cute overload

labyrinth at Land’s End Olympus Epic

All I have to say is serious cute overload.

And for all of you who asked who the other four artists were that I sent jewelry to… They were Ben Harper (you all know how I crush out on that guy), Drew Barrymore (ever since ET), and Lisa Kudrow (someone gave me her address and I think she’s cool). I honestly can’t remember who the last one was so I must have a fickle heart for them!

A friend in the fashion business in Los Angeles was the one who suggested I send jewels to famous folks in Hollywood. What I discovered was that it felt really good to share my work with the people I truly admired, but the names and addresses that she gave me just for publicity made me feel weird and inauthentic. In the end, the people I had a real affection for were the ones that responded to me. I remember my cell phone ringing at 2AM one night and I grumbled in my sleep, ‘Who the hell is calling me at this hour?’ When I listened to the voicemail in the morning I heard Ben Harper’s voice thanking me for the necklace. I saved the message on my phone for months. If I could have bronzed it or encased it in glass I would have.

But something I recommend even more than this is to interview people you admire in business. When I started out, I interviewed Christine Miller from Swirly (who continues to be a great inspiration to me), Pixie who had a pajama company called Napcake, a friend who had had a successful clothing business and Emily Voth from Indigo Wild. {Of course my biggest mentors have been SARK and the incredible women I worked with at Camp SARK}

These conversations gave me the last bit of courage and inspiration I was looking for before I started my business, but they did something else that I didn’t expect. They provided a team of support that I drew upon for inspiration over the years. And because I looked to them as mentors and guides at the beginning, they were invested in my success in a wonderful way. I had created a team of allies simply by reaching out and asking for help.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy

    Andrea is one of my biggest SHEroes!

  2. Vivienne

    OMG Ben Harper left you a message SWEET! I also love Drew Barrymore..GREAT! I love the labyrinth pic it’s awesome. Thanks for your musings 🙂

  3. Felicity

    Hi my girl Andrea,
    I’m finding it so…I can’t think of the word. Filling? It’s not inspiring (well it IS inspiring but that’s not the word I want)…its more like, I was very hungry and you’re feeding me. How much do I now love love love Swirly Girl??? Gosh she is amazing. And Ben Harper has been one of my all-time faves ever since I SAW HIM open for PEARL JAM How great was THAT show?!?
    So many things are opening up and happening in my life just recently & every time I come here it’s like finding another piece of the puzzle.
    I’m grateful to you. I wish I lived on the left coast so I could come visit you.

  4. la vie en rose

    you rock andrea!!!
    and i do have a question for you. i’ve been trying to learn more about photography. is there a book you could recommend for beginning photographers. i know nothing about lighting, shutter speed, white balance or any of that. those are just foreign words to me that make me stare and say, huh? and please remember, it must be very, very basic because when i say i’m a beginner i mean i’m a BEGINNER. i’d appreciate anything you could suggest. thanks so much!

  5. Veronica

    Ok, it took me many months to get over the picture of you with Ben Harper, that was just crazy. But a phone call? Dude………

  6. Swirly

    I feel honored to be mentioned here, as you have been a huge source of inspiration for me as well over the years. You are a SUPERHERO to me!!

  7. mindi

    please tell me that you STILL have the voicemail from Ben Harper saved on your voicemail… 🙂

  8. kristine

    You continue to inspire me…

  9. Yaron

    Just wanted to make sure you’ve seen Firestarter (came out 2 years after ET). I think Drew made puberty end and teenager-hood begin for me with that movie.

  10. Heather

    The cute overload website is too much. I love it, made my morning.

  11. mademoiselle a.

    Wah…cuteness rules are hilaaaarious!!

  12. Liz

    That’s so cool that Jonatha ordered more necklaces… so brave and daring of you! Did you find that you got a lot more business/vendors after doing that? Or was it ore for you and your own self?

  13. beckka

    I just wanted to say that you and your journal and your endeavoring into your own business inspires me 🙂

  14. kyra

    i love the ben! a phone message from him–oh la la! i LOVE that you worked at camp sark and that you sent necklaces to those you admire. i’m going to do the interviews! thank you for the inspiration!

  15. clk

    I just got the chills from reading about Ben Harper’s call to you!. So cool. The universe pays us back in spades when we simply give to give. You are a beautiful person and thanks for making the world a more pleasant place to reside. Happy Holidays!

  16. celisa

    andrea, you are one of my inspiring mentors!! if i sent out necklaces you would absolutely get one!! actually, you have just given me a great idea. merry christmas, celisa

  17. lulu

    Hi Andrea,
    This post and the previous one about sending your work to your favorite people was just what I needed to hear. I’ve had a rough year or so, in which I’ve been pretty stifled creatively — but all toward a purpose — and one of the ideas I had to motivate/unstick was that of sending some finished work (I’m a writer) to some of my favorite artists. Seeing this idea again from someone I admire (that’s you!) really helped to push me back into finishing up my collection of short stories. Thank you!

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