
waves, Canon Digital Rebel

After several recurring dreams this week of looking for the ocean, I finally made it to Ocean Beach yesterday with a friend. It was deliciously warm and we walked and walked and walked until my legs ached and my skin felt dry and salty.

And then, I did something that I never do in San Francisco. I jumped into the ocean. (If you’ve ever felt the water here you’ll know why.)

At first I just waded in and rolled up my pants so they wouldn’t get wet. And as I waded further and further out I couldn’t resist. I dove into the ocean, clothes and all.

And it was glorious.

I felt transformed, alive, joyous.

It was the best day I’ve had in a really, really long time…

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. stef

    Good for you!!! I’ve always wanted to do that; but I know how cold it is. Good for you – for taking the plunge!!!!

  2. wn

    Only someone who relishes that plunge can really understand what you are talking about. I can….being raised about 15 minutes from a WONDERFUL beach on the Atlantic.
    It’s a complete feeling of birth, release and refreshment. We have long winters in Atlantic Canada and the first dive into the ocean, at the beginning of each summer, is always so overwhelmingly enjoyable and pleasurable to the senses that no words can properly describe it.
    Glad you had a good day. Have a good weekend!

  3. Joy

    Yay for you!
    I’m glad you did it too. And I hope you had a fluffy towel and some hot cider when you were done.

  4. BohemianWomyn

    how glorious to read this.
    it put a *huge* smile on my face and brought me back to a yummy memory of me, my husband and another couple~friend of ours stripping down to our undies and running into the ocean after an Ozomatli concert here in SD.
    it was liberating, refreshing, childlike, wild and it felt so natural to connect with sand, water and moon…like i had done it many of times before in another life.
    i’m so thrilled you did this. it is truly *living* and brave being that the water was freezing in SF!!!!
    bless you and your marvelous soul.

  5. jack

    that’s awesome! good for you. i once dove into my friend’s pool during October with all my clothes on… but that was for 80$. haha
    everyone should do more things that make them feel so alive. 🙂

  6. Eileen

    Wet’n’ Wild, Andrea! I love this visual you’ve created for me. It reminded me that I had that on my summer list and never did it.
    This weekend, I’m DIVING IN!
    Thank you sweetie.

  7. Ali

    You are cool!

  8. Carrie

    Even the way you wrote this story has an “alive” feel to it! Energized me to read this. 🙂

  9. espana

    My “wading” endeavors always result in head-to-toe, sand-encrusted ocean wetness! Good for you!

  10. Carla

    I have been watching your journal for a while. Let me just say that you put up some of the most inspiring posts.
    This one really jumps out for me. I was just baptised last week in the atlantic ocean. The simple act of having my friend, and accountablility partner, immerse me in the water was one of the most thrilling things that has ever occured to me. Your picture seems to sum it up. Thank you!

  11. rebecca

    that’s crazy, i was in the city yesterday for just a few hours, and was thinking of you.
    may your baptism bring you all the new life you long for.

  12. Swirly


  13. Jos

    I instantly thought of your post when I came across this today:
    “Don’t ask what the world needs.
    Ask what makes you come alive and go do it.
    Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
    Howard Thurman

  14. G-Man

    Oh great….just great…so good to hear somebody literally taking the advice of a dream
    I love the thought of it being a baptism…is it that easy?

  15. Andrea

    Funny, but when I was pregnant with my first baby, I had dreams of the ocean and longed to float on the sea, like she was my warm mother holdin gme and enveloping me. Hopefully your yearning for the sea will be for the same reason…

  16. Leonie

    First the dream…
    and then the
    B E C O M I N G.

  17. jenn

    sounds like you needed a good cleansing. i am glad it worked for you. sounds wonderful.

  18. Julia

    I loved the image of you plunging into the cold surf!… The ocean is such a source of life, so no wonder that you felt compelled to dive in. I hope all the richness ,blessings and lifeforce of the sea brings you all that you desire. 🙂

  19. kristen

    good for you, andrea!
    i’m so glad you got in that water. chilly, but worth it!!

  20. Laura

    Oh, I miss the ocean so much. The last time I was able to dip myself in seawater was two years ago (in Scotland, okay, that was pretty amazing and lasts a long time) and I am so in need of it again and soon. My friends think I’m nuts because no matter where we are, if there’s water nearby I need to stick my hands and feet in it. Lake Erie in November is frigid and I guess I have to agree that time that it was nuts, but I had no choice. 🙂 Thanks for bringing the vision to me — almost like the real thing — and makes me realize that the next chance I get to go to the beach, I am so there. Actually, what I really need to do is make the chance.

  21. LB

    I’m impressed! It must have been freezing. But more than that, I’m glad you had such a moving and momentous day.

  22. MissMeliss

    I miss the ocean.
    And I miss bonfires on Ocean Beach.
    But I’ve never done more than wade there.

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