prayers answered

Today’s ultrasound, 12 weeks, GE Ultrasound equipment

I can’t hold out on you any longer and must share the good news… I’m 3 months pregnant! And feel a joy I can hardly put into words.

For now, I won’t even try to. I just want to thank you for your prayers.

On Mother’s Day at Glide, I was surprised when Janice Mirikitani got up on stage and did something that she’s never done in the 10 years I have been going to Glide. She said, “As we acknowledge the mothers today, I want to acknowledge the mothers to be as well. If you are willing, would anybody who is pregnant please stand up?”

My heart beat furiously in my chest and my friend Micki nudged me to stand. As I got up I realized that the entire sanctuary of over a thousand people had their eyes on me. I was the only one standing. I was overwhelmed by cheers and applause and all of these sweet faces of people I have been sitting with, praying with, celebrating with for so long, people I don’t even know the names of, all grinning at me with their hands in the air saying, “All right!!!”.

“That was for you,” Micki said. “All for you!” as she wiped my tears.

And that was the moment when all of this felt real for the first time.

After the service, an amazing woman (who visits this blog regularly) came up to me and said something I will never forget. She said, “I just want you to know that I’ve been putting prayers in the prayer basket for you each week. So in a way I feel like my prayers have been answered as well.”

And at that I burst into tears…

So to my little Glide angel and to all of you whose prayers I have felt so deeply over these years, I am so moved by you and so grateful. Thank you for your warm hearts and all of your support on this journey. You are generous and kind and I am proud to call you my community.

“Even if our efforts of attention seem for years to be producing no result, one day a light that is in exact proportion to them will flood the soul.” -Simone Weil

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Julie Wong

    Wow, Andrea!
    I cried reading this – though I don’t know you, I imagine that many who visit your writings feel that they have been part of your journey… I know I do! I love how you’ve bravely shared the dark and the scary and now, the radiant and the joyful.
    Congratulations to you and to the community that will be blessed with this child…

  2. yolanda

    I am so happy for you and your husband . I know you will be a good mother and I will keep you in my prayers.I hope too that another fellow blogger who wants this boho girl will soon get to announce this news. I am happy for you as i know that dealing with infertility is such a hard thing having experienced it personally. I will keep you all in my prayers.

  3. jen downer

    That is such amazingly, terrifically, fantastic news!!!!
    I knew the little angel would come to you… it was just waiting for the right moment.
    Oh thank you for sharing such utterly happy news!
    hugs to you three!

  4. Christa Baxter

    Andrea, thank you so much for sharing this story (and this most beautiful segment). Three of my older sisters are struggling with infertility right now, but the age differences between us, our different places in life right now (19 year old college student to adult women wanting to create families), are such that I rarely talk to them about it or feel like I understand what they’re going through. So reading the words of women like you who are brave enough to speak them, well, it’s like catching a glimpse, filtered through the life of a stranger, of what my sisters are experiencing right now. For that beautiful chance, I thank you.
    Every answered prayer brings a little more faith. Thanks for sharing this. =)

  5. bohemian girl

    a very happy tear just fell down my cheek.
    i love you, my friend and you will be the most gifted and loving mother.
    this journey with you has been such a strength for me and now, seeing this picture of your beautiful bebe…it is full of hope.
    you’re beautiful (and so is the wee one!)
    big crazy hugs to you and matt.

  6. rena

    hurray!!!!!!!! i am bursting with happiness for you and for Matt!!! thank you for sharing your entire journey with us, it is an honor.
    also, give Berkeley a big kiss for me, i miss her. and have a zampano from the Cheeseboard, you have to get the little bean used to spicy food sometime 🙂
    xoxo r

  7. Christine

    Fanstastic!!! What a very lucky child he/she will be to have a Mother like you. All the happiness to you and your husband.

  8. kaori

    oh my god! many happy tears for you. as another reader commented earlier, i feel like i’ve been walking alongside your journey too, having been reading (and very much appreciating) your journal for so long. i am so happy for you. congratulations

  9. oregoncoastgirl

    You have a knack for making your readers cry, apparently, ’cause I am, too! So, so happy for you. Excellent.

  10. kristine

    I just gasped when I clicked on your blog! YAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYYAAAA! That’s me jumping up and down like a little kids saying yay!
    I am so happy for you. I’m sitting here grinning like a family member. You have become like family to me!

  11. Britta

    Dear Andrea,
    I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time and have also read about your struggle to get pregnant. I’m so glad and happy for you!! Like the other commenters before me, I had to cry a little. All the best to you, Matt, and your baby, love, Britta :-))

  12. shona

    SuperSheroCoachAndrea, I am so thrilled for you! You have so much spirit, joy and love to offer everyone who comes into contact with you. I’m happy that you get to bask in the glow of your dreams coming true! What a great story. Thanks for sharing it!

  13. cpr

    Here I was yammering on about the crime problems in my area, and you kindly wrote back and gave encouragement to find our dream home… All the while you had this wonderful news! WOW, it’s so great! Even though we don’t *really* know you and your husband, we kinda feel like we do, and so we’re really happy for you both. I have to say I kinda teared up, like a good friend was telling me the good news. Isn’t the Internet weird and wonderful? I’ll bet you’re going to make wonderful parents! Congratulations. 🙂

  14. Shelley Noble

    Ok, crying now!! Andrea and Matt, we all are so happy for you all there. Yay! Joyful Baby Gifts-a-Rama! May God bless you all. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier and more hopeful about a baby’s future with their parents. This was an excellent choice all around!!!! Prayers answered indeed.

  15. dana

    I was in a bookstore two days ago, and I browsed around for a while before I settled in on one bookshelf, perusing the titles. I picked up a book by Sark, partly because I have another of her books, and partly because I have seen you mention her. And there was a photo of you, and your words on how you were so excited to become a mom. And how can I explain, I had this feeling…
    And now here is the most wonderful news! Congratulations Andrea & Matt!

  16. Brian

    That is so awesome! Congratulations to you and Matt!
    Joyous news indeed.

  17. Sarah Pezdek-Smith

    I am SO SO SO happy for you and your hubs! Thank you for sharing your good news and the picture of your little one! I hope you have a spectacluar pregnancy!

  18. cheryn

    i’ve been clicking on my “superhero” link lately kind of habitually, even knowing there havent been many new posts- so clicking on almost not expecting, then seeing…”wait…is that…?!” then a smile of “aaaww, it is!”
    like others, i don’t know you personally, but through your writings- and have surely many times sent out a wish for you that what was meant to be would make it to your heart and that you would find peace in whatever that was.
    i am a new mom and it is the most amazing experience…
    wishing you a healthy, enjoyable journey into motherhood…
    YAY!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!

  19. liz elayne

    i am snuggled up in my bed right now as my husband sleeps to the sounds of the clicking of the keyboard…and when i saw the picture I sighed and then when i read your words i whispered “wow.” my heart overflows with happiness for you and matt. yes. i want to yell out loud with joy for you…but i will just whisper another wow…
    beautiful my dear. just beautiful.

  20. Marloes

    Congratulations Andrea and Matt. Look, what a beautifull little soul is growing inside of you. I wish the three of you a very happy time.

  21. Anna

    Fabulous news… with or without baby, you are a truly amazing person with so much to give the world. Thank you for always sharing yourself so freely.
    Congratulations to you and your husband and your baby, you are a very special family.

  22. annax

    Many many congratulations with your pregnancy!! I wish you a magical and wondrous journey!

  23. karyn

    Couldn’t be happier for you both. Be assured that prayers will continue to be with you throughout the next months and beyond as your family grows and journeys together. I wish you the best of love and blessings overflowing.

  24. Anja

    This brought tears to my eyes. This is such amazing news. And your baby is beautiful. Congratulations!
    (and strangely, I had a little suspicion after your last post! 🙂

  25. Leonie

    oh wow oh wow oh wow
    i had a feeling this was *it*
    blessed be the soul that has chosen you and matt to be its guides and its birthing and its parents.
    you are right you know.
    the day that you celebrated this, the whole world would be stamping its feet in joy.
    “And I know that one day we will celebrate. We will celebrate so hard and so joyously that the world will shake.”
    ~ Andrea Scher, June 7 2004.
    in deep joy,
    and world shaking,
    love, laughter and HO! to your journey into motherhood ~
    p.s. there’s that unmistakable feeling a scorp gets when she knows things will never be the same again. thankfully. gratefully. powerfully.
    that feeling is now.
    a smile plays at my lips.

  26. kim

    I think your recent move may have had some suspicious already 🙂 !!!! Congratulations !!!!
    Do you happen to have an *in* with the folks from Photo Friday? Between last weeks theme and todays I think they are speaking to you 😉

  27. Melissa

    I admire the grace you have shown on this long and mysterious journey.
    Best wishes from a longtime reader.
    in Maine

  28. fern

    *wiping away the tears*…so happy for you…blessings!!!!

  29. wendy cook

    “the babe knew that it wouldn’t be long now, and the moon shone a little brighter, for although many people think that the moon gets its light from reflection, it is love which is the source of all light. And the baby laughed.” – Sherril Jaffe (from The Baby Laughs)
    YES!!! YES!!!!
    I knew you would be a mama before long. I felt in my heart. Remember I told you…your day would come soon enough. I’m elated for the three of you!
    With tears of joy,

  30. Molly Merrick

    The moment I opened your page and read the title and saw the ultrasound my heart leapt for you. And then I thought “no… she’s struggled for so long” and tried to hold my excitement in check until I read your first line. Thankfully it wasn’t very long.
    I think all of your readers are excited because we all feel as though we’ve gone through this with you, holding your hand and giving you hugs and crying with you
    I don’t think I’m the only one who can’t wait to follow you through your pregnancy and into motherhood with all of the joy and trials those experiences will bring.
    (Also, I’m proud of you for waiting to tell us… I know it’s the right thing to do, but I would have been bursting!)

