
Kim’s belly & Liam, Canon Digital Rebel

Waiting for both my sister and my dear friend Kim to have their babies this week. Every time the phone rings I get a little butterfly in my stomach.

(I love that both Kim and Liam’s bellies are showing in this photo.)

“Making the decision to have a child – it’s momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.”
– Elizabeth Stone

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Tracy

    Thanks for the quote. It’s what I’ve felt every moment since my son was born (over 15 years ago) and I don’t think it ever goes away.

  2. Annie

    I love this photo, Andrea… the backdrop, the bellies and especially Liam’s Mardi Gras beads. I’d have only recognised those because of my own sons’ love of them.
    Thank you for sharing these beautiful slices of your life with us. It’s so appreciated.

  3. Heather

    Wow. What a great photo and quote. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Lu

    That is a great quote. Almost made me cry. The photo is lovely.

  5. mikaelah

    What a beautiful photo and the quote is exactly how it is. Thank you for your amazing ability to see and hear and your generosity in sharing what you find. You are such a blessing.
    with gratitude,

  6. Beastmomma

    I have been thinking lately about how as an older sibling, you get to experience bits of parenthood. Weird concept, I know. I need to flush it out more. Anyway, I think the photograph captures some of it.

  7. Jen Downer

    What BEAUTY! Its a great photo… wish I had hired you to shoot my enormous belly a few weeks ago! ;o) This image will be a treasure for this family forever more. (also, those are the hottest maternity pants EVER!)
    I know that quote well… its so very true.
    My littler One just turned one month yesterday, so that anticipatory feeling of waiting for arrival is fresh for me. Enjoy it! Its so exciting! Wishes to them all for beautiful births and healthy babies!

  8. jan

    it’s true; that quote does make one cry…thanks for finding it. the photo is so lovely too. wish i had one like that.

  9. joy madison

    sooo exciting. I have two SIL’s that are pregnant right now!

  10. amy

    Happy wishes for healthy babies for your sis and Kim! I am going to send that quote to my own mamma and sister! Absolutely beautiful sentiment and photo!
    (Your belly will look that way soon, A!)

  11. Karen

    That’s a great quote — I’d never heard it before. And I’d like to point out, as an adoptive mother, the quote works no matter how your child comes into your life!

  12. stef

    how exciting – I love this photo…
    I too had those same pants! fun!!

  13. jenn

    great quote andrea…. as an aunt I feel the same exact way.

  14. Marjorie

    Your photos are small poems that catch those transcendant moments of life that flutter by and fall past your fingers like a perfect snowfake. I find myself hodling my breathe when I see them.
    Thank you so much for sharing these momentn and may both babies come at the right time and may God bless all with health and abundance.

  15. fern

    I love all your photos, but this one seems to have the makings of an award winner. Beautiful bellies!

  16. Daniel

    Great photo.

  17. t

    andrea-i have been following your blog off and on for months now. you always have something inspiring to share. this picture, however, of mr. liam and miss kim-made me smile so big. i love san fran-im from socal-and this picture, SCREAMS san fran. and the funny thing is, it isnt the skyline or the homes in the background. it is kims pants!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Love it love it love it.

  18. denise

    that has to be one of the most moving pics i have ever seen… i love everything about it… the whole world is waiting for the arrival… monumentous… as a mom.. that pic says it all

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