
self portrait at a black sand beach, Hana, Maui, Canon Digital Rebel

Okay, so I’ve been tagged by Mighty Girl and I just can’t resist her.

Four jobs I’ve had:

– Designer for author and artist SARK
– The Pink Man for the San Francisco Chronicle (required a huge rubber costume like at Disneyland)
– Sold bait and tackle at the pier on Seacliff Beach (I would sometimes give completely made-up advice about how the salmon were running)
– Clothing salesperson (perfected the art of telling a stranger their ass looks great in their jeans)

Four Movies I can watch over and over:

– Amelie
– Bring it On
– Monsters Inc.
– Oprah’s 20th Anniversary Collection (although I’d probably dissolve into a puddle of tears if I watched it too many times)

Four Places I’ve Lived:

– Venice, Italy
– Oaxaca, Mexico
– San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
– New Orleans, LA

Four TV shows I love:

– Oprah
– The Daily Show
– Lost
– Law and Order

Four places I’ve vacationed:

– Thailand
– Virgin Gorda
– Honduras
– Mexico

Four of my favorite dishes:

– Panna cotta
– Fresh mozzarella, tomato and basil sandwich pressed at an outdoor cafe in Italy
– Diner salad with ranch dressing
– Broccoli and cheese sauce

Four sites I visit daily:

– Jen Gray
– Google
– Dooce
– Chromasia

Four places I would rather be right now:

– Curled up in bed.
– Snorkeling in Virgin Gorda.
– Walking on the cobblestones in Venice.
– At a Lionel Richie concert.

Four bloggers I’m tagging:

Jen – photo girl
Keri – collagey girl
Christine – swirly girl
Denise – bohemian girl

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. denise

    okay…tomorrow, i’m it. 😉

  2. Pamela

    What a smile. Dooce is one of my guilty pleasures. Heather is wicked!

  3. jenn

    thanks for the beautiful pics…
    by the way which necklace do you have on? i love it! must have one…

  4. kb

    You lived in Oaxaca? Oaxaca is one of my most favorite places on Earth! I hope to get there again soon. How was it to live there?

  5. jodi

    Great pic of you, I love it!

  6. Jen Downer

    You are just so gosh darn PRETTY!!!!! Inside and out. Look at those eyes… they say so much.

  7. Jennifer

    I’ve played a game like this before, and it’s really kind of fun! You find out some nifty little details about people that you didn’t know before.
    Sweet picture, by the way. I was just thinking the other day that you can see and hear people’s sweetness (or evilness or falsitivity) by the way they look and sound.

  8. Sonia

    You are so BEAUTIFUL!

  9. miles

    Haha, nice! Some great answers – except the Oprah ones 😉

  10. Beastmomma

    How do you get tagged?

  11. laura

    I’m with you on the panna cotta.
    if you ever find yourself in the UK/Ireland, seek out Marks and Spencer’s.
    In the food department, they sell Raspberry Panacotta in earthenware bowls. You can justify buying it because you get the free bowl. You can’t justify eating it all on your own all in one go!
    At christmas, it is Orange and Cranberry Panacotta.
    Oh, heaven in a bowl. Twice the size of normal panacotta.
    Yum 🙂

  12. Anna

    I had the same reaction as KB~ “you lived in Oaxaca?!” It’s one of my absolute favorite places too~ I plan to be there for Dia de los Muertos this year. Eeee!
    And~ I watched the first part of the Oprah-versary collection last night. The Heartprints just knocked me OUT.

  13. jenn

    i love how obediant everyone has been in doing this 3 questions thing! cracks me up!

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