
Carrie, Berkeley, CA, Canon Digital Rebel

My NIA dance teacher Carrie looking more beautiful than ever…

Matt & Carrie, Berkeley, CA, Canon Digital Rebel

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Sarah Pezdek-Smith

    What great pics! You really capture the soul of the people you take portraits of. Beautiful 🙂 They have a NIA dance studio near me, i was always wondering what that was.

  2. Cinzia

    Great shots Andrea!!!
    The NIA dance seems really interesting…I never heard of such a thing here in Italy! Lucky YOU!

  3. Molly Merrick

    First of all, I love your photos. I wish you posted them all onto flickr so I could view them larger and comment on them and favorite them and all that. (I recently took some photos of the woman I nanny for in all her pregnant splendor here )
    Second of all, I’d never heard of NIA before, but it looks fascinating! I’m want to learn more.
    I’m also going to tell my friend, Nia, about it. Her real name isn’t even close to Nia, and when she arrived at school her first year she was surprised that everyone was calling her that… she had never heard it before. It turns out that on all the forms that had to be filled out she’s written “N/A” whenever it asked for a nickname (for “not applicable”)… and the administration had read it as “Nia” and it sort of stuck! She’ll be interested to know that it has another meaning too.
    Thank you for sharing with us and have a great day, Andrea!

  4. jennifer

    oh andrea these are just amazing. more than amazing. i don’t have the words. how gifted you are.

  5. Jenn

    I love my NIA DVD. I so wish we had a class here. It would be fun to do with others I think.
    What lovely pictures. I love how you photograph women. I feel like when I see your photographs of women I get to see something intimate about them they don’t normally show. It’s like we get to see something secret without it being intrusive. Thank you for sharing as always.

  6. pixie


  7. Shelly R

    Andrea,great pixs!too bad, i have to left feet!

  8. Shelley Noble

    Another wonderous portrait session. Your clients/friends are all cool, modern, and beautiful.

  9. Bohemian Girl

    so gorgeous, lanquid, powerful, womanly, precious are these photos that they brought tears to my eyes.
    fabulous photographers invoke that type of emotion…and that would be YOU.

  10. Leslie

    Beautiful photographs. I tell ya, when I get to San Fran again some day I’m booking a session! I’m happy, my jewels are on their way.

  11. Jillian

    i love, love, LOVE your photographs of pregnant women.

  12. stef

    beautiful photos!

  13. alison

    simply beautiful.

  14. Mia

    How beautiful. The thing that amazes me about your posts is that everyone seems really relaxed.
    NIA dance sounds great.
    Take care

  15. Amy

    My mouth is hanging wide open in shock and disbelief.
    Such certainty, such a lack of comapssion, such an error in judgement.
    Speaking for God is not for anyone to do but God. So much damage has been done in the name of God that people sometimes have trouble differentiating between the two. More importantly, the character of God is full of grace and love and gentleness. And healing. Shame on you for using God’s name and purposes for your own means. This is NOT the way God communicates to his own children, so do not take it upon yourself to misrepresent.
    Andrea is a woman who chooses to share openly both the sorrows and the joys in her life. More often than not she shares the joys, the moments of “ah-ha” that seem to reach out and encourage so many others.
    For this there are so many that are thankful. It is an example of a shared pain that sometimes begins healing.
    To attack a woman who chooses to be vulnerable about such a delicate issue…why would you be so hateful?
    We need to respect one another, regardless of how a person makes you feel, because all people, and their experiences in life, are valuable. People may choose to disagree, yet even this must be done with respect.
    This world has enough hatred and malice in it already. Please make the choice to love and encourage, not to diminish.
    And afterall, if you are reading something with which you do not agree, you too have a choice – to stop reading it.
    Your response was unnecessary and hurtful.
    Andrea, please do not let this response overshadow your freedom of expression. So many care for you. Hang in there.

  16. kelly

    oh so happy….i never really embraced my pregnancys. these pictures are how every woman
    should feel while pregnant. she is beautiful and the pictures are priceless.
    and the nasty comment – it’s trash, throw it out.
    your honesty and thoughtful is why you are so special to so many. you are a blessing to all of us. thank you for sharing you life – the good bad and ugly. we are better for it.
    happy weekend.

  17. Tiff

    Andrea –
    We all love you.
    You are radiant.

  18. C. Delia

    I wanted to say that these pictures were so luminous and moving to me. I have been reading for about a month (archives, too!) and am always inspired by your gentle grace and creative spark. Seeing such a negative comment posted earlier has compelled me to say how much I enjoy your site–the images and the words are a wonder to me.

  19. Shelly R

    Andrea,Much Love.mean people suck!

  20. Mardougrrl

    What beautiful pictures! It’s strange…I’ve definitely having a rough first year as a mother, but I adored being pregnant. Thank you for showing me that sense of wonder again.
    And as far as your commenter, well…she’s wrong. It’s your vulnerability and grace and openness that will make you a great mother, just like they have made you a beautiful artist.
    Thank you.

