
Wading, Canon Digital Rebel

One of my favorite painters in the world is Eric Zener. We met years ago, here in San Francisco, and at the time I was painting quite a bit. I loved that he, like me, graduated from UCSB with a degree in Business/Economics and then promptly picked up a paintbrush. He has always inspired me. I think he’ll inspire you too. Some favorites are here and here and here.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Jodi

    I love those paintings! The last one in particular…makes me want to sit and stare and come up with all sorts of stories.

  2. Beastmomma

    Those are lovely. I especially like the ones in the water. Makes me want to get back into the water as well.

  3. Cindy

    Your “wading” photograph is absolutely breathtaking! Happy Friday…
    Cindy 🙂

  4. Eric

    I like the fact that you two are BU/EC doubles and picked up the brush too. I too and a BU/EC double and am currently considering going back to school to become an art teacher. Your photos are great. Thanks for sharing them. I like the man in the suit walking off the path.

  5. MissMeliss

    Oh, wow, those paintings are amazing. Thank you for pointing them out.

  6. Lisa

    I love that last painting, “Man Walking off the Path” … there is something very … “spiritual”, for lack of a better word, going on in it. Invigorating.

  7. *AGK*

    This is a beautiful photo!

  8. jenn

    Wonderful picture. I love it.

  9. erika

    this wading photograph is BEAUTIFUL. I literally gasped. What a great shot.
    His paintings are wonderful as well. Thanks for the nudge to go over there. It was worth it.

  10. Aimee Roo

    wonderful photo, makes me feel like i am there in a way. 🙂

  11. Julia

    Wow Andrea! Thanks for the link to Eric Zener’s work. Why haven’t I heard of him before? I like to think I’m pretty savvy about contemporary artists…but I sure missed the boat on not being aware of Eric’s work. I can see why he’s a fave of yours…his portraits and compositions of swimmers just blew me away!!! I also loved the “Man Walking of the Path” painting…it really has that feeling of going beyond…and something “more” happening than meets the eye. I love art that makes me think. Also as an artist, you are not so shabby yourself. I walk by the painting I own of your work, every time I pass through my living room…it’s one of my most favorite possessions in the world! 🙂

  12. Marilyn

    I didn’t even look at Zener’s work…I was too busy looking at YOURS. Go on with your creative bad self, A! Ah, New Orleans…one of my favorite cities in the world…hard to not feel inspired there, eh?

  13. angela

    hello dear you.
    sunday morning and here’s me with a cup of coffee and reading thru your words, feeling fine and smiling because there’s a blue sky outside, a little pup playing at my feet and it’s simply a sweet sweet sunday.
    first off, congratulations to your book proposal sweets. i just read that entry and am absolutely ecstatic for you. i could squeeze squeeze squeeze you.
    and then, here i am reading that eric zener is one of your favourite painters and that you know him? back to the days of the gallery, he was one of those constant inspirations, in the sense of me saying, one day, this is a man i would love to exhibit. and i have a silly little list. a list of my “wants” for a day when i can close my eyes and have [buy] anything i want. there are two eric zener paintings in my little book called “my wishlist”.
    you, in your most subtle ways, simply know how to make life sweeter and sweeter.

  14. Rosa

    I was looking at your paintings; I find them so striking and atmospheric even just over the internet. There?s something about them that really captivated me.

  15. Ann Benoit

    i love your paintings andrea! seeing them inspires me to start painting again!

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