Birds, by Rigo, Canon Digital Rebel
One of my favorite San Francisco artists named Rigo did this piece. He also did the most excellent public art piece in 1995 called One Tree. You can view it here:here. This one lonely tree is situated in a fairly industrial part of town, warehouses and freeway entrances abound. I love coming across it when I drive in that part of the city.
Spent way too much time entertaining myself on the Dead celebrity Soul Mate Search site! Apparently, in another era, I would have been destined for James Baldwin.
Obsessed with a radio show called New Dimensions and the soundtrack to Garden State.
Yeah! This is my favorite kind of art—the kind that’s out there, for everyone…no price tags, no frames…just beautiful, whimsical and just because.
Yeah! This is my favorite kind of art—the kind that’s out there, for everyone…no price tags, no frames…just beautiful, whimsical and just because.
Yeah! This is my favorite kind of art—the kind that’s out there, for everyone…no price tags, no frames…just beautiful, whimsical and just because.
Yeah! This is my favorite kind of art—the kind that’s out there, for everyone…no price tags, no frames…just beautiful, whimsical and just because.
Yeah! This is my favorite kind of art—the kind that’s out there, for everyone…no price tags, no frames…just beautiful, whimsical and just because.
Yeah! This is my favorite kind of art—the kind that’s out there, for everyone…no price tags, no frames…just beautiful, whimsical and just because.
Yeah! This is my favorite kind of art—the kind that’s out there, for everyone…no price tags, no frames…just beautiful, whimsical and just because.
Yeah! This is my favorite kind of art—the kind that’s out there, for everyone…no price tags, no frames…just beautiful, whimsical and just because.
Yeah! This is my favorite kind of art—the kind that’s out there, for everyone…no price tags, no frames…just beautiful, whimsical and just because.
Hello, I’m new! Not even sure how I ended up here, but what a wonderful site.
I had three [perplexing] soulmates: James Baldwin (love his writing, but he was gay?!), Edgar Allen Poe (I have no explanation for this), and Vincent Van Gogh. This explains why the historical drama which defines my love life! 🙂
The whimsical urban art should be a staple everywhere. Things that make us stop during the chaotic day to look at the sky.
ha, i got james baldwin, too… must mean that the people drawn to this site are drawn to the same type of Dead Celebrity. 😉
Hee hee, love it 😀 just genius!
Very cool Andrea!
gs soundtrack rocks!
check out my site
gs soundtrack rocks!
check out my site
Garden State soundtrack is fab. The Shins are amazing. And, you should check out (if you haven’t already) the original version of “Such Great Heights” by the Postal Service. A COMPLETELY different sounding song than Iron and Wine’s version.
Here’s one more for James Baldwin and Mr. Poe!
Funny isn’t it, how one may never notice the beauty of a single tree or of a bird flying until someone slaps an arrow in front of their face and says “LOOK!!! IT’S A TREE!”
As the snow has melted and spring is approaching I once again find myself by the rivers letting the wind be my arrow. And I hope that in my daily life I might once in a while be an arrow for other people.
I like them both
I have not seen “birdes”, but one tree is always a joy
Hi. My name is Anderson. I’m a brazilian Photographer. Actually a amateur, yet. I like this kind of fotoblog’s design. Pictures + text. I call it Photoblog+. Your work is very beatiful. Congratulations.
I have an fotoblof too. If u want, take a look at I will be glad to exchange experiences. I love Black and white photo.
haha. i got poe, van gogh, and james baldwin as my choices too. hehee….funny.
I got Poe, Van Gogh and Baldwin also….hmmm.
I also got those three choices! I suppose that’s why we’re all posting on the same website, right? Same passions & ideals.
love the artwork–also, I have the Garden State soundtrack in regular rotation.
if i wanted a print of your birds photo . . . would that be possible?
= )
My co-worker and I are also obsessed with the Garden State cd. It is our favorite “at work and got the blahs” pick me up. We listen to it almost daily.
Very cool work! Thank you for posting it — I never would have known about it otherwise!