Martine is a total rockstar, Canon Digital Rebel
At the risk of over-celebrating my friends… they are amazing aren’t they? I must tell you to go immediately to Cd Baby and check out Martine Locke’s newest album. I have been a fan of hers for many years now and have been so looking forward to this.
Give a listen, then buy her albums!
i have always wondered how this effect is achieved with a camera. would love your insight, miss andrea. 🙂
My boyfriend says that I am the perfect demographic for marketers. I said “I bought it from a BLOG – so there”. Suffice it to say, I bought it. Thanks! If you like her, you would love Craig Cardiff from Canada. You can hear some songs here: and purchase at (my fave of his is the album ‘Judy Garland’ – the title track has a great line: “Did I ever tell you, you’re my Judy Garland; and I, I am your cyclone..”)
Thanks for your blog!
one step ahead…the cd is on it’s way…can’t wait!!!
thank you , sooo much.
Wow i smoked too much weed. Her face is alittle blurry. Am i allowed to do a testosterone drivern rant here? I like your journal Andrea…but she looks and sounds indistinguisable from one of the many trendinistas that have invaded New York; specifically Brooklyn, Astoria ,Queens, and of course the East Village. Hopefully i didn’t bring the vibe down with my comments but you know…i’m THAT guy…
I’m amazed at the richness of your life- the variety of friends you have, they all exude such magnificent life Andrea. Since like attracts like, you must be exactly that yourself. Your recent posts about your friends has really triggered a lot in me- forced me to confront my isolationist tendencies, how good of a friend I am to others, and my loneliness yet refusal to make my own life richer and more alive how it used to be. Do I have what it takes to create what inspires me about your life? I’m not sure, but I am so grateful to have you as a role model and inspiration out there, a daily reminder of what is possible and what we deserve-laughter and fun and warmth and joy. Thank you!
I think we are all lucky with the friends we’ve surrounded ourselves with…I’ve managed to fall into a fabulous crowd in the last, what, two months, and it’s just great. I think we should all rejoice in the friends we have…
Enjoyed the CD…thanks! Always great to have new recommendations.