as good as chocolate

chocolate graffiti, Canon Digital Rebel

Things as good as chocolate:
– Green tea tropical by Mighty Tea and Zhena’s gypsy teas.
Plantimals art by Alexis Mackenzie. They are currently showing at my favorite new cafe in San Francisco, called Ritual. They put leaves and hearts in your cappuccino; how can you resist them?
– My Crocs
– Poems by my talented friend Maya:

one egg

do not think me twisted
when, despite the world’s galactic
ricochet of violence, i prefer, these days,
the retreat of breakfast.
over strong, creamed coffee i have time to contemplate
the blessedly innocuous catastrophes:
burnt toast. a shortage of butter.
how to make the meal for two using only one egg.
believe me,
i know how lucky i am.


And when chocolate is the only thing better than chocolate, there is Valrhona, Dagoba {dark chocolate lavender}, and Recchiuti.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Heidi

    yummmm.. chocolate! I saw The new Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. It was ok, not as yummy as the first one! I think you craved more chocolate watching the first Willy Wonka!! Lavender and Chocolate sounds yummy..

  2. mipmup

    i’ve been eyeing crocs; glad to hear you like ’em!

  3. jenn

    i’ve been looking at crocs… they are cute and so greatly priced as well…
    you’ve completly got my interest on this dark chocolate lavender. it sounds so good, i like dark chocolate better.
    thank you for the tea links… i just recently gave up coffee so i am trying to find some teas i really like.

  4. rachel

    You and I seem to be on a similar product track! I have been mourning the loss of chai because I’ve had to give up caffeine, even green tea, and I have not been happy with the herbal versions of chai that I have come across, but just discovered Zhena’s, and it rocks!

  5. Kim

    I’m a big fan of Valrhona chocolat! Delish! Love the dark the best!

  6. jan

    fun post! love that plantimals art – and am now craving chocolate!

  7. Leonie

    crocs & poetry & chocolate…
    life doesn’t get any better!
    love & laughter

  8. Jennifer

    Boy, talk about learning something new every day! I didn’t know about Crocs or dark lavendar chocolate!! I’ll have to try both, especially since there is a store just a few miles from me that sells Crocs – yea! But does this mean I have to kiss my Birkenstocks goodbye? I know they are so 90’s (though I bought my first pair in the 80’s), but still, I love my Birkies…

  9. Marilyn

    I agree…Dagoba’s dark chocolate with lavender is the BOMB! My mother sent me a bar of it when we were in the islands. Imagine my glee when our first trip inside the Davis Co-Op…there it was! Gotta go…I think I still have some in the cupboard… 🙂

  10. Pamela

    I really enjoyed that poem!
    When it comes to chocolate, I’m hooked on Vosges, which blends high-quality chocolates with unusual spices such as absinthe, paprika, indian spices, and violet! The box they come in is a work of art., although they are wickedly pricey.

  11. Laura

    See, this is one of the many reasons I visit here. What a winding, deep journey from your blog to Maya’s to dweezila’s to crying at my desk at work to blowing my nose just in time for a phone call from my husband asking me in his beloved, cheery voice to bring home two stamps.

  12. jenn

    speaking of tea…. i am totally into this tea called honest tea. my small yet great whole foods carries their perfectly white tea. it’s got a touch of pure sugar cane and pear juice. it’s just perfect for when you want something sweet but don’t want to eat chocoate or ice cream.

  13. Swirly

    A dear friend of mine used to date Michael Recchiuti…so I have had the pleasure of enjoying many of his treats. His marshmallows are to die for!! 🙂

  14. Anna

    Lovely post as always! It made my day a little brighter.
    Ever since I read this, a line from a song has been going around and around in my head…It goes…’Your love is better than chocolate, better than anything”. I’m not sure who sings it or what it is called though… 🙂

  15. Leslie

    To Anna…”Ice Cream” by our lovely Sarah McLachlan….that is the song. Crocs… very favourite shoes for gardening, walking, anywhere, anytime shoes! They are on sidewalks all over Toronto :>).

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