Storm, Highway 5 to Los Angeles, Canon Digital Rebel
Click here to see this photo larger. I am so excited about how it turned out because it reminds me of some paintings I fell in love with recently by Nila Oakes.
Highlights from our trip to Los Angeles this weekend:
Spending time with the Weepies, whose album was just released (in its physical form) and has been topping the folk charts on Itunes. Go Weepies!
Traveling on Highway 5 with my awesome husband, seeing gorgeous landscapes and chasing the occasional rainbow. Does anyone know if you can actually be inside a rainbow? And if you can, does your skin turn colors like when a prism hits you?
Seeing Christine Miller (aka Swirly’s) fabulous art opening at a gallery in Venice. Go Swirly!
Seeing the Ashes and Snow show at the Santa Monica pier. This is a traveling exhibit of Gregory Colbert’s photography in a huge and impressive cathedral-like building made of shipping containers. I must admit that I left the show really wanting to see some of the images printed more literally (perhaps a good old fashioned gelatin silver print) since the images were so extraordinary. I found the dreamy sepia encaustic japanese paper thing a little distracting. That said, the images were unbelievably beautiful and surprisingly not digitally created given the content.
Going to a yoga class and seeing the woman from my yoga DVD walk by me. Her name is Shiva Rea and she has a fantastic series of videos. You have to have at least one star sighting each time you are in Los Angeles, right? I missed it, but Deb spotted Rahda Mitchell going into the next class.
And finally, the best highlight of all. Stepping outside of my world, plucking myself from my computer and email and work and getting in the car and driving… Connecting with my husband and friends and getting out of my tiny orbit. Funny how the world expands so easily when I do that.
gorgeous photo.
Ashes and Snow is quite something, isn’t it?
But I do agree with your comment regarding the printing – it was slightly distracting…but as an experience? lovely.
I don’t think you can be inside a rainbow…but, if you could, I imagine it being a bit like the scene in “The Wizard of Oz,” when Dorothy, et al, are in the Emerald city and the horse of the carriage they’re riding in keeps changing colors. He is a horse of a different color after all. heh. Lovely photo, by the way.
wow! if i didn’t know that was a photo, i would think for sure it was a painting. it’s really beautiful, andrea. also so happy to have finally gotten my computer to play the weepies off of their website! i need to own this cd. thank you. and finally, so glad to read that you got a break from the heaviness of your life lately and were able to connect with people who love you. i’ve been holding you in my heart lately. trust your self, my friend.
I’m lisenting to the weepies right now from the link you gave, I love thier sound. When I was pregnant I did a Shiva Rea yoga tape all the time, that’s cool you saw her.
Oh, I am so jealous of you getting to see Colbert! I have given a couple of his books to people as gifts and they are always amazed. And I hear you about getting outside your world. My goal this season is to try to work on that without having to leave the area, since I know it’s possible.
xo r
That photo is GORGEOUS.
totally agree about the photography. it was a bummer to me.
I so love the weepies. I think Deb’s voice is so magical. It takes me away. I had a dream where I won the lottery and it was so much money. I decided to sponser a weepies tour just so I could go around the country and hear them sing all the time. I woke up feeling like I had floated off on a cloud. It was really great.
Wonderful picture. Really wonderful.
extraordinary photo!
Awesome photograph! It kind of looks like something that those “storm chaser” folks might take a picture of… just before a huge tornado hits. I’m glad you enjoyed your trip to LA. I have been to the Ashes & Snow exhibit here as well, and I simply loved the imagery. Very moving.
This photograph is incredible, amazing, gorgeous, full of so much intensity. Thank you for sharing it here. And it sounds like you had a fantastic weekend. I love how you described getting out of your tiny orbit…
(and I have been wearing my superhero bracelet since it arrived on Saturday. I adore it!)
Two years ago while driving down the interstate in Wyoming we drove towards a double rainbow that went all the way across the road. It was gorgeous and the colors were deep while the sky was a blend of dark stormy couds and muted summer light. As we drove we approached the rainbow rather than it seeming further away as it so often does. And then the most incredible thing happened, we drove into the rainbow and for a time stopping moment we were in the rainbow and it filled the car with brillance and then we were on the other side and the rainbow was behind us. It was remarkable
if you ever have a moment to spare, i would love toknow your take on the canon digital rebel vs nikkon coolpix digital cameras, i am in the market to buy one but have never had a digital camera before. i love color. i take pictures of people and colorful things mostly, not much landscapey stuff. lots of love!
