Mountain Home bathroom, Canon Digital Rebel
The Photobloggies are accepting nominations for best photoblogs from around the world! Deadline to submit nominations is midnight this Wednesday, March 16th.
Maybe you’d like to vote for this site! That would be so nice…
Consider yourself officially nominated. I hope you win!
I love your blog, by the way. Found it through Another Girl at Play. It inspired the first entry on my own blog.
Consider it done, baby!! MWAH!!!
Those photos of you in bathroom mirrors always make me smile – so totally you!
sure thing! you look stunning in this picture, by the way.
Done! For several categories actually! 🙂
Done! For several categories actually! 🙂
Done! For several categories actually! 🙂
Done! For several categories actually! 🙂
Done! For several categories actually! 🙂
Done! For several categories actually! 🙂
Done! For several categories actually! 🙂
Done! For several categories actually! 🙂
Done! For several categories actually! 🙂
stunning picture of you. i love it.
can’t wait to see how many categories you win in… we have all nominated you for several.
of course i voted for you in a few categories. hope you win… not only for the ipod shuffle (i have one… best thing i ever bought besides my camera)… but also for the recognition.
did i ever tell you congrats for your entry in JPEG mag? well, congrats! to me, you deserve ALL the awards!
A peering insight into a bathroom.
A peering insight into you.
Awesome photo.
And nominations DONE! Wa~laaaa!
Go you good thing!
Happy to vote for you. Good luck.
you get my vote sweetie 🙂
p.s. cool shirt
I am voting to your blog in Best American Photoblog.
I hope you will win!
I voted for ya! You deserve at least one!
Hey Andrea, just placed my votes on you!
Voted for you, but of course!
I hope you win. I voted you!!
I put in a vote for you. I love your photography.
You are the best. I told them so too.
only seems fair that you give so many pleasure with your photos that we (ie I) should vote for you.
You, of course!