  21. la vie en rose

    sweet friend,
    i was about the leave a comment about how beautiful these pics are when i noticed the mean spirited comment from betina. please, please do not listen to her. she is WRONG!!!! you are beautiful and wonderful and i feel blessed to be a witness to your pain, your grief, your beauty, your grace, your growth. i can not imagine how badly this comment must have hurt. it hurt me to read it and it wasn’t even directed at me. there are going to be people out there like this and it sucks. just this week someone called me a bith in my comments for absolutely no reason. it really hurt even though i have no idea who it was. this community loves you and stands beside you. there is absolutely no truth to this comment and it speaks so much more about this person and her nasty spirit than it does you and all your radiant beauty. and i for one want nothing to do with her god, thank you very much…
    love to you friend! if you need anything from your blogging community please come here and let us know! we’re here for you!

  22. M Payne

    I think your honesty and open heart are such a gift to all of us with whom you share it with. I don’t understand why someone would leave such a nasty comment- someone obviously has some issues of her own. I send you a big hug and let you know that you keep me in awe.

  23. nina

    Did you know that to say that someone is nauseous means that they make other people feel sick? It’s true. Look it up in the dictionary. An appropriate and sad, sad slip on the part of the cruel comment maker. I know I feel sick after reading that negative comment.
    Andrea, you are such a bright light. All of your photos make me feel like dancing. I don’t think I take the time to say that enough here. You’re also brave. And mean people do suck.

  24. Amy S.

    I am rare commenter but frequent lurker to your site. These pictures are so lovely. Andres, you are inspiring, thank you thank you for share your vulnerabilities with us and ignore hateful people.

  25. Susannah

    Andrea, your pictures, your jewellery, your blog, are so inspiring, i just wanted to add my comments and say thank you – for your honesty, and your heart.
    a *lot* of swear words just tumbled out of my mouth as i read that comment below – it’s not just the cruel, imbecilic, ignorant, bitter, nastiness that i read that enraged me, but the that fact this person mentioned god as well – surely god/the universal spirit resides in all of us ~ somehow i think she has missed the point.
    if i was you i’d DELETE that message from your heart, and feel strong knowing that the words you share in your blog are inspiring, truthful and a comfort and inspiration to many.
    keep doin’ what you’re doin’ – it’s wonderful

  26. amy

    hey sweet thing, this picture is glorious, a pure moment of joy and release. I’m sending you a little mental package packed with both today. you shine the light on so many, don’t let one shadow bring you down.

  27. Kerrilee

    Hello Andrea,
    I read your blog daily and have found your kindered spirit has helped me along my path of inner happiness. Perhaps the awaiting of your pregnancy, is due to you being a mother to those around you right now.Your raidant energy has sent those around you children, and look at the joy you have given them you capture their faces in each of your pictures,from the birth of your nephew to today’s most recent photo. Perhaps this could be the path you were given for the time being. I enjoy coming to your site daily I’m from the Boston area but feel i have a friend in San Fran. Namaste to you and Matthew. Continue spreading joy we all need a little andrea in us 😉 Kerrilee

  28. Vivienne

    Hey sister,
    I am stepping up to add my unabashed support of you and your blog. Your raw, open and insightful entries are a blessing to me personally. From all the comments you receive, it’s obvious that I am not a minority. As a woman on her own journey trying to conceive, I hold my glass to you and send you a big hug. We are already Mothers and everything is happening exactly as it should, no and’s if’s or but’s about it.
    Ooodles of fluffy love and hugs,
    Vivienne. <3

  29. andrea

    These are amazing photos and you are an amazing woman. You give hope, love and beauty so freely. Here is some back at you!
    (yes another one, our name is getting to be like “Jennifer”, heehee)

  30. nina

    it still amazes me how people can be so hateful.
    you, andrea, are caring and selfless and wonderful. don’t left haters steer you wrong.

  31. gkgirl

    i agree with what so many other
    commenters have said
    about the beauty of these photos
    and the obvious happiness this woman
    i also agree with them
    that betina has made an error in her
    misplaced judgement of you.
    it is sad when bitter people
    feel compelled to take out their
    on unsuspecting others…
    don’t let what she said get to you,
    revel in the support you received in response!

  32. letha sandison

    I am sorry someone felt the need to take the time to leave a hurtful remark on your blog. That was very mean spirited. Why would anyone take the time to add negativity to the world, that goes against the spirit of what we are doing with our blogs. In addition, to leave a cruel remark about such a personal and deep issue demonstrates a meanness that defies understanding.
    I hope the supportive comments are helping to ease the sting from the blow.

  33. Sike

    Don’t let BVD’s quasi-literate slag get you down; your pictures are sharp.