  31. kristy

    Oh! I have been reading your journal for years. There wasn’t a moment where I doubted this would happen, I’ve just been waiting for it, talking to the powers that be, generating that magnetism that attracted this baby to you. Life is so sweet. In this early morning, here I am filled with goosebumps and sobbing for the joy you must feel. Congratulations Andrea!

  32. Julie

    Been reading your site for ages. Am so pleased for you…and like many who have left comments already, couldn’t help but shed a tear of joy for you. After a year of trying, I too am pregnant…and am 12 weeks too – due Dec 12th – so I know how you must be feeling. I had my scan on Wednesday – it’s truly amazing isn’t it? I look forward to hearing your progress over the next few months…years!!!!
    With love, Julie
    Near Oxford, UK

  33. wordybird

    a baby superhero! there must be such a wave of joy moving through the blogosphere right about now…

  34. nina

    hugs! hugs! joy! hugs! hugs! JOY!

  35. Jo Finney

    Congratulations! I’m so happy for you xx

  36. susan

    this is the ABSOLUTELY BEST news I have heard in a long, long time. I am head to toe so happy for both of you!!!

  37. Katherine

    . . . what lovely, lovely news 🙂 . . . and oh how fabulous will be the forthcoming pics 🙂

  38. Sue

    Oh so HAPPY to see that ultrasound pic. Matt and you will make beautiful, awesome and happy parents to this bubba. Can’t wait to ‘meet’ him/her!
    Yey! YEy!!!!

  39. Sarah

    Oh, Andrea, congratulations!!! How wonderful!

  40. Melissa

    Sweet. Sweet. Sweet.
    We’ve all watched for so long as you laid out the most poetic and profound welcome mat for this dear little soul to find you.
    And now our wishes are true.

  41. Amy C

    So happy for you. As a mother of 6-month old twins, I know you have lots of amazing things in store for yourself and this little one inside. Take good care these next few months. Enjoy these moments. Looking forward to the self portraits of your burgeoning belly!
    Amy and Sophie & Julien

  42. Robyn

    Mazel Tov Andrea & Matt! Isn’t it a great feeling? (I’m just starting my third month of pregnancy and it’s the greatest feeling in the world!) When are you due?

  43. Julie

    Congratulations, Andrea and Matt! Happy, happy, happy news!!!

  44. beeb

    How spectacular!!! Warm wishes to you, your hubby and the wittle won. My thoughts are with you.

  45. Heidi Renee

    *tears* i have never commented before but have read your blog for years. after my own struggle with infertility for 9 years i felt your pain in my bones, and now feel your joy andrea.
    you have been and will continue to be in my prayers.

  46. penelope

    Yay Andrea! Yay!

  47. Sophie

    I am so happy for you.

  48. teresa

    Congratulations you three – I will continue my prayers for your pregnancy and the life changes you are about to incur.

  49. Piper

    YAAAAAAAY ANDREA AND MATT!!!!! That is so wonderful! I am so happy for you! What a lucky baby to have two such funny, creative, intelligent parents! I have been reading your blog for ages so I was a witness to your struggle. I’m sure that you are relishing every moment of being pregnant. Thank you for sharing the fabulous news on your blog. I will anxiously await your entries about pregnancy. Congratulations!

  50. michele

    i knew something was up…
    i felt in my heart that you were pregnant and i am so excited for you both.
    what a journey you’ve been on, and look, the universe answered your prayers!
    as i hold my baby to my breast, i know what it is like, it is pure magic and i am SO happy that you will feel this too.
    you and matt will be phenominal parents and this child will teach you so many things about life, love and happiness!
    yey for you!
    peace & love~

  51. jenn

    For awhile now I have been taking the first day of the month to stop and send you prayers of little feet coming into your life. Yesterday I kept thinking how I just wanted to send you prayers of protection for already small life inside you. I am not sure why but I felt it. I am so excited to hear this wonderful news. Yeah for Matt and you. I can’t imagine more wonderful people getting this special gift. Congrats.

  52. Michele

    I am so very HAPPY for you and Matt!!!! Congratulations again!!!!!!!! I am so glad you love your new home and now you have a safer place for your baby as well. I wish you all the best with your pregnancy. Will you want to know the sex or do you want to be surprised? OH Yeah!

  53. chlamygirl

    that’s brilliant!! i knew that constant prayers, and positive thoughts would make a difference. congrats to you and your boy!

  54. Tracy

    Andrea, I’m so very, very happy for you. Best wishes for a smooth and easy pregnancy and a darling healthy baby. Congratulations.

  55. Jeanne

    May Heaven smile softly, and bless you~
    Take good care of yourself and gets lots of rest.
    What a joyful reading this was!
    Prayers for your continued blessings!
    2006 seems to be a most magical year for so many~
    Be well and take good care.
    Love Jeanne

  56. Jessica

    Next time, please include a “this will make you cry” disclaimer! 🙂 Congrats.

  57. Shelba

    Yay!!!! Congratulations!!! So, so, so very happy and excited for you. What wonderful news!

  58. Marilyn

    OH! OH! OH! OH! This gave me CHILLS! Oh, Andrea, I’m so, so, SO happy for you and Matt. And that moment at Glide you described…how freakin’ PERFECT was THAT?! I can’t wait to tell my Mom this news. 😉 HUGE hugs to you! Much love, Marilyn xoxoxo

  59. Leslie

    This is the most wonderful news. I am very happy for you.

  60. mabelle

    Bravo! How fantastic! What a true testament of faith, prayer and hope! I’m so, so happy for you and Matt! You are already such a cool mommy!
    I rejoice with you!
    hugs from Florida…

  61. alison

    WoooHooo! congratulations! soooooo happy for you. yes, i cried tears of joy too to this wonderful news. yay! lotsa rainbow love to you.

  62. teslaroo

    ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
    A desire fulfilled is sweet to the soul

  63. wn

    Félicitations to you and Matt. My heart lept up into my chest as I read the title to the picture. You’ve shared with all of us your ups and downs and your hopes and dreams about this baby. Let us share with you (and Matt) how truly happy we all are for you!
    This news kicks BUTT!!!

  64. Erin

    Congratulations!! Tears and a happy dance all around my living room.

  65. erica

    Andrea: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! And welcome to the next chapter…..

  66. Chris

    Oh my Gosh! The minute I saw the photo and knew what the entry was about, I thought back to several of your posts where you opened up about being sad and at times resentful of mothers and pregnant women. And then I whispered to my empty office: “It was all part of the journey, honey.” It’s easier now to understand that you had to go through all of that to get to where you are today.
    Take care of yourself and enjoy every moment of it.
    Best Wishes,

  67. Alecia

    What amazing news!?! I have read your blog for awhile and knew about you before that from SARK. Your entries on fertility have broken my heart and I didn’t want to write because I had just found out I was preg after 6 years of infertility. And I didn’t want you to think it could take that long. 🙂
    But your family has been in my prayers and today I celebrate with you! Blessings.

  68. A.J.

    That is beyond awesome.
    Congratulations!!! I’m blown away. I am so happy for you and your husband.
    Take good care of yourself. Rest when you’re tired.
    Such wonderful news.

  69. katy

    this news made my day. what wonderful news.

  70. Kate

    I think my co-workers are all wondering why I just nearly shouted HOORAY! Andrea, I am just so happy for you. I have kept you in my thoughts every day. I am just BURSTING with happiness, my dear!

  71. Christine

    I knew it would happen for you. I just knew it. You are too good a person for God to hold out on you forever, girl! Congratulations from all the way here in Guam. I knew it would happen! I’m so glad. When you repeated that quote, the goosebumps came all over. You give me hope, Andrea! I am so happy for you. May your pregnancy be blessed! 🙂

  72. kyra

    Yeahhhh!!!! I have been following along and am so happy for you. What wonderful news. I’m sure you’ll be an awesome mama and it sounds like that guy by your side won’t do too bad as a dad either. 🙂 Congratulations!

  73. Jen

    Yeah!! CONGRATULATIONS!! I suspected you were pregnant in your last post, you said as you were preparing for a family. It made me think. I felt tears as I read this post and saw the picture. I know how much this means to you. I’m so very very happy for you and your husband. Congratulations again.

  74. Meg

    Oh my GOD! Congratulations to all three of you!!!! I got all teary at work when I read this. How fantastic. I’m keeping you all firmly in my prayers. Wow… I wondered if the move to Berkely might mean the family was growing.
    HOW wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Congrats! xxoxoxoxoxoxox

  75. stef

    So happy and so excited for both you and Matt! Warm wishes to you both ~ let’s play together soon!!!

  76. Lynn

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’m teary-eyed as I’m writing this. :::HUGS:::

  77. thodarumm

    I am sooo happyy for you. I have not read your post yet, just the first few words…

  78. Rosie

    I gasped and smiled when I read this post – I’m so happy for you! It’s such great news. Wow!
    Huge and very happy congratulations to all three of you!

  79. Henna

    Congratulations on your wonderful news! You give the rest of us that are waiting a little hope.

  80. Ravena

    Andrea! You brought me to tears-Congratulations!

  81. Jennifer

    Congratulations. Although I have never met you I am so happy for you. You have shared with all of us your heartache and pain through your journey and it has touched me deeply. However today is the day we can celebrate with you. Best of luck to you through this fantastic journey. Savor every minute of this wonderful blessing. I know you will make a wonderful mother. Congratulations to you and Matt!

  82. dona B

    Andrea, that is wonderful news. I’m so happy for your family!

  83. jessica

    oh andrea — oh how wonderful. congratulations to you and matt — you deserve this so much.

