Fortune Cookie Factory, Olympus Epic
Have you ever traveled to Nepal, Bhutan or Tibet? My friend Kim is writing a guidebook for this region and is looking for contributors.
From Kim:
“I am currently building and serving as the editor for a guidebook on the Himalaya region, specifically Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet. It is for Things Asian Press, a small publisher in San Francisco. The book will be eclectic and anecdotally-based and feature the writings of inspired travelers from around the world.
If you can recommend anyone you know who has traveled to any of these areas in recent history and might be interested in contributing to this project, send them my way. I’m looking for seasoned travelers who are also skilled writers (evocative, humorous, academic, etc.), who can offer this book some excellent insight and soul. Expats or former expats are also a bonus. Naturally I’m working with deadlines so if you have anyone in mind, please forward their contact info soon, or have them contact me.”
Thanks very much for your help!
And some recent discoveries a little closer to home:
– Aerial photography by Alex Maclean
– The most incredible chalk drawings you ever did see.
– And Hungaro’s shot of that amazing sign {from my Beneath the Surface entry}
That arial photography was AWESOME!
is that the naughty fortune cookie factory?? if so- that place is amazing!!! 🙂
I think that I have been there, if it is the naughty fortune cookie place.
Maybe I should go to Nepal, like, this weekend, so I can contribute 😉
I have more to look at but I think “daisy docks” is my favorite of Maclean’s photos so far. Thank you for sharing this link. It’s both awesome (in the truest sense of the word) and inspiring.
you always give such awesome links!!! those pix and drawings are OMG, WOW!
I’m going to email Kim with Solbeam’s link (she’s traveling there now). If you’re not familiar with Solbeam, A, check her out:
I love this photo Andrea! The way you framed it with the cookies in front and the red banner along the top is perfect.
Thank you for sharing the links… Alex’s photography gave me chills! What a lucky man. To think of all the things he has seen from a “different” perspective. Gorgeous shots!