GREAT shot, Andrea. I so love being able once again to jump in the car and just drive through all this glorious land we have in this beautiful state. I’m sometimes so content to just stare out the window when J’s driving…just shy of hanging my head out of it and letting my tongue loll… I’ve always loved L.A. and thought seriously of moving there for years…doubt that’s in the cards though (J. hates it). Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend–so glad to read that Swirly’s show was a success.
oh andrea…
that photograph is absolutely amazing. and even before i read your words, i thought… oh, nila.
and there is a nuance of a painting in that. the soft whisps, the gentle intensity of those clouds. and the wide open horizon, reminding us that it goes on and on and on beyond us, and we have to walk into our horizons, beyond our horizons.
so glad you had that time away. i’m needing a road trip myself here these days…
loves to you,
Hwy 5 opposite direction takes you to Willows where I grew up! I think there one can stand in a rainbow and be every color true!
Wowza! That picture is so fabulous and wonder-full!
what a beautiful photo!
oh and a good reminder that leaving where we normally are is so good for us
Awesome photo!
I just ordered the Wheepies new cd Friday. Can’t wait for it’s arrival!
your photo turned out amazing and it really does resemble Nila Oakes work.
this is the first time i have seen her work. it’s just breathtaking and her studio leaves me wanting to hang out on her couch and chat while she paints, does it not??
isn’t it cool that her name means “Blue Sky” in Hindu?
thanks for introducing me to her and so glad you had such yummy happenings outside of your orbit.
Your blog is completely responsible for me knowing about The Weepies. Will definitely have to get their new album. Thanks!
even after I had traveled the pacific coast highway and visited lots of attractions and parks in california, this exact kind of view is the thing I most associate with the state. being from Tennessee (the hilly and mountanous parts), I’d never seen rain like this until my first drive across california. this is what i think of when i think of california and i think it’s amazing that you captured it so beautifully
I’m so glad you had such a nice weekend!! It really reminds me of what I keep thinking about…that while it’s nice to travel to the ends of the earth, it’s really just as nice (if not more so) to travel to places that are just a few hours from home….
“getting out of my tiny orbit” – for me, today, this speaks volumes. That need, once in a while, to tear oneself from the pedestrian matters of the everyday, the timed schedules, the expected itineraries, the calendared deadlines. And instead…I think of the word “spring” here – both the season and the action. To spring forward, much like a gazelle does on the open veld, finding another spot of green from which to feed.
And what an inspiring photo. As always, so perfectly represenative of what you write, as well as feeling like some accidental beauty we all stumbled across together. And for me, too, an invitation, to let myself be betwixt the rain and the sun, to marvel in the wonder and power of both, to feel the wash of light and water again. Thank you Andrea.
Thank you so much for stepping outside your orbit and into mine for a little while – you made the weekend extra special and sparkly.
What a remarkable image. I picture you in the car wanting to stop every few yards to capture the changing view! This image evokes such a mixture of emotions for me – isolation, wonder, loneliness, promise. I love it when the sky and earth so obviously reach out for one another.
I get to move to SF in 2 months and reading your site makes me tons more excited to move every day!
been in NY for 7 yrs
Can I just say I LOVE highway 5 – and I love that you mentioned it!! It’s pretty weird that I love the 5, when I was little it was interminable. But as I’ve gotten older I’ve come to think of it as almost a spiritual experience. It’s so long and smooth that when you drive it you get into this yoga like zone trance, and you can just think over everything you need to think over. The summer I was 21 I had a bunch of terrible things going on – an awful breakup, a grandmother dying. And that summer I drove the 5 a lot of times, and worked a lot of things out.
Harris Ranch, Anderson Split Pea Soup, Lost Hills (where are the hills? There LOST!!)… mmmmm….. I miss the 5 in NY.
Though it’s all perspective. I would say, Highway 5 takes you to San Francisco. And Berkeley. And that’s the other reason I love it.
Beutiful picture. Thanks for taking us there.
Can really relate to long drives with a loved one. In Australia we have Highway which is the road that goes around the whole country. It amazes me because you can drive forever!
I find that long trips are the best time to talk. It is like walking. You can really get somewhere in your conversations, a place where you don’t necessarily get to when you are seated in one place. Maybe landscapes inspire conversation or maybe a physical journey mirrors an inner journey that takes place/
I don’t know but I long drives are great!
Earlier this month I was driving my long commute and the DJ on the radio announced The Weepies’ new hit (Take It From Me) and I was like, oh hey, that’s the band that Superhero lady hangs out with! Well, that whole week the radio played and played and played it until it was imperative I get the album so I could hear it whenever. It’s a fine album and my tiny daughter does a funny little twisty-wristy dance when it comes on.
I just wanted to say thanks for introducing me to The Weepies… I downloaded their album from itunes weeks ago and I adore their music! I’ll be getting tickets to see them in Atlanta next month…
Such an evocative photo…
Fabulous landscape, out of this world!
Nice site
Nice blog
Good morning. Let is soon meet!