  84. chris

    Congratulations! (I guessed as much in the post of 5/31 with the comment you made “is this what people do when they prepare to have a family?”) Life is good!

  85. Lisa

    I’ve never been so happy for someone I don’t know. You have made my day–and I know my comment will most likely get lost among the trillions of comments you are bound to get–but really, i am truly thrilled for you.

  86. Susannah Conway

    The best news i’ve heard all week – Congratulations, sweet Andrea, i am so happy for you both – and now the fun really begins 🙂

  87. Eva

    Dear Andrea, congratulations to you and Matt. That is wonderful news!! Waw 🙂

  88. ladyloo

    What wonderful news! I’m so happy for both you and Matt!

  89. Gayla

    Yay Andrea and Matt!

  90. nina

    Tears of joy here. Congratulations!

  91. muck

    aww, congratulations!!!
    wishing you + matt a very happy pregnancy!!! 🙂

  92. M

    When I saw the photo, I got goosebumps. I’m so happy for you, for you both. No one deserves it more. Congratulations!!

  93. Mads

    Congratulations!!! I have obsessively read your blog since last year, and I am so happy to hear the good news! Much love and well wishes!

  94. Shannon

    More tears of joy here – heartfelt congrats to you.

  95. Abby

    I am in a bit of a difficult spot, trying to work out a long distance relationship. It’s a time of maintaining peace and longing for all to line up as it should. Last night, I was driving home, and in a spirit of agreeing with the universe, prayed for you…for the desires of your heart to have a baby would be filled. Just last night! I agree indeed for all that IS today.
    I am so happy for you!

  96. my pink sky

    what wonderful joys await you! congratulations.

  97. rachael

    Oh, wow. When I saw the ultrasound pic pop up, before I even read a word of your entry, my heart jumped a little in my chest. Even got a little teary eyed. 🙂 Congratulations, Andrea! I am so incredibly happy for you.

  98. Brianna

    Oh Andrea… I am crying and rejoicing along with you! Hallelujah! I am imagining this baby being born into your new community with its bamboo and hummingbirds and squirrels and organic foods; how beautiful.

  99. Jane

    There’s nothing that I can add that hasn’t already been said.
    Congratulations and Much Love to you and yours!

  100. Jenny Rebecca

    Oh congratulations, congratulations!! I gasped out loud when I saw the ultrasound picture, I am SO happy for you. Wishing you many beautiful blessings.

  101. Anshu

    Dear Andrea, Matt, and the new spirit growing in you! I am totally crying!!!
    I am so happy for you!
    Much love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  102. Samantha

    wow… i’m completely tearing up right now… i am SO happy for the both of you and i knew that you would make the best parents! my joy is overflowing! congratulations and good luck! i know you’ll be fine. 🙂

  103. Stephanie

    Yes yes yes!!!
    So happy for you I am speechless…
    Love you,

  104. alex

    Eeeekk!! I’m so exicted for you!
    Veriest congratulations to your family.

  105. nadine


  106. Donna

    Yay, I’m so happy for you! YAY!

  107. Dawn

    Oh my goodness! Many congratulations. I am so happy for you. Blessings to you and family-to-be!

  108. Courtney

    I have never been so happy for someone I have never met. Ever since I started reading your blog, I have hoped you would have your dream fulfilled. Many, many congratulations.

  109. Adriana

    I knew it would happen. I’m so very happy for you and I’m sending you all the best, positive energy I have your way.
    Thank you for sharing the greatest news of the year.
    Did I tell you how happy I am?

  110. Amy

    Fantastic, Andrea!! I am crying as I read this, I am so very happy for you and your hubby. You are going to be the most wonderful, loving mother. Best of luck through the rest of your pregnancy. And Congratulations!!

  111. Rebecca

    Congratulations to you and Matt, and may God continue to bless your growing family! 🙂

  112. christine

    I’m tearing up–again!–at the wonderful news. You, Matt & the wee one are in my thoughts. YAY!!!

  113. kate

    🙂 tears of joy! congratulations! your story is so touching & i LOVE the quote you posted at the end…how wonderful to see the seeds you’ve been so diligently planting finally take root & begin to grow. a wonderful example & such great, great, news. i’m so happy for you. you deserve this joy. continued blessings, andrea! muchlovek

  114. Megan

    I gasped when I saw the photo that was posted. The very, very best to you!
    “A burden shared in only half the trouble-
    Joy that’s shared is joy made double.”
    -Michelle Shocked

  115. lindsey

    Andrea, this is an answered prayer for many people. Truly amazing, glorious news. Congratulations to you and Matt!

  116. beastmomma

    Congratulations and good wishes.

  117. la vie en rose

    oh beatiful soul,
    a friend of mine (also a reader of your blog) asked if i had seen your photo today and that it was amazing. i said i hadn’t and so she made me close my eyes while your blog pulled up and then told me when to open them so that i could get the full effect. when i saw the sonogram picture i immediately felt tears building in my eyes.
    i celebrate you! i celebrate your longing! i celebrate your heartache and your joy! i celebrate your dark moments that led to this great light! i celebrate all of it and all of you!
    congratulations does not even begin to describe what i’m feeling for you. believe me, all of us who have been following your progress and your pain feel like a part of this and we are overjoyed for you.
    blessings to you andrea. many, many blessings to you!

  118. MamaChristy

    And look how cute that baby is already! Congrats!

  119. blackbird

    I’ve been thinking about you…
    and saying a wee prayer now and then that you would find yourself so blessed.
    What lovely news.

  120. theresa

    congratulations andrea! you’re going to be an incredible mother. best wishes to you’re wonderful little family.

  121. Sarah Pearson

    Congratulations, Andrea. I am very happy for you. The best is yet to come. Enjoy!

  122. Carolyn

    Andrea, I am so happy for you. I knew that one of these days you would get pregnant and that you wouldn’t be sad for long. Congratulations!

  123. belle

    though i am a frequent reader here, i have never made a comment. but this news is just too wonderful. i am so happy for you and matt. many more blessings for your family!!

  124. meg

    I am so happy for you – you would think we were good friends instead of complete strangers! What wonderful news – I will be praying for you.

  125. zen g

    Congratulations! Your blessing and joy has me in tears and I don’t even know you.
    Best wishes for a happy healthy baby!

  126. Kimberly

    Just want to send my congratulations your way as well! All the best to you, Matt and your little one.

  127. PBfish

    Hi there,
    I’ve been lurking on your blog for a while now and just wanted to say congratulations!!

  128. Carla

    Some good vibrations came from here too. I’m soooooooo happy for you and your husband.
    Many kisses

  129. eileen

    Amen Sister!
    I couldn’t be more overjoyed for you and Matt! I’m going to do an extra special dance tonight (to Lionel, of course) in honor of “prayers answered” and then take a silent moment to feel the joy in my heart for you.
    Thank you, thank you! for being so brave in sharing of yourself with such truth and integrity (as always!).
    I love you and can’t wait to be there with you as you grow big and more radiant.

  130. danielle

    i am sitting here with tears streaming down my face. your site has been an inspiration to me for some time and i am thrilled with your news. i wish you and matt every good thing. thank you for sharing your soul with me. you deserve this wonderful gift.

  131. amanda

    A huge huge congratulations to you. what a beautiful gift, and how blessed that little one will be to enter your family. Much love to you as you experience your pregnancy and get to know this little one’s spirit!

  132. taterbug

    Baby super s/hero!!! Like many other commentors, I have read your journal for what seems like ages and I have often thought about your struggle. I started getting misty-eyed when I read your post, but now — at the bottom of the comments from all of these wonderful people — I’m flat out sobbing. You have a really special community here! May the rest of your pregnancy be wondrous and exciting!!!

  133. Sarah Scott

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is glorious news!!!

  134. Micheline

    Although we are complete strangers, your openness and honesty make you feel more like a friend. Thank you for sharing your story, the long journey, the sorrow, the anger, the anticipation and now the undescribable joy. The whole thing brought me to tears. Congratulations to you, to Matt and to your beautiful little baby. What a wonderful family you will be.

  135. Simone

    I’ve read your blog for months and never commented before but had to say congratulations!!!! I wish you and Matt all the best in all your new beginnings!!!!

  136. lucia

    ahh!!!!!! i’m so so so so happy for you!!!! *hug* you are going to be such a great mother!!! ahhhh!!!!!!!!!

  137. jessamyn

    I am so, so, so happy and thrilled for you, and your words made me cry, too! Best wishes to you and Matt and your beautiful baby to be!!!

  138. Jennifer

    Your news and words brought tears to my eyes. You are such an inspiration to your readers (and I am sure even more so to those close to you in your life). May you and your family experience much contentment and joy. Congratulations on this new exciting chapter in your life…

  139. Grace

    This is the best news I’ve heard in a long time. I just caught my breath when I saw that ultrasound picture at the top of the screen. Congratulations!!

  140. amandarin

    Congratulations Andrea (and Matt!)… what wonderful, wonderful news!
    Our prayers now will turn to you having the happiest and healthiest of babies 🙂

  141. katherine

    andrea… thank you for sharing your wonderful news!!! we couldn’t be happier for you. much love, katherine, justin and little sammers

  142. Courtney

    We want a VIRTUAL BABY SHOWER!!!!!!!
    Andrea, I would like to tell you how thrilled I am for you and Matt.
    This helps me spiritually, too b/c it is just another example of how God answers intercessory prayers.

  143. Maegan

    I’ve been reading your blog for a while now, following your journey to motherhood. I’ve had similar bumps along the road, and my heart has ached reading your thoughts and feelings infertility and miscarriage. Now I rejoice with you and Matt! Congratulations… look how much love there is already for your precious bean. Wishing you much love, joy and happiness. You and that precious baby will be in my prayers.

