weekend in the woods

The Weepies in my kitchen, Polaroid SX-70

We’re off for a long weekend with friends. A cabin in the woods near the ocean no less! Matt and I are also celebrating our 2 year wedding anniversary!

Some excellent artists to visit while we’re away:
Camille Engman rocks. Be sure to visit her blog as well.
– Beautiful illustrated journals by Henrik Drescher. I like that I can see my last name in his.
Rena Tom is a jewelry designer who recently moved from SF to Brooklyn. She makes beautiful things. I only wish I knew her when she lived here!
– Just bought Gayla’s new book You Grow Girl. Very excited to learn to garden. I have never grown anything in my entire life and grew up in a plantless house. Can you believe it? I didn’t know you could grow food in your backyard until recently.
– My favorite site for baby gifts is Black Wagon. How can you resist an ACDC onesie?
Alison Bank’s photos make me happy. She will inspire you.
– I just discovered that the talented woman who photographed my wedding {Rikka Zimmerman} is also a country singer! You can see her new site here and hear her clips on Itunes.
– I just got Ali Edward’s book, A Designer’s Eye for Scrapbooking and want to immediately gather all of my old photos and make them into beautiful stories. Ali and Carrie Colbert have given me a whole new idea of what scrapbooking is. This ain’t your grandmother’s scrapbook ladies!


And I know I posted this quote recently, but I need to drill it into my head. I think if we could all really get this, our lives would transform.

“The lesson which life repeats and constantly enforces is “look under foot.” You are always nearer the divine and the true sources of your power than you think. The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are. Do not despise your own place and hour. Every place is under the stars, every place is the center of the world.”
– John Burroughs

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. shelly

    Happy Days Andrea& Matt.

  2. joy madison

    many of your readers are scrapbookers:)

  3. Leslie

    I love your quote for the day……Heeheehee – that very same quote was on my Zen Calendar for yesterday. Hmmmmmmmm same quote given to me two days in a row; must mean something.
    Happy Anniversary and I can’t think of a better place to be then in a cabin by the ocean. Pure Bliss.

  4. jenn

    happy anniv. to you and matt.
    i hope your weekend is wonderful.

  5. Jill

    That is a great quote.

  6. angela

    oh, so in love with rena and her designs myself.
    she’s been absolutely sweetness lovely helping me figure a few things out for the new webdesign and shopping cart on the website. and one day, i plan on spoiling myself endlessly with her gems as well.
    now to make myself a cup of tea and indulge in some of these shared secrets of yours.
    and a happy happy lovely sweet anniversary to you and matt.
    hugs you.<

  7. Amy Jensen

    Happy Anniversary Andrea and Matt!!
    Amy J

  8. mindi

    Happy Anniversary 🙂 a cabin in the woods near the ocean…could it get any better?

  9. Daphne

    What? You’ve never grown anything? Your pictures and your words are so earthy and embracing of nature, planting seeds in a bit of dirt in order to witness a miraculous growth surely must be your next adventure. You’ll be a natural. I’m sure of it.
    Happy anniversary.

  10. stef

    Happy Anniversary!

  11. mademoiselle a.

    Happy Anniversary! Tanti auguri!

  12. Milly

    Happy Anniversary! Hope you have a fun weekend.
    I love Rena Tom’s jewelry. I bought a necklace and bracelet from her. She’s rocks!

  13. rena

    happy anniversary my dears! derek and i celebrated our 2 year also, on wednesday. give matt a giant bear hug in the woods 🙂

  14. jan

    greetings from vancouver – found you via hulaseventy. it’s very serene here. think i’ll visit more often. thanks for the nice quote and enjoy your vacation. look forward to visiting when you get back.

  15. Karrie Myers

    You are the star (sort of) of my first published blog entry! So, thanks for making me kick myself in the ass and do it. You can take a gander at the entry on my site here http://www.karriemyers.com
    Thank you, Andrea!

  16. Carrie

    I somehow missed this post until Ali emailed me about it. Guess I didn’t scroll down far enough this morning. 🙂 How cool to be mentioned on the blog of someone who is such a source of inspiration for me. Hugs, A!

  17. Carrie

    I just checked out your wedding photos – being that I am in wedding planning mode 🙂 They are gorgeous!!!

  18. Hazel

    Thank you for posting that quote. It levelled me back down to ground, in the midst of law finals and university stress, that quote made me think of stopping the crying and complaining and realising how lucky I am to be where I am today. I have it within me to take what I have and go far but sometimes we all need a little reassurance of that.
    Your journal inspires me so much, thank you!

  19. jack

    i always find myself adding tons of “favorites” from your site. awesome links… so inspiring and helpful.

  20. Tina

    First, that photo just speaks to me. Loving your links, such a creative eye that you have. Had a little smile to see Ali’s book mentioned. Like Carrie, I was a contributor. Such a thrill to work with those amazing girls. 🙂 And the Black Wagon website is making me wish for another baby. Happy Aniiversary!

  21. Nina

    Happy Anniversary! Your anniversary is the same day as ours — only nine years here and certainly not as well photographed. Many blessings to you both!

  22. samin

    i have to say that i kind of love your wedding cupcakes. amazing. there are millions of them!

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