The 2006 Bloggies

pregnant Karli twirl, Canon Digital Rebel

Voting began for the 2006 Bloggies! I encourage you to vote for your favorite sites, and at the risk of being presumptuous… if my site finds its way onto your voting card, I am deeply honored! {Voting ends January 10th}

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Meg

    Mmmmm…. I might have just done some voting… but it’s a surprise 😉
    Tell us about that awsome picture!!! It’s very cool….

  2. Laura

    What a gorgeous picture!

  3. Felicity

    Gosh what a beautiful picture!!!

  4. la vie en rose

    that pic is too amazing!

  5. Yaron

    I’m hoping to open a new OB/GYN office this year and we’re just gonna HAVE to hire you for the decor! How THAT baby is supposed to come out from between THOSE legs is a mystery/miracle even to me, and I’ve been delivering babies for 8 years. Must be the magic skirt!

  6. Sundries Sublime

    You can totally count on my vote! I LOVE your site, visit it multiple times a day. Thanks for always inspiring!!! 🙂

  7. m


  8. susan

    ha! already voted for you!

  9. Leonie

    floaty skirt, blooming belly.

  10. wn

    That’s one of my favorite pictures that you’ve ever posted. You really do make it look effortless when in reality we all know that not very many people in the world can get such great colorful shots!
    now I`ll go vote!

  11. ~TRacey

    i voted for YOU gal!!!
    this is the first time i have ever commented!!! *waving hello* to you!!! *grin* i have been reading your blog for years!! i *loVe* the words you speack! and your photos of life as it happens are just *yummy* gal!!! *grin* and who you truely are shines through your blog perfectly!!
    so thats why you got my vote!!! *grin*
    x0x ~TRacey

  12. Vivienne

    I love your eye. I love your blog. I voted 😉

  13. stef

    I so LOVE this photo – amazingly beautiful!!!

  14. bohemiangirl

    such a powerful statement this picture is. beautiful swelling belly and swishes of color. of course you got my vote! xoxo

  15. blair

    A truly beautiful expression of motherhood, free and colorful. Thanks for sharing this affirmation of female uniqueness. Your art is inspiring.

  16. malaika

    what a glorious picture!

  17. wilsonian

    I voted for you, and it was a joy to do so!!
    Boy, I wish fat stomachs would look as beautiful as pregnant ones… LOL!

  18. surcie

    I voted for ya, Andrea–and I would’ve done it even if you hadn’t mentioned it.
    They belly is beautiful, of course, but I love how you captured the swirling skirt.

  19. jennifer

    i loved my body most when my belly was one month away from my son’s birth…i remember the way it felt to wear a tiny top with a long skirt during late spring- i even remember the way it felt to feel the air on my exposed stomach. thanks for reminding me 🙂

  20. Swirly

    These photos are gorgeous…and your name was in a number of my nominations!

  21. h ::

    its a beautiful picture. it totally symbolises what pregnancy should be all about: energy, vitality, vibrance, bravery, optimism, playfulness and strenght. fab picture x

  22. morgan

    These photos of Karli are stunning. Absolutely stunning. I’m looking forward to another year of your wonderful blog. May this new year be a fantastic one for you and your loved ones.
    Love and Peace,


    I love your website, and really enjoy the photos of Ms. Prego! It’s beautiful to see such a vision of full bloom femininity!

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