  144. Chookooloonks

    Fantastic news! Now, my friend, the fun REALLY begins!
    Congrats to both of you!

  145. Caroline

    Dearest Andrea,
    Wow!!! What a testament to how well loved you are…it looks like every one of your readers is leaving a comment! Your warmth, honesty and sincerity touches so many — visiting your site really does feel like time spent with a sweet friend. Congradulations to you and Matt; welcome to the amazing journey of parenthood.

  146. Gabrielle

    Way back, in early 2004, i left a comment for you on this blog and you were one of the first people to congratulate me on my pregnancy. I am so happy to be able to do the same – congratulations my dear! Enjoy every moment of this – it goes by fast – and you should relish it all. Lots of love and good wishes to you and Matt!!!!

  147. amy

    I have tears of joy for you right now. Congratulations…you will be an amazing, wonderful mother, to a child will be incredible.

  148. Hazel

    I am a regular reader of your blog. On the days when I feel sad or frustrated I re-read your blog and your words always give me comfort and perspective. You have changed my way of viewing the world and I don’t even know you. You are a blessing to so many people, so it feels so good to congratulate you on your blessing.
    Congratulations to you and your husband. I can’t wait to read about the next steps on your journey. You are a true testament to courage, strength and perserverance.

  149. Marilyn

    I could not be more thrilled for you!! Best of luck during your pregnancy and beyond. You will be an amazing Mom. Have fun!

  150. James

    This is a very wonderful post. Congratulations and all the best to you.

  151. shelly

    Andrea& Matt , I am so happy for you both.Many happy days,lots of love.You will stay in my prayers.

  152. Veronica

    Oh my GAWWWWWWd! Yea!!!! Woohoo. Ok. That is the most wonderful news I have heard all day. Congratulations and even though I don’t know you I read your blog all the time and I talk about how talented and insightful and brave you are to anyone who will listen (mostly my poor husband…lol) You have given me inspiration on so many occasions and I am just so so happy for you. Anyway, I’m not really making any sense at all but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to say something. Absolutely wonderful news……

  153. Christine

    WooHoo!!! Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you that I have tears in my eyes! I can only imagine how much you glow! Best wishes to you and Matt.

  154. catina jane

    woooohooooo, God is good!!
    a million congrats sweetie!

  155. carrie

    so exciting! congrats, andrea!

  156. Melba

    Prayer is powerful!
    You are an amazing example of faith!

  157. judith

    i am overflowing with happiness for you.

  158. wilsonian

    Just look at all these sqeals! All these prayers answered. Someday we’ll all know what God was busy getting ready while you were waiting. In the mean time… enjoy every second.

  159. Debra

    Although I’ve only been reading your blog for a month or two, I have come to love your spirit and photos. I found myself wiping the tears of joy from my cheeks tonight as I read this latest post. I am so happy for you and Matt. Wishing you all the best!

  160. Caroline


  161. Carrie

    OMG – congratulations, Andrea!!!!!!!!!!!

  162. Milly

    Wonderful news! I am so happy for you. I’ve been reading your blog for years, your words and photos are so inspiring. I wish you all the best, and can’t wait to see photos of baby Superhero!!!!
    Peace and blessings to you and your husband.

  163. meredith

    Oh, Andrea!
    Congratulations to you and your husband! How wonderful this is!
    I was so happy to read the news.

  164. Lucille

    OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
    I didn’t even read your whole post yet—-I saw the ultrasound, my breathe caught in my throat!!!
    I am so happy for you!!! CHEERS!!! ALL GOOD WISHES!!!!

  165. Honey

    Oh Andrea…as it should be. Bless you all!

  166. Amy

    I am moved to tears by what I just read.
    The english language fails me as I will try to express the joy I feel for you and Matt.
    How perfect the timing is with all the green and blooming going on around you — hummingbirds, and trees at your windows.
    How powerful the walk between mystery and faith. How comforting the realization that prayers are answered, and the beauty in people collectively, from all stretches of the globe, sending prayers out into the world for you.
    It made my heart burst to read how you got to tell everyone about your pregnancy. That was special. You deserve the applauds and the big gush of love from your community.
    everything is just right and on time.
    It reminds me of what my dad said to me.
    “What your heart deeply desires is on it’s way to you. And even if you have a hard time believing that it is coming, know that the people who love you will believe for you, as it will in its own time come into being for you.”
    I hold you high tonight and raise my glass in celebration!
    xo – Amy

  167. Amy

    i just solo danced in my kitchen for yours and Matt’s NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOO!

  168. liz

    whoa congrats! I don’t even know you and I am so excited for your family growing!

  169. Sharon

    I hope you get to post #169 for yet another Congratulations! I’m very happy for you, your husband and that lucky little baby who is on his (or her) way to being so very loved. My little ones are 3 and nearly 5. It’s a sticky road ahead but I wouldn’t trade the journey for anything. I wish you all the best.

  170. samin

    dear andrea, ms. positive,
    all is well now. all is as it ought to be. you will be a wonderful mother. congratulations to you and matt, and nothing but warm wishes for you both.

  171. Erin Contreras

    I bet you can’t stop looking at your little Angel…
    I am so happy for you! I have read your blog for a while now, but as of late I have not been online.I had a funny feeling that if I checked your site it was going to say something about you being pregnant.I guess I checked on the right day! Iam currently 19 weeks pregnant,and get to have my first ultrasound on Monday, I think its going to be a boy I can’t wait to see.
    Anyways, I have been going to an awesome website called it has a really cool forum. Its nice to ask other women their opinions and compare experiences while they are happening.
    All the best wishes to you and your beautiful growing family!

  172. Pamela

    Like so many here I am simply full of emotion for you. Having shared your pain, I now share in your joy. I am so, so grateful that your outcome is this beautiful little life. Please keep us posted, the baby’s sex, her/his due date, etc.
    Your light has reached out into far corners, Ms. Andrea, I felt sure this blessing would answer the beams!
    Hugs to you and congratulations to you both!

  173. Julia

    Oh Andrea!! This is the happiest news! 🙂 I have so been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, and I really feel like the universe has said YES! YES! YES!! My heart and prayers are, and will continue to be with you and Matt. I’m so very happy for you both. 🙂

  174. Sara

    Oh, there is nothing to say except congratulations and best of luck to you! How simply wonderful and I love the mother’s day story. I can’t believe you were able to keep it from your fans so long. Does it feel like a relief to be in a new space, now that your little bean will soon join you? Every feeling we have about our city–and our neighborhood–changed when our girl was born!

  175. jenny

    oh, congratulations. i am so very very happy to hear this news!

  176. Cee

    This is so wonderful – deepest, deepest congratulations.

  177. Sarah

    Oh, Andrea!!! 🙂 Could not be more elated for you and Matt!
    Sending you squeezes and dancing in a circle!

  178. nicola

    you have women weeping happy tears all around the globe- and mine join theirs- congratulations!

  179. shokufeh

    Congratulations! I’ve been thinking about you and your baby desires. I guess I was really thinking about you and your baby.
    That is one fine looking baby!

  180. Marieke

    I am so thrilled, congratulations and the very best wishes to you all Andrea 🙂

  181. Cam

    You don’t know me but I read your blog regularly and this makes me so happy! Such gorgeous news! Gongratulations!

  182. Sandra

    Dear Andrea,
    I have been reading your blog for quite some time and read about your struggle to conceive so I honestly gasped with excitement for you when I read this post.
    Thanks for sharing the journey with us, it has been an honour and the hugest congratulations to you both!!!!!!! Such fabulous news.

  183. Shari

    What a beautiful post! What great news! I knew you were destined to be a mom! Your powers of observation, gratitude, acknowledgement, and kindheartedness will serve you well on this journey. What a great way to start the day hearing this news! I have a great yoga book for mommies and a prego water workout book for you! Can you feel the love wrapped around you!

  184. megg

    You have so many words of love and support here. Count me amongst them. I couldn’t be happier for you. Keep well. xoxo

  185. Christina

    How really, truly wonderful! I feel very happy for both of you, and a Hello to the new Life!

  186. Kathie

    How absolutely wonderful! My heart has ached for you as you have posted on this topic over the last years.

  187. Felicity

    ANDREA! I *knew* it! Remember my dream? I can’t wait to share this journey with you thru your blog. WOOHOO.

  188. Tracy

    This is fantabulous news. Congratulations and thank you for your strength in sharing your journey with all of us. We are all the more stronger, compassionate and plain happier for it.

  189. Julie

    Tears of joy here in Australia. Wonderful wonderful news.

  190. Rachel

    That is fantastic! Congratulations!

  191. Kristen

    I’ve thought of writing a comment in the past but never felt compelled enough to do so till now. As I write this I see there are already 191 comments posted and I am not surprised. All of your devoted readers have felt your pain and are now experiencing your joy. Congratulations!!!!!!!!! I have a 6 month old and she is the BEST thing that has happened in my life. Enjoy!!!!!

  192. kristyk

    I cried reading this…
    Some time ago, when I ordered another [!] pair of earrings, my kids were looking at your picture and talking about what they thought you were like. I told them that you were very creative and that your husband was one of the people who built the cabinet library. [They still ask to go there at least twice a month!] “Man, their kids are so lucky,” my son said. I explained to them that you didn’t have kids. Their first reaction was shock… how could someone be grown up and NOT have kids? LOL! “Why don’t they want kids?” they asked. I told them that you did want kids, very much, but that it wasn’t always that easy. Some people try and try and never have a baby. They were so sad. Every once in a while, my son will come up and play with my earrings and ask me if the pretty lady has a baby yet. I’m so excited that the next time he asks, I’ll be able to say yes!!!

