The Creative License

Caleb with a cool hairline, Canon Digital Rebel

My nephew is 6 months old already. It’s hard to believe! His personal photographer has only just begun her paparazzi-like documentation of his life.

Even younger still, is the wonderful new book by Danny Gregory called The Creative License: Giving Yourself Permission to be the Artist You Truly Are! I just received my copy yesterday (thank you Danny!) and was so excited for him and all of the people who will read this book. You can preview it here and see how truly gorgeous and inspiring it is. If anyone you know needs that little push of inspiration to get them drawing/collaging/accessing that creative spirit in them, this is a perfect holiday gift.

*I am delighted that Danny included one of my journal pages in the book and let me shoot his author photo.

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”
– Picasso

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. españa

    Happy six months to the little one!

  2. Meg

    Yay! I love Danny Gregory’s books!!
    I just saw my friends 4 month old…. and he looks not unlike this picture of your nephew. Babies are just too much… it’s amzing how their little hands and feet and mouths have such detail on such a small small scale…..

  3. la vie en rose

    i can’t wait to read this book. it looks fantastic! and your nephew is the bomb!

  4. Anamaria

    If you are ever in the Washington, DC area, please let me know, so I can ask you to photograph my little ones. Beautiful (both of you)! (And the book, too!)

  5. Leonie

    what a beautiful pic of caleb.
    i get the paparazzi frenzy when i am around my niece and nephew also.
    danny’s new book looks fabulous! i think i managed to spot your journal in there… colourful gorgeous splash it is!
    blessings to you

  6. Marilyn

    That six months went really fast. Beautiful photo.

  7. G-Man

    I saw Danny’s book too…but from a different link that yours! Great stuff! And great photo of your nephew. They’re something else, let me tell you!

  8. frida

    the book looks great…I’m ordering today. Thanks for the tip.

  9. danny Gregory

    Reasons to be grateful for Andrea Scher:
    – Finally I have an author’s photo that people compliment me on (I guess it’s not an accurate likeness of my ugly mug!)
    – I started blogging exactly two years ago and ONLY because you told me to.
    – I loved visiting with you on both coasts
    – You are a constant inspiration and delight!
    Your pal,

  10. jenn

    what a wonderful book…. it would make a great gift!

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