The ferry building & other delights

The ferry building at the Embarcadero, Canon Digital Rebel

Things inspiring me today:

– The birds in this tree {via rosie}. And while you’re there, check out the rest of this beautiful site.
– My friend Sabrina’s story about being brave on the rocks. {I was reminded of this on Ali Edward’s awesome site}
Shaken faces.
– Excellent Lomo shots. {It’s also a great example of cross processing which is shooting slide film and developing it like regular color film.}
– Mrs. Meyer’s dish soap in geranium is so yummy.
– Rediscovering 43 things
– Wanting this book.
– Reading this book and this book.
– And a great quote from the wonderful Jack Kornfield:

“The wisdom of the heart is here, just now, at any moment. It has always been here, and it is never too late to find it. The wholeness and freedom we seek is our own true nature, who we really are. Whenever we start a spiritual practice, read a spiritual book, or contemplate what it means to live well, we have begun the inevitable process of opening to this truth, the truth of life itself.”

P.S. For all of you that were curious about Marcia’s red lipstick, she gives you the full glamalicious lowdown in the comments section of the kiwi entry.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Beastmomma

    All good stuff. Thanks for sharing with us, your lucky readers.

  2. Michelle

    As always, thanks for sharing your world. I just finished reading Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life last week and I absolutely loved it. It made me feel happy. It took over me. I found that when I journaled I went into AKR mode and sounded like her. It was weird (and fun!) to have a book effect me that way. I think you’ll enjoy it.

  3. Lu

    Interesting books you are reading and wanting.

  4. ali

    🙂 love your musings

  5. dragonflypurity

    I simply LOVE the picture of the birds on the tree… thanks for waking me up at work.

  6. amanda

    What a beautiful quote from Jack Kornfield. Funny, that I mentioned Chochmat HaLev in a prior comment (last week, was it?). Chochmat HaLev means “wisdom of the heart.”
    I’m glad you shared the books you are reading. I’m always searching for the next good one that will change my perspective, ever so slightly.

  7. Jess

    I work right down the block from the “bird tree.” My co-workers and I have a running commentary on the tree. ” Each day the birds are surrounded by more and more buds. I am eager for the buds to blossom. Then, we will just know that the birds are hidden beneath the flowers in the sanctuary of branches.

  8. mindi

    Thanks for that 43 Things link, I’m addicted!

  9. Tonestar

    Hi Andrea,
    I’ve discovered your site via a friend of mine and I must say it brings a smile to my face everytime I read it.
    I currently reside in Tasmania, Australia and reading people’s blogs from around the world, keeps my travel dream alive.
    Keep up the great work 🙂

  10. m

    cool ! I just bought some slide film last week and I’m half way through the roll – not sure if its sunny enough here in edinburgh to get those really fantastic shots…

  11. Alison

    The birds in the tree! I walked by (I was either on my way to or from class) when they were being put up a few weeks ago….a 20-something guy on a ladder with a few of his friends hanging around. I was sure that it has something to do with some sort of advertising or promo campaign (it is in Manhattan, after all), but it’s nice to see that they’re just sitting there, all bird-y. I’ll have to walk by there again soon, although I forgot exactly where it was.

  12. rachel

    Hi sweet pea, I thought you would like this quote, from one of my favorite authors:
    “A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.”
    – Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  13. kristen

    i just started reading anne’s fear book. love it!

  14. brian

    Andrea-great photo! Enjoyed reading through the things that inspire you. Wanted to see if you would be willing to post about Glide sometime, or even your own spiritual journey.

  15. amy

    Andrea, you inspire ME! Thank you for posting your beautiful pictures of San Fran! I remember fondly as a little girl, visiting this fabulous city because my grandmother lived close by. We would fly to see her for weeks during the summer, when my parents could afford it. What wonderful memories I have of visiting the Embarcadero, Pier 39, Ghiradelli, etc, etc, etc! Thanks for bringing back great memories of your wonderful city and of my grandmother!

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