  193. turquoisecro

    Congratulations!!! Your Glide story gave me goose bumps! (((((Andrea, Matt, baby))))) love and prayers, Cinda

  194. Kelly

    I am so happy for you! Congratulations, and thank you for sharing this with all of us.

  195. kim

    The best to all three of you!! What an amazing gift you have been given….a true miracle!

  196. heather

    how wonderful.
    i just bought a mother’s day necklace from you for my first mother’s day, and was wishing the same for you.
    you made my day.

  197. lela

    i have never commented in your blog before, but have been reading for quite a while.
    i am sitting here crying tears of joy for you… just as i ached for you when i read of your struggle with infertility. you’ve been in my prayers many times since.
    what a wonderful, glorious gift!

  198. Debbie

    Light has indeed flooded your soul, as well as ours – your readers.

  199. Sonia

    Wonderful, great news!!
    I am so happy for your and Matt!!
    A big hug to you both, from Brazil!!

  200. jessica

    Congratulations and best wishes for continued health and happiness throughout your pregnancy, and for a blessed and happy birth and baby! 🙂

  201. monicalee

    We are all so thrilled for you!!

  202. Tongue in Cheek

    When I saw the image posted on your blog, my eyes welled upquickly, I stood up so fast the chair knocked over and I cried happy tears that splashed on my keyboard for you!
    If I who do not even know you feel like this, I can image you MUST BE OVER THE MOON and skipping the light fantastic!!
    WONDERFUL WONDERFUL and to be honored on Mother’s day, to stand up and be the only one!! LOL, Heaven is a funny miracle kind a place, such funny Gods to give you a place of honor, Wonderful pregnancy Mother to be!!

  203. becky

    this story brought a little tear to my eye – I’m so happy for you andrea! for all of the joy you release in to this world, you really do deserve this bundle of joy that has been delivered to you. best of luck through the coming months of pregnancy. you are going to be a wonderful mom.

  204. denise

    For something that you wanted so truly, so deeply, so absolutely…has arrived.
    Best wishes,

  205. españa

    From all these beautiful comments, I am sure you know you are well blessed and prayed for and congratulated. I just wanted to say I, too, am so excited that you have been given what you have been hoping for for so long. Blessings to you and Matt and the new little one! 🙂

  206. Allison

    So completely thrilled to see your precious one staring back from my computer screen. Congratulations to you and Matt on this next most exciting journey!

  207. jennifer

    I’ve taken almost two weeks off of blogging. What a joy to come back to this post. You are a blessing and this is a blessing and I will be praying for a healthy, happy pregnancy for you from this point on…I was already praying/sending good vibes your way but now I need to tweak them a little 🙂 Happiness to you and yours Andrea. xo Jennifer

  208. chrissy

    i knew it. i told you! this is the year. hooray! god is good. god is good. god is good. way to ask the universe for help! way to ask people for support and prayers! blessings to you an matt. blessings to you.

  209. Jus

    There is a happy happy joy joy dance, and I am doing it for you!!!

  210. samantha

    My mouth dropped open when I read this! Oh wonderful news! I love the Glide story – one day I am determined to experience Glide – and I love that you could celebrate your momentous expectation is such a special way. This news has made my Saturday – I am full of tears of joy!

  211. Alexandra Saperstein

    When I read this yesterday, I was too moved to post a comment, but now i am back to say congratulations to you Andrea, I’ve been reading your posts throughout this process and was always so amazed at your honesty, grace, wit, and commitment to this process. You are such an amazing woman. My first thought when I read this post was “This is going to be one very lucky, very, very, very loved child.” May you three have a wonderful, healthy, smooth pregnancy the rest of the way onward.

  212. morgan

    Andrea, oh Andrea.
    I too, literally gasped when I saw the photo and then read your post.
    OH HAPPY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You will be such a beautiful, loving mother. I just know it. This news not only fills me with happiness for you, but gives me hope in the world. A brimming cup of joy runneth over.
    This absolutely made my day.

  213. mary

    I am so excited and thrilled for you!! I remember when I was three months pregnant…I first flet the “butterfly wings”.
    Prayers are answered.

  214. em

    Wow. When I read your posts on April 5th and April 11th, I thought, she is going to be a mom. Before that I was sorry for your difficulty and inspired by your kindness and honesty. But when I read those two, I thought “that is where the magic happens”.
    I burst into tears when I saw the picture of your baby, even before I read that it was yours.
    Again, here I am a total stranger, but I could not be happier for anyone than I am for you and Matt. Babies grow us from the inside. I wish the three of you balance and joy.

  215. Molly

    I am very very happy for you. xxx

  216. Jennifer

    Gasp, gasp, huge gasp!!! You rock, girl!! (And Matt too, of course!!) I wasn’t even going to check your blog any time real soon, just because I know you’re taking a little bit of a break, but I did, on a whim, and am so thrilled to hear your news. And of course, the fact that you have over 200 responses to that entry must feel wonderful too! Keep us posted….

  217. Heidi

    YAY!!! I am sooo happy for you! I feel as though I have been on this long journey with you, checking in every day to see if you have “the” news to share with us all.. I am just so darn exicited for you! Congrats and warm baby thoughts to you!

  218. Heather

    Congratulations! I cherish reading your blog, your words have been inspirational to me and seem to come at exactly the right time. I’m so happy for you and your husband on your wonderful news!

  219. michelle

    Great site! 🙂

  220. Tiff

    And so are you.

  221. dee

    What a joyful message and a cause for celebration and many prayers of thanksgiving and hope for the little one to come. Andrea and Matt, I join the many, many others in offering my congratulations and continued prayers for your family. God is good and this was certainly meant to be. Take care of yourself and enjoy these moments as you await your little one.

  222. Cindy Langley

    Dear Andrea: Congratulations!! Your blog is always so uplifting and/or validating, but this is the best! I’m 4 months pregnant (with my second child) and look forward to reading your thoughts as things progress. What a gift! Thank you for sharing.
    You guys are going to have so much fun. Absolutely awesome! Many blessings to you.

  223. kb

    Mazel Tov! Blessings to you and your family!

  224. joan

    dear andrea- i have been reading your blog for a long time now and today when i read your good news i wept. how wonderful for you. i extend all good wishes to you and yours- you bring a lot of joy into people’s lives. thank you for once again sharing your good news and your joy with all of us.

  225. Jodi

    AH! I’m so excited for you guys! This is what I have been waiting to read on your blog and although I don’t know you “in person”, I truly have been praying for you and anxiously awaiting this day. What an adventure you are on…new home, new life. Congratulations!

  226. Jenny

    I saw the photo and tears of joy started. Wishing you well! First time posting, although I’ve been reading for about a year. And I have a superhero necklace that I get multiple compliments on everytime I wear it. I am so happy for you and your husband. Congratulations.

  227. Georgy

    This is the best news ever.
    I am so happy for you.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you, for sharing the great news. I am celebrating with you.

  228. anna

    Warm and sweet congratulations.
    What a beautiful story about celebration and sharing…. : )
    Wishing you a joyful and peaceful pregnancy…….

  229. Sue Selle

    my dear sweet Andrea, I am so very very very happy to hear this wonderful news! I wish you & your hubby much happiness & joy with this little blessing on the way. this is sooo exciting! Take good care of yourself and enjoy the journey. hugs, Sue

  230. Mia

    Oh thank God. I have been wishing for this for you every time I read your blog. Congrats. With your last post I wondered if you might be. Babies are the joy that God meant for us, May your little one bring you as much joy as my little girl brings me.

  231. Erika

    WOW!!! I had stopped checking your blog since you had said you wouldnt’ be posting, but this is WONDERFUL!! i can’t wait to see pictures of you with a big belly!! so many times i’ve seen your pictures of pregnant women and it made me sad to see how beautifully you portrayed them, but now i think you’ll be the MOST beautiful pregnant woman there ever was!!!

  232. josie

    Just adding my voice to the chorus… wow, amazing. I also cried some happy tears for you. Congratulations!

  233. Rachel

    Oh Andrea! Congratulations!

  234. azura

    oh andrea,
    i am sooo very happy for you both.
    this is such good news.
    all the very best.

  235. Jill Doyle

    As many of us did, I gasped and cried at seeing the beautiful ultrasound early this Sunday morning! My heart bursts for gladness. I remember your turmoil when you had your birthday last year, and someone commented that this would be your year to get pregnant. Whomever made the comment that day, I knew they were right!
    Everyone else is right too, this will be a very lucky (and frequently photographed!) child indeed!
    Blessings to you,

  236. jan harp

    You have over 200+ comments — not going to read a one of them, for fear of being redundant — just have to tell you, immediately — tears of JOY! for you! Enjoy this journey, and know that you are surrounded by love and best wishes!

  237. zahava

    Delurking to wish you a b’sha’ah tova (literally, “it should be in a good hour”). Feel good and enjoy the ride!

  238. Jenny

    Also de-lurking to say congratulations! So so happy for you!

  239. charlene

    You are blessed and you deserve this more than anyone I know. Congratulations!

  240. Alison

    ♥ Congratulations! I am so happy for you!

  241. Stephanie

    Oh my god I am so excited for you! I’ve been sending good karma thoughts your way for awhile now. Congratulations and I can’t wait to see posts from you on your journey through pregnancy and motherhood. Congratulate Matt for me, too! 🙂

  242. Lindsey

    That is wonderful WONDERFUL news 🙂 I am so happy to hear it.

  243. puscha

    how wonderful!!! motherhood is the most challenging and rewarding experience life can offer. enjoy your pregnancy. what a gift! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  244. Diana

    Bless your hearts. What a lucky child.

