2 months old

my nephew Caleb, Canon Digital Rebel

I could take photos of this guy all day long. There is a familiarity about him that stirs me… Looking at his face is like looking at baby pictures of my sister or of myself. I can see how this whole familial recognition thing helps perpetuate the species.

I just adore him.


A big thank you to everyone who has been commenting lately. I am forever amazed by your generosity, your big hearts, and your kind wisdom.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Karen

    Ooooh, that face. That sweet little face.

  2. espana

    hello little tiger!
    You are precious!

  3. Jennifer

    I love the middle picture!! It looks like he’s winking!!
    And hell, we should be thanking YOU!! You’re the one the puts your comments out there every week!! Very brave of you to put your thoughts into writing for all to see, especially when you could possibly get hackers or idiots to respond. So thanks. It’s great to know that everyone has things they think about or worry about or whatever…

  4. amanda

    such a wise little face! too cute. reminds me of the hasidic (or is it kabbalistic?) concept of how we are born with complete knowledge. doesn’t last long! he is sooo sweet.

  5. Anna

    It’s amazing that he’s already two months old~ so fresh and round and sweet. My own nephew, Anthony, will be seven months this week, and that just blows me away. My sister, brother-in-law, and the bean will be here for a visit next week and I can really hardly wait~ he’s such a miraculous love lump. Happy!

  6. jenn

    When I logged on I actually stopped breathing for a second and thought, Oh my, that is Andrea…. then I read what you wrote and laughed. He is completly you. It’s amazing isn’t it!
    You are one of the lucky ones (like me) to have these small family memebers around. I believe they teach us a so much, so make sure you are watching.

  7. natala

    he’s perfect 🙂

  8. amy b.

    oh my, I adore him too!
    he’s a lucky boy…..
    Hi Cabeb You Sweet Thing You.

  9. amy b.

    oh my, I adore him too!
    he’s a lucky boy…..
    Hi Cabeb You Sweet Thing You.

  10. Nisa

    Awwwwwwwwwww!! What a shayna poonum (yiddish for pretty face). As my grandma would say. =) Thanks for bringing such a big smile to my face this evening.

  11. wn

    yay us! Just kidding. You make it easy babe!

  12. Gabrielle

    He is just beautiful – and so alert! And that onesie is just the sweetest. Babies have the best energy just oozing out of them (that first photo is proof)! Soak in as much of that good baby sweetness as you can.

  13. Tine

    Just… adorable, sigh!

  14. joy madison

    I love that feel of familarity! When my son was born I just had this feeling I had known him forever. He looked like one of my brothers (I had 4) or myself…or someone. It was odd. My 2 daughters didn’t have that “old soulmate” quality to them that Jaden did!
    My favorite is the top one. I love the sweet look on his face!

  15. kristen

    he is BEAUTIFUL!

  16. Laura

    Such a cutie-pie. 🙂

  17. Jen

    When I first saw this picture – I thoought – he looks like you. He really does. Crazy!!

  18. Emily

    I’m not usually a baby person, but he’s gorgeous. You have captured him so well!
    Have a good day.

  19. Donna

    oh, he’s a darling!

  20. Jen D

    Caleb makes me feel good all over… as do you, Andrea.
    thank YOU!

  21. Piper

    OH.MI.GOD. I saw this entry first thing this morning and my ovaries haven’t stopped quivering since (this is the third time I’ve gone back to look at the photos). Babies are just breathtaking. Anytime I see a baby I just want to kiss their pudgy little cheeks and have them wrap their hand around one of my fingers. What a lucky auntie you are!!!! And what a lucky nephew he is too!! Enjoy being an aunt – it’s a sacred relationship. I have three stepnephews and a stepniece and we have a truly magical auntie bond. Congrats from one aunt to another!!

  22. Marilyn

    Two months old?! Already?! Is it just me, or is he channeling Popeye in that middle photo? He’s beyond adorable.

  23. Jane

    i’m generally not an ooooer and aaaaer but I couldn’t stop myself. so sweeeeeet. hello you.

  24. kate

    Hes lovely, just lovely. I love his little nose.

  25. Marjorie

    I don’t know how you just don’t drop the camera and scoop him up =). What a yum!!!

  26. jan

    he does look like you! wow! it is amazing – such a cutie pie!

  27. heidi

    He is beautiful! He does look like you! Since I am a new Auntie too, I have soo many pictures of my niece, Arianna. I just can not get enough of her! It feels so great to brag and show my pictures. I guess I am just a
    Proud” Auntie and “Mentor”, aka Godmother!! I was asked to be her mentor over the weekend and I cried. It was soo emotional for me, I was so honored. Being a only child I will never be a Auntie on my side of the family, so I live through my husband’s family. I could never have been more excited! I need a shirt that says, “Proud Auntie”!!
    I would love to give her a SuperHero necklace, she is a superhero in my book!

  28. Milly

    What a beautiful boy. It makes me miss my nieces and nephews, especially the newest one, Olivia, who is about 3 1/2 months now. Thanks for sharing the photos.

  29. Pamela

    The pictures of Caleb just break my heart — in a good way! 🙂

  30. shelly

    Beautiful baby boy!

  31. *AGK*

    I’d take photos all day, too! He is just too precious!

  32. Veronica

    Ohhhh so beautiful. Makes me miss when mine are small. My youngest Harper is turning 3 this weekend. Boo Hoo….

  33. Darcie

    I definitely see a resemblance between you and your cutie-pie nephew! It’s incredible, isn’t it? When my son was born 2 years ago, he was the first grandchild in the family and the first baby born in more than 30 years. When my sister would come for a visit, we’d take turns holding him while he slept. I remember her suddenly saying, “Oh, my gosh, I see myself in his face right now!” I have seen so many of my family members in my child’s face.

  34. kat

    o, i just love baby faces. these are great. 🙂

  35. Amy

    He looks so much like you and your sister. He is sooo cute. It seems like my daughter was that size just yesterday and she just turned one..
    Beautiful Picture.

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