Video fun

my friend’s cat in her fab bathroom, Los Angeles, Canon Digital Rebel

This video made me miss New Orleans… {via James}

This video made me laugh out loud. {via Anna}

And if you haven’t seen this video yet, please, put down what you’re doing, and download this video of Jason McElwain, the autistic high school basketball player who blew everyone away at the final basketball game of the season. {Takes a few minutes to download, just click where it says “download file”, but you will never forget this story} My favorite part is when he says, “I was hot as a pistol.”

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. katy

    i just watched the basketball video which brought tears to my eyes. my friend has a 15 year old son who is autistic and many children with this are treated differently by peers. it was a wonderful wonderful story and made me so happy to see him excel- im so glad you posted it.

  2. Ali

    Love, love, love that kid.

  3. stevie

    In that new orleans video, those are some amazing muscians getting together. Thanks for the link.

  4. Sarah Pezdek-Smith

    Andrea…you always have the best links on your site! I can’t tell you how many times I watched the Bravia commercial with the bouncy balls…every time it puts a huge smile on my face…i have it saved as a favorite if i ever need a pick-me-up 🙂 Thank you for posting the video of the basketball player. My husband had told me about the story and I had tried to find a video for it but could not. This one brought a smile to my face and tear to my eye…thank you 🙂

  5. Felicity

    “I was hot as a pistol.” Love that. I loved the bouncy balls too but this is better in a different kind of way.

  6. Jenn

    I love these videos. I needed to see the babies laughing today. What fun.
    I loved the basketball story. Brought tears to my eyes. It’s wonderful.

  7. Dawn

    Dear Andrea – You have so perfectly captured the essence of the roller coaster of life in this post. I found myself laughing and crying at the same time – thank you! xxx

  8. Tongue in Cheek

    The “hot as a pistol” basketball player made me cry. Over abundant Joy! Dreams can come true! The sheer love that the crowd gave and gave, the kindness of hearts, and the faith he had in himself to run out there and play ball and succeed!
    Too beautiful for words! Thank you for sharing this with us!

  9. shelly

    Andrea,thanks for the giggles&tears!

  10. shelly

    Andrea,thanks for the giggles&tears!

  11. Anna

    Thanks again Andrea for knowing just what your readers need…
    hope, love, understanding, and on and on…

  12. DeeDee

    I saw the basketball player video last week and also loved the “hot as a pistol” part. There is an article about Jason and his team in this week’s People Magazine.
    Here’s wishing that everyone feels “hot as a pistol” at least once in their life.

  13. Kathleen

    Thank you for sharing this video clip with the world!
    I’m currently enrolled in a Bachelor of Education program in Nova Scotia, Canada and one of my classmates brought this in to show our Inclusion class. It is a beautiful video that aptly shows that all children should be honored and included and that when given the opportunity they rise to the most amazing heights. So many autistic children get lost in the shuffle, are mistunderstood, and are not honored like this young man was. Kudos to his coach for recognizing his passion and kudos to you for passing the message along to the world.

  14. Hannah

    Wow, thank you !! That video clip about Jason was just what I needed today. It made me cry a little but more than anything it made me very very happy! What a fantastic story. I’m going to be smiling all day.

  15. kristen

    jason is quite the superhero. wow. i had to put the link on my blog cause the world needs more of stories like this. i could watch it a hundred times!

  16. jennifer

    wow – the basketball clip is really making it’s way around . my students (freshman in college) asked me to play it for the class last week…one of them went to school with jason. thanks for providing a link here…

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