  245. Savannah

    I’ve been watching your site for… oh, I don’t know how long. I never made a comment before because you are such an awesome person, and I didn’t want to intrude on your regular visitors and be just another fan girl.
    But this latest news has left me so happy for you that I just /had/ to respond.
    I can only imagine how thrilled you must be.
    Best wishes,

  246. kelly

    andrea…you have been on my mind so much lately.
    it is strange, because i am going through a bit of something myself [nothing like you have]but i have been intentionally wearing my superhero necklace. it makes me giggle and feel strong. two things that i really need to do at the moment. so today, i just thought i would stop by to see if you had updated! imagine the pure joy i felt when i saw that sonogram….such a blessing. and then when i saw the comments! girlie, i am #247. wow! you rock. so – have a very happy sunday and enjoy your ride.

  247. phil

    “the universe conspires to help the dreamer….”
    – coelho
    your honesty and beauty brought all of these people and their prayers to you. you are an amazing woman.

  248. Bek

    So, so, so happy for you.
    Best wishes and much love.

  249. Alex

    Yet another longtime reader who has been so moved and inspired by your blog. This is such wonderful news – a million congratulations on your pregnancy! I am so so happy for you!

  250. Emily

    ooooooooooooooooooooooooh im bursting with joy…
    ive heard you struggling for so long and finally youre getting what you deserve!! my prayers are with you, you and matt are going to be the most amazing parents, im so happy for you both…. i love you dearly!!!

  251. Genevieve

    Andrea, you are a blessed woman. Congratulations on this very happy occasion. You and your husband are going to make fantastic parents. Your little one is a fortunate bubba. 🙂

  252. Jen

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so thrilled for you. You must be running the whole gamut of emotions. This baby is so lucky to get a superhero mom like you! I have been reading your blog for quite a while and have many times been moved and inspired by your wisdom. Even though I don’t know you personally I am celebrating your good news in a big way. By the number of comments you have already received it is obvious that you have a huge fan club and an awful lot of prayer and positive energy being directed your way. This little baby is just surrounded by love. Very exciting!

  253. krista

    Oh my….answer to prayer.
    Could it have been that trip to Hana?
    I am so hap-hap-happy for you Andrea.
    Journal everything!

  254. Manda

    Bursting with joy xxx

  255. erika

    I KNEW IT!!! I knew you wouldn’t be making a huge leap to a new area, noticing all of the cons of your old area, etc etc without a significant and BEAUTIFUL reason.
    I am so so happy for you Andrea. Can’t wait to see YOUR pregnant belly and beaming smile.
    You have a wonderful heart and bursting spirit. What wonderful news. I am smiling a huge wide smile 🙂

  256. Andrea

    (I, too, figured there was something up with the move…)
    Alrighty, then, it’s a fabulous time of change and growth in your lives!
    Enjoy this time…

  257. Gabrielle

    safe near mother’s heart
    floating in a dream
    waiting to be born
    Such a sturdy little being. Warm congratulations.

  258. Gabrielle

    safe near mother’s heart
    floating in a dream
    waiting to be born
    Such a sturdy little being. Warm congratulations.

  259. Gabrielle

    safe near mother’s heart
    floating in a dream
    waiting to be born
    Such a sturdy little being. Warm congratulations.

  260. Gabrielle

    safe near mother’s heart
    floating in a dream
    waiting to be born
    Such a sturdy little being. Warm congratulations.

  261. Linda

    Keeping my fingers crossed that even after a couple of weeks worth of the Superhero sabbatical there just might be a post–and was there ever! Woweee! My heart is filled with joy for you–congratulations to you and the whole Superhero clan.

  262. Eve

    Just wanted to send my warmest wishes and tell you how relieved I am that your struggle to conceive is over.
    And thank you again for sharing your experiences with us, so we could all measure the joy appropriately now!

  263. susan

    just another note in the bucket here, but andrea, i am so happy for you and wish you all the love and luck in the world on your journey. there is none other like it.

  264. Laura

    I had a feeling! 🙂
    I am so happy for you!

  265. lynn

    so, so happy for you!!

  266. Sally Ingram

    As I am anxiously awaiting the birth of my second child (due 4 days ago!!), I must add my best wishes and happiness on hearing your news…

  267. Lesley

    Congratulations! I’ve been following your story and I’m very happy for you.

  268. Heather

    YEA!!!! congrats!!, I’m so happy for you and was shocked when I saw this post. I read your blog almost daily and have seen your struggle. I’ve always felt hesitiant to comment because I have my own 2 kids and am now pregnant with my 3rd. I’m so happy it finally happened for you. When are you due, I just started my 4th month. Have a wonderful pregnancy.

  269. sara

    God is good! This news is too wonderful to describe! I’ll keep on praying..for a safe and healthy journey!

  270. Carole

    Dear Andrea,
    What wonderful news! My son is now 14 months old, and what always blows my mind is that it was that one infinitely specific moment that was necessary for his conception. Who your child is – the wonderful, amazing little one – the timing was essential. The wait will be worth it. God IS good!!!
    I’m looking forward to seeing the beautiful photographs of your pregnancy alongside those of your gorgeous friends!
    Happily reading your blog in SoCal,

  271. mandy

    I am soo happy for you i almost cried! I have read your blog for a long time and i just super happy what a wonderful mother you will be! Congratulations!

  272. moki

    I will be one of so many wishing you good luck. If any sweet soul deserves to bring and raise a baby in this world it is you!

  273. Kerrilee

    Live, Laugh, Love
    congrats to you and matt
    your long awaited journey has just begun
    peace and happiness

  274. marina

    HORRAY! I just knew it. Enjoy this wonderful journey.

  275. Pritha

    Dear Andrea,
    CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! to you and your husband as you become parents. What wonderful, happy news! And, warmest and most positive vibes for your new home.
    I have been reading your blog for a couple years now and am so often inspired by your honesty–be it around joyful things, scary things, sad things or confusing things. Your honesty convinced me to support my own honesty–to stand up for my own truth, hope and desires.
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  276. kerstin

    of course you’ve got me, and i’m sure a bunch of other readers, crying as well.
    a BIG congrats to you. from reading your blog, i know a little about how much you’ve wanted this, and i know that you will be a wonderful mother.
    i’m so happy for you.

  277. amanda

    I am sooooo happy for you! We have never met but you seem to tap into a lot of things I think about (and obviously, a lot of people feel this connection via your blog) and I feel joy for you as I would a real life friend.
    You will be a superb mommy! Mazal tov to you and your husband!!!
    And now that you are an east bay girl, you have to check out Chochmat HaLev some Friday evening! Chochmat and Glide have very similar vibes, in my opinion. I have a feeling you would enjoy experiencing the Chochmat community and music.
    Best Regards,
    Amanda Vassigh

  278. Kelly

    I just wanted to add my congratulations to you and Matt. I’ve been reading your blog for a while (after stumbling across your jewelry from another blog) and am always inspired by you…the truthfulness with which you write and the beauty you capture through your photography. I’ve never posted before but had to jump in and wish you the best for a happy, healthy pregnancy.

  279. cathy

    Congratulations! Hope all goes well.

  280. kristen

    just sooo happy for you. it is good to know that good things do work out for good people. congrats and happy mommyhood.

  281. nadine

    Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  282. carrster

    I haven’t stopped by in a while but I felt like it today and oh my gosh!! I am so happy that I’m all choked up and have tears running down my cheeks. CONGRATULATIONS! You are blessed and you will most definitely bless the life within you. I can’t wait to hear your inspiring stories of motherhood to come. I wish you & yours all the best!!!!

  283. circus by nano

    I am so happy for you . Enjoy every moment of it. I give you this beautiful Nigerian song from Mamatoto a celebration of birth.
    May Allah Give Me A True Friend,
    Whether He’s Small Or Big,
    Lying In The Womb Or Sucking At
    My Breast…
    When He Comes Forth We’ll Be
    Allah, Give Me A True Friend,
    Whether He’s Big Or Small.

  284. surcie

    Oh, Andrea. I am SO excited for you. What a wonderful mother you will be–and already ARE! I have been praying for you, so it’s extremely heartening to hear your awesome news. Thank you, God!

  285. jen lemen

    i could not be happier for you. this is such great news and i pray deep and rich blessings over you, your husband and this sweet child. may your journey to motherhood fill you with more joy than you can imagine, and may the most tender parts of your soul be healed by the act of carrying this child and giving birth. may the love you have longed to share with a child deepen and grow with each passing day and may you discover with her birth, all the parts of you that long to play once more.
    deep, rich blessings to you, andrea, and may every doubt and fear you face on this journey be the seed for even greater hope that you are being held in the rich and tender embrace of a great mother who knows all and keeps all completely safe in her fierce and loving arms.
    you are in for more joy and blessing than you can imagine. may your heart memorize every second.
    can’t wait to see your own wild big belly pictures to celebrate the life inside you!!
    much love…

  286. Darla

    Congratulations – I am so happy for you! My daughter is now 17 years old and I still feel like she’s the best thing I have ever accomplished. The love you will feel for that wonderful child can’t be compared to anything else in this world. Best wishes!

  287. Wendy!

    Yay!! I am so thrilled for you! Congratulations!!

  288. lisa

    I had my daughter at age 37, she is now 18 months old. She is my prayers answered. Reading your blog over the last few years, feeling your pain – and knowing the joy my daughter brings my family. I just hoped that someday it would happen for you… I sit here reading your blessed news with tears burning my eyes, I am so happy for you and your husband. Congratulations! Your child will be amazing – and you will be an amazing mom! I wish you and your husband all the best!

  289. Molly Baskette

    When I read your saddest-of-sad posts a couple months ago, I wanted to tell you: at least SOME of the beautiful pregnant women you saw everywhere and wanted to cry at were also women who had shed their share of tears in the long wait for a child. I was one of them. You WERE one of them. Now YOU get to be one of the radiant happy normally pregnant women in the OBs office! This does not make us either/or. Pregnant, barren. We sisters are all in this together.
    blessings! I will pray for continued health and life and wonder for all three of you!

