (Sorry my bad English, I am from S?o Paulo, Brazil). Yours thougts are sensisite, yours photos are beautiful!
    Thanks for your great site! Congratulations!

  23. mademoiselle a.

    Really impressive. I like that the steam posed pretty for you; whenever I try to catch steam, it would “run off” to one or the other side, but surely never rise straight upwards.

  24. Laura

    Andrea, I want:
    A view like that. (Who’s house is it?)
    Arms like Sasha’s. (How does she do it?)
    A necklace of yours. (One of these days…)
    A garden gate like that. (Soon, soon….)
    A camera like yours! (Sigh.)
    Beautiful friends like that. (THAT I got. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  25. Karrie

    Thank you for the wonderful photo and the radio listings!

  26. drunkenbatman

    Your ability to capture a moment really stirs my jealous genes.

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