your existence

sidewalk graffiti, Valencia St., San Francisco, Canon Digital Rebel

I feel like I have been so remiss in my postings!

Lots of great stuff going on over here at Superhero HQ. I have been deep in house hunting mode (Matt and I are moving to Berkeley or Oakland next month), Mother’s Day jewelry production is in full swing, and I’ve been coaching my heart out with my new clients. It is a very exciting time… or as my mother would probably say, I have been burning the candle at both ends.

Either way, I am feeling grateful for you.

Your existence gives me hope.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. la vie en rose

    My candle burns at both ends;
    It will not last the night;
    But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends–
    It gives a lovely light!
    ~Edna St. Vincent Millay

  2. Donavan

    Sweet Andrea,
    Your existence gives me hope!

  3. Leonie

    what BEAUTIFUL graffiti.
    my heart leaps when i see a love message to the world graffiti’ed up.

  4. bohemiangirl

    i feel your light from here, warming my heart.

  5. Tylene

    I recently found your blog and have truly enjoyed reading your beautiful stories & thoughts. Everyday you inspire me and give me hope! Thank you!

  6. pixie

    ditto, sister.

  7. eva

    What a great graffiti. Thanks for sharing again 🙂

  8. jin

    YOUR existence gives me hope and inspiration and light and heart and community and appreciation… and so many more good things too ~
    x x x x x

  9. thodarumm

    Hooray! Enjoy. I always write to my friends, life is crazy busy , but it is all good.. too much to be grateful for. Good luck with everything.

  10. matirose

    i saw this yesterday too:) “your sweet voice breaks my heart” as well.

  11. amanda

    omg! i saw these in the mission/castro last night! i stopped and stared at “i could not love you any more.” i could not decide if i was more envious of the person these were written for, or the person lucky enough to be feeling this way. 🙂

  12. susan

    rejoicing in your bubbly energy and happiness!

  13. kristen

    thinking of you A. as i put together my book(gotta talk to you–i wanna get an update from you)
    hoping you are well:) good to know you exist, too!

  14. Shari

    Hi Andrea,
    I feel as though I am burning the candle at both ends as well. Your post has reminded me to view it as exciting instead of just being overwhelmed. Sometimes, I get so caught up in the busyness of it all, I forget the exciting wonderful part. Thanks so much for writing this today!

  15. herhimnbryn

    OH OH OH ! As soon as I read yr post, I thought…’I must post Edna’s 4 liner about burning the candle at both ends’. La vie beat me too it!!!!!!

  16. heather

    I think my candle burned out. Got any spares?

  17. liz elayne

    yes. yes. yes. thank you for this. thank you.
    it was about this time last year that i discovered your blog andrea…and literally your existence did begin to give me hope. and it still does.
    blessings to you my dear.

  18. tongue in cheek

    you set a path worthy before us! Your words are cornerstones.

  19. Shelley Noble

    Very much likewise, dear Andrea.

  20. jennifer

    thank you for a sweet post, for filling us in, and for the simple and beautiful statement/image. i like it! and i’m happy for you.

  21. alison

    another beauty. thank you.

  22. Mia

    Hope the move goes well. I find that you can just do so much when you are passionate about something. You are driven from the inside and a pleasure in the process and not a focus completely on the outcome.
    Love the photo. San Fran is a wonderful place.

  23. Jennifer

    I personally feel thankful, grateful for you…you give us all a forum to feel, I don’t know, comfortable, glad, whatever, that there are other people going through the same things in life and that we can talk (or type, rather) about it and know that it’s all okay….

  24. Jenn

    I love this post… thank you.
    I hope your move is something you are wanting…. Good luck on the house hunting.

  25. Sarah Pezdek-Smith

    What a great pic and post. Such powerful words. Good luck with your house hunt!

  26. S

    i see this graffiti all the time lately
    any idea who does it? there’s a couple other phrases i’ve seen that are by the same artist i’m guessing…very cute

  27. krista

    Wow, that is really cool.

  28. angela

    hello sweetness!
    i came by today, because i miss you. and because i wanted to write an email. and then i poured myself a cup of coffee and wanted to walk thru your journal.
    and then this photograph… these words.
    i felt mesmerized. captivated.
    i felt like i wanted to stand on this spot, and trace my fingers on each and every letter, just to brand it into my mind, my thoughts and always keep those words close.
    it’s the little things like this that so make me adore you. and simply want to say, thank you for being a part of my life!

  29. emdot

    I love this photo so much. Andrea — I wish this was on flickr so I could put it in my faves. I think I need to look at it a lot. Thank you for all the wonderful things you do. 😉

  30. DeeZee

    love the image…and the post above that somehow wouldn’t allow me to comment. As I swirl in the confusion of my life, I constantly seek meaning. I’ll gather up all the handy tools I can get…

  31. kelly rae

    i just found your blog! and so glad i did. i, too, am moving to berkeley with my husband in a couple of months. all sorts of mixed emotions about it, but it will be good! i’m going to keep up with you on. your stories, your work, are so inspiring.

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