  290. Jess

    I’ve been reading your blog for a long time, but haven’t ever posted a comment. You are a beautiful person in the truest meaning of the word and you inspire me so much. I have prayed for you and your husband. As my mother always says, “Good things come to those who will wait.” Congratulations! The world will be a better place with your child in it!!

  291. joy

    🙂 I’m so so happy for you two!!!!!!!! I am praying God’s blessings on this wee miracle!!! Thanks for bringing a little more joy to me today!!

  292. Kirsty

    Congrats, I’m so thrilled for you both and wish you a safe and happy pregnancy.

  293. Robin

    Yahooooo!!! I haven’t checked your blog in a while because I knew you were moving and taking a break. What wonderful news! I was surprised how happy it made me (seeing as I’ve never met you!) but as a new Mom myself I know what great moments are in store for you. Many blessings to you and Matt– that’s great!

  294. MaryBEth

    What absolutely Joyous NEws! We will continue to hold all of you in Prayers for the greatest health * Peace,

  295. natala

    i am so happy for you!
    i also cried, funny how it feels so connected in these spaces.

  296. Amanda Woodward

    You are so loved!
    Congratulation, Andrea. The news is sooooooo wonderful!!!!

  297. Leah

    It will be the most beautifully photographed baby ever. God bless and congratulations.

  298. Teri

    This made me burst into tears not once, but twice. So happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  299. ALi

    This is a wonderful, wonderful thing. I’m so happy for you.

  300. rani Shah

    Wonderful news!! A new journey begins!-Enjoy and cherish!!!

  301. Evie

    Dear Andrea,
    I’m so, so happy for you. Many months ago I posted an email, sharing my own story of miscarriaging and after that not getting pregnant again. Ever since, I’ve been wishing good things for the both of us. And look at us now: 12 weeks ago, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, and you got pregnant! I hope you’ll have a wonderful pregnancy and a lovely (family)life in Berkeley.

  302. Asako

    WOW!!! I am truly sooooo happy for you two!!!
    What a grrreat news!
    Stay safe and happy.

  303. amy j.

    Many heartfelt congrats to you from a fellow mom. Yes, you are one now, even if the little one hasn’t made an appearance out here yet. You are on the journey of a lifetime, one that will forever change you in ways you can’t even imagine. It’s like nothing else in life. And I’m sooooo glad that such a creative, thoughtful, smart person such as yourself is getting to finally experience after so much struggle. After having two children, I always feel this indescribable feeling of joy for a new mother becuase I know what’s in store for her…true and utter happiness like you’ve never experienced and love that defines why you are here on this Earth. God bless and I hope you have a healthy and marvelous pregnancy. Enjoy it…every bit of it. I miss it sometimes, though my last one was less than fun in terms of being very uncomfortable. But, if even with the bad stuff, most moms want to do it again. I hope this is the first of many ultrasounds you experience, if you want, with other children as well!!!!!! So, so happy for you.

  304. Eric Littell

    Congrats Andrea, that is wonderful.
    – Eric

  305. AscenderRisesAbove

    Visiting from JenniferSays blog; wishing you all the best!!

  306. Sandy

    AH! I have goosebumps. Congratulations!!

  307. jen gray

    oh sweet one. how lucky is this little soul to have you…

  308. chinita_jill

    hi andrea…congratulations to you and your husband!! it’s absolutely perfect. i’m so happy for you! (i cried when reading your entry. it’s beautiful, your journey and its realization. beautiful!)

  309. kristen

    i am SO EXCITED for you andrea!
    God is GOOD!

  310. Heels

    No one should ever have to suffer to have a baby.
    Please be well and feel well and many, many congratulations!

  311. tracy

    so happy to hear your wonderful news, it brought tears to my eyes.
    congratulations and best wishes~

  312. brenda in toronto

    so happy for you and matt! i’ve been reading you for several years now, and have watched the journey you’ve been on. o happy for you! and this kid is getting the coolest parents 🙂

  313. giselle

    I just have to say that I almost fainted when the page opened up and there was the sonogram! I am SO HAPPY for you as everybody is (you can tell with the over 300 mssgs) thank you for sharing this journey with us….I wish a million blessings!

  314. amy

    teary eyed thinking of your experience at Glide,
    full heart thinking of your blessing,
    and a warm smile that feels like a hug I give to you and Matt.
    Congratulations Andrea, I’m wishing you an amazing journey, this little soul is in for a blessed life with you guys as parents.

  315. amy

    teary eyed thinking of your experience at Glide,
    full heart thinking of your blessing,
    and a warm smile that feels like a hug I give to you and Matt.
    Congratulations Andrea, I’m wishing you an amazing journey, this little soul is in for a blessed life with you guys as parents.

  316. Mareshia

    OH MY GOD!! I have been praying for you and while I’ve never met you, I’ve been touched by you through your Superhero endeavors and SARK’s mention of you in some book or another of hers. CONGRATU-FRICKIN-LATIONS! This is so awesome! What a blessed child this will be to have such intelligent, talented and creative parents.

  317. Robin

    Didn’t you just talk about new beginnings. How blessed is this for a start. Congratulations, you are about ot start on the most amazing journey you will ever take. Mine is just 9 months old and already I am looking forward to the next path we will take together.

  318. Lori

    Andrea, it’s been a bit since I’ve stopped at the site but I always look forward to reading your posts and this may I say is the best ever. How wonderful! It’s hard to see to type this because of my tears of joy for both of you ,or should I say all 3 of you! Best wishes

  319. Annie

    Andrea, I am so so thrilled for you and Matt. Congratulations! The Glide story was perfect too. What a wonderful moment.
    Blessings and love

  320. anon

    I have silently followed the posts about your difficulty getting pregnant and only now realize how invested I had become. I feel like something great has happened in the world… like the submariners being saved, or burried coal miners being rescued… like some international peace being reached… something that inspires confidence in life itself… Maybe I feel this way because I only know you in a public sphere – through your public blog… It is like the heroine of some story I have been reading has just triumphed, but it’s not fiction! I don’t really know, but I think that I will sleep just more peacefully tonight.
    Congratulations. And thank you for sharing.

  321. Anali

    This is my first time visiting your blog and what a beautiful way to begin! Congratulations! There must be something in the air. My friend who has been trying to get pregnant for a long time just told me she is pregnant too!

  322. Helen

    CONGRATS!! I AM SO HAPPY. I’m a teen here in Austin and I’m sending you the best. Your entries of your grief made me cry and this entry made me tear up with joy!

  323. cheryl

    how loved this little one is already
    and how lucky to have parents who are so practiced at bringing life into the world.

  324. michele

    wow, you are one blessed soul! how much love is being sent your way is incredible and so very beautiful!
    you are a very special girl…
    rub your belly with clarins oil, no strech marks and it smells earthy and wonderful!

  325. Bryna

    Hi Andrea,
    Congratulations to you and Matt! Thank you for sharing your stories and this wonderful news.
    I’m impressed to see so many messages of congratulations and support in the comments section of your blog page. Your baby is the centre of a strong community already!
    Take care & be well,

  326. Anne Marie

    Thrilling news! I visit your site somewhat regularly, and I remember a recent post about your feelings of anger and despair about not getting pregnant.
    And now you are! Ain’t life grand? Congrats! You will be a Super(hero) Mom!
    Anne Marie
    Portland, Oregon

  327. Toni Marie McMayhem

    Andrea, my portal to the power of a girl’s creative spur, the Mission and its generous piss ‘n warts, my much missed Sanity Franity: you are quite the beacon lady, with your inspiring, shuttering and community firing ways – sitting in my corpoland trench, damn the work what’s happenin with my peeps? this heart lurched when your page opened with a tiny profile on the birth radar – Frrri.king AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Let the games begin.. A warm heart hug out to you and Matt and your little one, long may you reign.
    Toni Marie McMayhem

  328. kelsie

    Yay! So VERY happy for you and Matt! What wonderful news – thank you for sharing!

  329. Jolene

    CONGRATULATIONS, Andrea!! I was actually thinking of you a month ago and thought that this might be the case. REJOICE!

  330. Ali

    OH Andrea…that is THE BEST NEWS. I am so, so happy for you.

  331. Keely

    I was at lunch with Mel (New Leaves in March) today telling her about how my husband and I went to a specialist last week to help us get pregnant…when she told me of your wonderful news. I am so happy for you all.

  332. SueB

    I’ve been away for a week and haven’t been able to check your pages — I was so happy to see the ultrasound picture and hear your fabulous news! You’re going to bring a special child into your wonderful world … and what a joyful child he or she will be!

  333. SueB

    I’ve been away for a week and haven’t been able to check your pages — I was so happy to see the ultrasound picture and hear your fabulous news! You’re going to bring a special child into your wonderful world … and what a joyful child he or she will be!

  334. bluefaery

    welcome to the wacky zany world of pregnanthood where suddenly a stranger’s gross body odour is PERSONAL and ginger beer and Chocolate ice cream never tasted so good.
    I’m happy for you bigtime. God is GOOD!

  335. miep

    oh andrea! how wonderful!

  336. jen

    Fantastic news for you. Well wishes coming your way!

  337. tammy

    Congratulations and warmest wishes to a joyous pregnancy. Your child is quite blessed to have you as parents. Look at the outpouring of love in these messages that accompanies you on your journey. Thank you for sharing your faith, hope, and love.

