Park(ing), 1st & Mission, San Francisco Canon Digital Rebel
I was so honored to be the featured muse today on Frida and Georgia’s site called Muse to Muse. If you haven’t visited their site, you should definitely check it out. A girl couldn’t be happier to be mentioned in such a wonderful place.
It got me thinking about my own muses and how my husband is most certainly one of them. I know I have mentioned that he is creative and charming and slightly eccentric, but did I mention that he and his friends have the wildest of imaginations and impish spirits and can craft the most outrageous stuff with their bare hands? Well, it’s true. Rebar (the name of their art collective) has done it again. And this time it was in a parking space in downtown San Francisco.
They began to consider that metered parking spaces were like short term leases. You pay the meter and the space is yours for the designated amount of time. Of course, normally people park their cars there and go off to work, but they wanted to explore the limits of what could happen in a parking place.
Because certain areas of downtown San Francisco are underserved by public green space, Rebar decided to do the city a favor and increase the amount of green space in the area for two hours on November 16th, 2005. They did this by building a park in a 20-foot metered parking space.

They laid fresh sod {nature}, brought in a tree {shade} and a park bench {a place to rest} and stepped back from the scene to see what would unfold. The result was a wonderfully playful and brilliant conceptual art piece entitled Park(ing).
Visit their website for more photos and information about this project and other Rebar shenanigans.
Superhero loves The Hidden Agenda
The Rebar collective plans to head out to New Mexico once again to build their next project called The Hidden Agenda.
From the Rebar web site:
The Hidden Agenda is a fully-functional corporate conference room submerged seven feet into the desert floor. The roof of the piece can be opened to the desert sky while a conference is in session, and closed when the piece is not in use, rendering it nearly indistinguishable from its desert surroundings.
This is of course their most ambitious project yet and already have a couple of small grants to get them started. They need a few more to make this a reality!
Enter… the Superhero Arts Grant! {The first of many I hope} This community alone could make the project possible if we all contributed even a few dollars to the cause. {$10 suggested but every dollar is appreciated and celebrated)
To thank each and every one of you who contribute, we will list your name (and a link to your site if you have one) on both the superhero site and the Rebar site.
You can make a tax-deductible donation here. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Wonderful! Every slab of concrete needs a bit of green…
I love this…. Superhero Art Grants. What a wonderful idea. I love that we can come together as a community {through you} and support such wonderfully creative causes. Sign me up!
I’ve been meaning to write you and say thank you for sending me to muse to muse. I’ve written Frida to thank her several times now. What a muse she is! I’ve loved reading who inspires her. She’s had me so excited to learn, and read these past few days. Thank you for sharing this great site with us.
I have been reading about The Hidden Agenda on the Rebar site, I can’t wait to see it happen.
Done. I work in arts fundrasing, and thats a inspired way to do it. That is what I call manafesting! 🙂 Enjoy, I hope everyone gives a few dollars and the space becomes reality.
the park[ing] space was such a brilliant idea! amazingly nice.
I just love the stuff Matt does. And as a New Mexican landowner, I really love what they’re doing down there. 😉
That park is GENIUS! 🙂
Oh I just love this! The park in the parking space is simply fantastic and so inspiring. Can’t wait to see how The Hidden Agenda turns out…
The parking idea sounds like it was a lot of fun!
Also the idea of the Superhero arts grant is absolutely fabulous!
i think the park(ing) space was a kick-ass idea. how inspiring!
To be honest, I wasn’t even sure what I was supposed to be looking at in the first picture…I mean, it looks like a real little pocket park! (That’s what we call tiny little parks in Orlando…)
Congratulations to Matt, and to you Andrea, for being such inspiring, fun, creative people…
Such great ideas. I always find your blog so inspiring, Andrea.
How inspiring – no wonder he is your muse! I was so excited to see the project in action. Very impressive
I think Matt’s “parking space park” was one of the most fun unique ideas I’ve ever seen!!! It’s right up there on par with the with the “grass church.” It’s no surprise that you two found each other…you are both such free-thinking creative souls. 🙂
This made me smile, laugh, shake my head in joy and disbelief, and feel so very, very grateful that there are such creative people in the world. People who are able not only to imagine such fabulous projects, but who then also take that extra step to make them real. As a birthday gift to myself, I made a donation to rebar. I can’t wait to see The Hidden Agenda built, as well as whatever wacky ideas they come up with next.
Every idea in this post is absolutely BRILLIANT. I am absolutely IN on the donation part, too. I received *so* much help when I was a struggling single mom/college student, that I made a promise to myself always to give back when I was able. I’ll be a single mom again soon, but for now, I am able. And glad to do it.
Came here by way of Treppenwitz. I love it. Very cool.
Pretty dumb. All those folks hurting from Katrina and a hundred other disasters and these ‘artists’ throw money and energy away on such piffle. Disgusting.
I like that. I like that a lot.
I love that green space project…that’s a really great idea. More communites need green spaces like that!
If he did that in New York, someone would just run him over.
I don’t agree with you, though I can understand where you are coming from. We all could do more to help those most truly in need, of course including all the displaced families in Katrina, but I’m also glad to see that people are not forgetting to enjoy their life, be silly, explore, dance, and feel joy. Afterall, isn’t that what you wish for everyone suffering from Katrina too? that they will rebuild their lives and smile and feel genuine joy once again? Maybe we have to try to fit more of BOTH into our lives each and every day- more giving and sharing AND more loving and laughing.
Great stuff! I made a donation.
This is a wonderful solstice gift! Thanks!
I wish they had done this on my street (Castro)
This is a wonderful solstice gift! Thanks!
I wish they had done this on my street (Castro)
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