  34. megg

    I don’t often comment on here but I read your words almost every day. After reading the comments left on this post, I felt compelled to write you another piece of support. I know that it takes many many happy thoughts to erase the pain caused by one hurtful remark. And BOY did someone leave you a hurtful remark! Please, please, PLEASE do not let that nasty comment change one tiny bit of who you are on this blog. Your honesty, your ability to talk about what you are going through, your joy and your tears, and your stories have inspired me for a very very long time. In fact, without meaning to make you uncomfortable, you are one of my heroes!! YOU inspired me to begin this journey – to open myself up to meet other people and to show more of myself. So thank you for every honest picture and word you have shared. Please don’t ever stop. xo

  35. liz elayne

    These pictures are gorgeous. And brought a huge smile to my face…
    Then to read the comments posted by that person…How sad that someone would use comments to write such mean words. How sad for that person.
    Remember who you are my dear. Remember why you come here and write. Remember that another person’s words belong to that person and are not about you.
    Love and hugs to you.

  36. kim in Camas - ScrapToMyLu

    The photos are amazing! The mean comment only made them more beautiful for me, and very sad for the mean commentor that she couldn’t see what everyone else was seeing.
    I am very familiar with NIA. I remember when Debbie and Carlos introduced NIA years ago at the IDEA convention. (International Dance Exercise Association) We offered NIA at the club I taught for in Portland. Very popular here, espcially after they moved to the Portland area and taught at Body Moves. I havne’t seen them for years, I am glad to see their program is thriving.

  37. Bohemian Girl

    You will be the kind of mother that inspires many other mother’s to dance like your friend Carrie here, all gorgeous and sexy-preggie! She is so radiant and so are you for capturing this.
    Carsten and I were talking about the book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz last night.
    One of the four agreements is “Don’t Take Anything Personally”. I laughed when I first read this because since I am such a sensitive soul, I find it hard not to take hurtful things personally. But when I read the chapter on that agreement…it is so enlightening in that when people say or do hurtful things, it comes from a place within them that is full of their own wounds. Learning this has helped me shift my perspective during times like this.
    I know you know this already but it always helps me when a good friend reminds me, so I am giving that gift to you.
    I love you, woman and am so grateful for your inspiration and friendship in my life.

  38. amy

    Andrea, the work you share with us is a glimpse of perfection. You remind me to seek so much happiness and pleasure in the everyday things! I’m just sad that BVD’s life is so miserable that she can’t share in those everyday pleasures as well. Too bad for her…….great for the rest of us!! We love you!!!

  39. surcie

    Every time I visit your blog, I feel like I learn something new. I’d never heard of NIA before, but after looking at the SFB site, it sounds wonderful.
    You know, when people like you, who have beautiful souls, put their heart, their art, their joy, etc. “out there” for the world to see, somebody will want to tear it down out of envy, bitterness, sickness, whatever. I wish we didn’t give people like that so much power.

  40. Lunarmusings

    What can I say that hasn’t already? People lash out into the world with their unacknowledged wounds and cause quite a bit of damage as a result. You are not in Betina’s statements. They are not about you. I can only begin to imagine how truly unconscious and wounded she must be to send in such an ugly comment.
    You you you are a gorgeous light in the world. You are a WOMAN. GODDESS. HEALER. CREATRIX. BEAUTY. INSPIRATION. AWARE. and just TOTALLY COOL.
    I send you love. I send you the remembered knowledge that being hurt while cracking open doesn’t mean it will always happen, and I send you the deep strong root into the heart of what is true of you and your world.
    We all support you.

  41. Courtney

    I rarely comment, but I am always inspired by your journal. Just wanted to note that the strength that you exhibit, by leaving up BVD’s comments, shows what a strong person that you are to me. She is wounded- if she is real – and the cowardness she shows by not leaving a link reminds me of how really sad it is that people, like her, attack then run and hide.
    I am across the country in Florida and feel so honored to be able to access your wisdom and beautiful spirit. Matt is so lucky and we are all so blessed to be touched by your insights.
    I beg you not to change a thing. You and Matt are always in our prayers.

  42. doug

    Your pictures are looking more and more like ad’s for Celexa everytime…how about something real?

  43. gkgirl

    really though…
    who defines weird?
    i’d sooner be considered
    by some to be “weird”
    than to be considered
    rude, bitter, mean or
    spouting religously self righteous
    silliness about god making choices
    on who to grant babies to
    and who not to…
    i mean really.
    be serious.
    just saying, of course,
    not implying.

  44. gkgirl

    laptop dancer…

  45. Lunarmusings

    Oh my god! Enough of this! I came back on this morning to see how the posts were coming along, and I see what is turning into a junior high playground fight.
    Betina grow up. Leave. Find something better to do with your time, like therapy. Picking someone you don’t like to attack repeatedly only shows your immaturity, your lack of intelligence, and how truly disconnected you are from the real meaning of life.
    Beyond that, what are you? Like in your early to mid thirties? Really now… grow up.
    And Andrea darling… at this point I would delete her, and keep her from posting ever again. I respect your courage and commitment to truth in keeping these posts here, but at this point Bettina has become persistently abusive and what purpose would that serve you or anyone else… Could you block her so you wouldn’thave to read anything from her? I pray so…
    Again sending you love love love.

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