  338. Sarah Pezdek-Smith

    Oh…i always love looking at the amazing pics of the beautiful budding women you post here…i do hope we get to see some beautiful swirling pics of a a pregant you…congrats again 🙂

  339. Renee

    Hi Andrea, I don’t know if you remember me since we only met once and I never comment… But just wanted to say that I was also praying for you and sending you my special vibes frequently since I became pregnant 8 months ago. And I am so happy to read that this little miracle finally found his/her way to you 🙂

  340. sarah

    Trep told me–actually, he told all of us!! The whole Treppenwitz world now knows and my husband and I are thrilled for you and Matt! May you know only joy!

  341. Ashley

    There comes a moment when you realize that virtually anything is possible – that nothing is too good to be true.”
    Kobi Yamada
    God bless you on your newest adventure!

  342. Faith

    Hi Andrea! Congratulations!!! I know that you have been yearning for a little one since some years ago! No one deserves it more than you and Matt. 🙂

  343. Anu

    congrats and blessings 🙂

  344. kim

    and love says
    “i will, i will take care of you,”
    to everything that is near.

  345. bimacs

    Oh My God!!!!!!! Andrea congratulations to you and your family! I’m so happy for you!!

  346. jenb

    comment # 347 but still just as sincere as #1. What wonderful news andrea! I am so happy for you and matt.

  347. Patrice

    Congratulations! You will be a wonderful mother.
    Wishing you the best!

  348. Hillary

    I was so excited to see an ultrasound when your page came up on my screen today! Congratulations and continued prayers for a happy, healthy baby!

  349. Jennifer

    I know you’re technically on sabbatical, but if you’ve got the time and the energy during this pregnancy, would you keep us posted on your progress and how you’re feeling? We’d all love to hear how you’re doing!!

  350. Victoria Winters

    What surprising, wonderful, teriffic, excellent news!!! 🙂

  351. abelle


  352. Jason

    This is amazing news. Congratulations.

  353. Stephanie

    Andrea – I am so, so happy for you! I’ve been reading your blog for some time now, and just this very morning I was thinking about this subject and wishing and praying for you. This is the most WONDERFUL news. Congratulations! You’re going to be a fantastic mother!

  354. Hillary

    Wonderful, wonder-full news! Enjoy all your moments with your little bean, these days are so precious and so fleeting. I still feel that while pregnant I enjoyed some of the most magical moments of my life (until they arrive, then magic happens every day). You will be amazing parents. I was pretty sure this might be in the works when you mentioned starting a family in your moving post, but I’m so glad to hear it for sure. From our little family to yours all blessings and joy and light.

  355. french toast girl

    YES! YES! YES! I’ve been praying for you all this time! Now I’ll have to keep on praying… just altered slightly. 🙂 Hooray for answered prayers!

  356. Tracy

    I’ve been following your journal for a long time now, & I am SO happy to see that your prayers have been answered!!! Congratulations!!!

  357. colleen

    Im SOOOOOOO very
    for both you and matt!!

  358. jill

    Tears of joy are running down my face… Strangers we may be, but I’ve had you all in my prayers for sometime now. It’s all about faith and timing like you’ve said before… All the inspiring entries you made about continuing on with your faith in the process, I just am so happy that you are now being blessed with this miracle!
    You more than anyone I know will revel in this moment and time of your life.
    Kudos to Matt too!
    jill (your wedding date twin)

  359. meesh

    beautiful andrea and matt!
    i look forward to seeing photos and reading stories of your brilliant little superhero.
    big hug to you both!

  360. emdot

    Oh Andrea! Best news ever. You just made my Friday. My June. My 2006. I’m just a faraway reader (and superhero jewelry wearer) but your quest for parenthood has touched me deeply. I love your spirit that shines through your web site and am very excited for the lucky baby inside of you who will benefit from that in the very real life. X and O to you and your husband. May happiness surround you. Love from San Luis Obispo!

  361. tiffany

    ANDREAAAA!! I’ve been checking back constantly hoping for this news. Completely awesome. I can’t believe you held out on us. If you can’t share things with the internet, who can you share them with? Besides like your husband and your doctor I mean.
    Too too wonderful.
    I keep meaning to tell you that there is a song that reminds me of you. It’s on the kids’ album “Buzz buzz” by ummm that girl everyone knows the name of except me. Laurie Berkner? Anyway buy the album. The song goes “There’s a little wheel turning in my heart…” The entire song always, always makes me think of you. It’s a good thing. 🙂

  362. Julie Durocher

    Andrea…Although I am the 363rd person to comment on this post, I still want you to know that I am happy for you too! I read your blog often and you have been in my thoughts & prayers. Enjoy your pregnancy! Congratulations to you! Best wishes in the coming months.

  363. snowsparkle

    too too too wonderful!!!! i am so happy for you andrea! yes me… number 364… a woman who suffered through infertility as well… i am as happy for you as the day i learned about my own pregnancy! may the journey be filled with every blessing and lots of creativity. big hugs!

  364. Tiffany

    Let me be the 365th one to congratulate you. I teared up when I scrolled down to see the picture of your baby and your beautiful post. You deserve this! I am so very happy for you!

  365. cooper

    Andrea, I am so happy to read your news! I stopped by a bit ago and just knew from the nergy that something great was happening to you. CONGRATULATIONS! And the world getS a bit bigger and smaller all at the same time!

  366. lyn

    What fantastic news.
    : )

  367. Mardougrrl

    Andrea, I am crying with joy for you. My God, you deserve it!
    Every possible happiness, Mama!

  368. Beth Taylor

    Wonderful news! I am wiping the tears of joy from my eyes. You have been in my thoughts and prayers and I am so happy for you and your honey!
    I am a proud Superhero design wearer, and you are a constant inspiration to me. You are brave and wonderful and truely a Superhero!
    Enjoy the beautiful journey!

  369. yasmin

    andrea, I have been feeling a little lost and bewildered of late however your entry made me feel pure joy – may you, Matt and your baby be blessed with love and health and happiness always….love Yasmin in Australia
    P.S o you have a postbox for your new address, so I can send a card???

  370. Rachel Rhodes

    I’ll add post #371, and say that I have been thinking of you a lot, too, through all this and hoping so hard for you. When I saw the “bump” as the newest pic on your blog, I started to cry tears of joy. Congratulations! I know I don’t know you personally, but I’m sending a big hug your way!

  371. Jme

    Oh, many many heartfelt congrats, Andrea! I’ve not been blog reading for a while, and when I come back to it, I read about such happy news! Like many of the other readers here, I’ve teared when I read your post, but such happy ones! May you and your family be so blessed! Congrats! ♥

  372. Nathalie

    Dear Andrea,
    I allways love to read your blog. But I’m a silent reader. Allways read, never respond. But I must make an exeption this time cause I’m very happy to hear this great news. Congratulations on your pregnancy!! I hope everything goes well and within a few months you surprise us with a perfect picture of a perfect little wonder that is now growing inside of you. I wish both you and your husbant (and family) a great time expecting, delivering and enjoying your little one. Although during the delivery you might not be smiling a lot, but I can tell you, it’s really worth it 😉 But then, you already know. You’ve been hoping for this moment so long and I’m so very happy for you. Thank you so much for sharing this joy.
    All the best,

  373. Lumina

    I want to extend huge congratulations to you. It’s been a long time coming and extremely well deserved for such a creative and loving and generous woman! Go Girl! Such adventures await you on this new journey…
    I just want to add that I wish you had found a different visual aid to your news. You have a huge audience, mostly female. Some of us have had unfortunate experiences of our own, reproductive wise, and yes this includes abortion. It’s not an easy subject. It’s stigmatized. And lonely. The picture brought back pain insurmountable for me and perhaps others. Just a comment. Not meant to take away from your own joy.

  374. Sue

    Oh my goodness!!! Congratulations Andrea! I haven’t been on your site in a while and today, I just had a feeling that when I went on, that you’d be talking about a pregnancy and it would be your own! I’m so excited and happy for you and Matt. I’ve been visiting your blog since you started and when you were having fertility issues, I prayed for you. I’ve never attached my url before because it’s all about my pregnancy and son…he’s 9 month’s old! I decided to do so now because I loved looking at other women’s ideas, babies, etc. when I was pregnant (and still do now). I just can’t wait to hear about your pregnancy and all the joy that he/she will bring you! Again, congratulations!!
    With warmth,

  375. susan

    you don’t know me, but i couldn’t be happier for you. reading this post made me cry.
    your baby is so very lucky to have you as its mother.
    big love from

  376. soumet

    Dear Andrea,
    I feel soooooooo happy to learn this piece of great news. I have been off reading your blog or any others’ blogs for quite a while because I was tied down with completing my graduation thesis and getting prepared for the oral defence. Finally, life returns to normal. I am savoring your happiness as well as my own academic success. Thank you for being such an inspiration to us all.
    Best wishes.
    soumet (from Beijing, China.)

  377. Anne

    Wow! I’m reading this with an 8-week-old baby strapped to my chest–hence the belated hearing of this wonderful news. Congratulations to you. I, too, have been send you lots of prayers for this so it feels really good to know they worked!!! xxxxx

  378. baclofen

    Preved Medved

  379. Anonymous

    Andrea-congratulations! My daughter and her husband want a baby so badly. They are 30 and 31 years of age. She has endo and has had surgery for it, her chances are not good but our God is a God of miracles! Please pray for them, that if it be God’s will, they too wil have the child they so desperately long for.

  380. leesa

    oh goodness CONGRATULATIONS! i haven’t poked around this month and then i stumbled upon the u/s photo! and your baby Bump. and since (esp.) i’m 37 weeks pregnant and OVER THE TOP emotional..your posts about being pregnant ARE MAKING ME CRY. good happy tears.
    i’m so excited for you! all the best and after reading of your struggle, i’d been praying for you, as well. God bless!

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