Photo Friday: Home

Golden Gate Bridge from Mt. Tam, San Francisco, CA, Canon Digital Rebel

So I’m officially on my little sabbatical from posting, but I couldn’t resist participating in the new Photo Friday today with the theme of “Home.” We will be leaving our beloved home of San Francisco tomorrow (for me after 11 years and for Matt over 30 years) and moving across the bay to Berkeley.

We are, however, going out in style. We made the SF Chronicle yesterday with the Rebar Encanment project. (More photos of that coming soon)

I realize as I am leaving this home, that I have a particular style of saying goodbye. My closest friends know that when I leave a party, I have a motto called “Leave at the climax.” Which is funny on a few different levels, but I really do live by it. I don’t wait until the party dies down to go home. I leave when the party is in full effect, right at the epicenter of the crazy dance moves, the moment when you can’t walk around very easily without spilling someone’s drink, or when the hootin and hollerin and blowing things up begins. I don’t say goodbye. I don’t make a big fuss. I just leave. (This happens even if the party is at my own house)

I am watching myself doing something similar with my move, ready to forge ahead without looking back. Ready to say goodbye without much ado. And although I don’t know if we’re leaving at the climax of our time here in the city, things are certainly rockin and the energy in the city is very alive.

Bye, bye San Francisco. We will miss you!

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Tiff

    Blessings on this new journey!

  2. Swirly

    I do the same thing at parties. I am thinking of you so much and hope the moves go perfectly!

  3. Lynn

    Hurrah for new adventures ahead, Andrea!

  4. amanda

    Aw, but you’re missing the denouement, when the last drunken stragglers have straggled their way out and all that’s left is a messy apartment strewn with remnants of an unforgettable night and a few best friends and that special bottle of wine you saved for last. The conversations that happen then, the unexpected secrets revealed, the final pairings of the night, platonic and romantic, those are some of the best, most intimate times in the life of the party.
    Congratulations on your transition!

  5. flower girl

    your only 15 minutes away by BART! it will be okay and you’ll get more sun in Berkeley!

  6. erika

    at the climax?? I’m the opposite and stick around until I make the hosts uncomfortable. Just kidding, but I love the climax too much to leave, think I’m going to miss something.

  7. stef

    Come on over to the East Bay baby; the water is warm! Welcome!!!

  8. rachel

    I didn’t realize someone else did that too at parties, and SF’s loss is our gain! I’m working on that list!

  9. Meg

    weirdly, really, in light of this post, I’ve been thinking a lot latley of your post “The Swarm” from 3 years ago. I’ve been in NYC for 8 years now, and It’s suddenly feeling like it’s time to swarm back to Northern California…. of course, these things take time, but I feel like I’m in my goodbye period. And it seems like y’all know it’s time to go too.
    Best of luck in your new life. I’m sure it will be wonderful….

  10. nadine

    Thinking of you and sending warm sunny yellow rays, fresh cut grass, cold clear bubbling water, and clean deep breath breezes your way 🙂

  11. Marilyn

    I was just thinking about you this morning…hope your move is going smoothly. Hoping Berkeley will be smashingly good to you both. xoxo

  12. Sarah Pezdek-Smith

    Atleast you won’t be TOO far from home 🙂 I hope you move goes smoothly. Congrats on the success of ‘Encanment’! I look forward to seeing more pics of the project 🙂

  13. Mia

    Hope the move goes well. At least your home will be somewhere as lovely as Berkeley!

  14. matirose

    i love your motto! rock it in berkeley!

  15. beastmomma

    I hope that your journey goes smoothly. Enjoy the sabbatical and come back with lots of spilling to share.

  16. Leonie

    blessings on your journey!

  17. Crissi

    Congratulations and good luck on your move. It’s always hard to leave a home, but now you will be making a new home. Besides, I bet you’ll find some great shots in Berkeley: the people, the shops, the lifestyle. I love Berkeley, it’s one of my favorite spots here in the Bay Area.
    -your Sonoma County reader

  18. Jennifer

    I’ve actually heard about that ‘leave the party’ theory….personally, I never feel like I can make it to the end of the party where you’ve got those few last straglers…

  19. MaryBEth

    Wishing you both a smooth * wildly wonderful transition to Berkeley! One of my daughters dearest friends was just accepted to University there as a junior. We are so excited to visit in the fall!

  20. Jo

    That is the best photo I’ve seen of “Home” in a while, having been transplanted from California to the east coast like I am…
    Enjoy Berkeley!

  21. Mia

    Andrea, when are you coming back? I really miss your lovely photos and inspiring posts. Anyway, hope to be able to read your blog again soon,

  22. cathy

    So much happens at the end of a party, I couldn’t bear to leave. It’s special to be on clean-up crew, to settle down and discuss things with the friends who are left, to feel like you’ve lived through something!

  23. Megara

    Please don’t take a sabbatical!!! Your blog is among the only blogs I ever read now.
    just kidding.. hope you come back soon.
    From Mexico.

  24. beeb

    you will surely be missed!

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