Some people find quarters in their couch, others find maple leaves.

discarded couch with leaves, Canon Digital Rebel XTi

“Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.”
– Rumi

I am working hard today so that I can take my birthday off tomorrow. The big 3-5… this makes me officially of “advanced maternal age” when I deliver (so the doctors tell me). Who knew?

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. m

    Andrea my entire floor is littered with leaves my two cats Diego & Frida carefully choose and bring into the house to play with. They bring in fresh every day so I leave them. I don’t know where they get the leaves from as they are a different species from the wild cherry in my garden. But they drift around on my floor and I leave them as they are cat toys

  2. Kate

    My mom had my youngest brother at 35 (after 3 miscarriages). We all worried because doctors make you worry about numbers, but you know what? Everything turned out perfectly and I became a very happy older sister (again).
    Happy Birthday! You are a wonderful person! You have a wonderful life! And soon, you’ll be a wonderful mother!

  3. Vanessa

    Wow you share your birthday with one of my coolest friends, Tim! It all makes sense now! All the scorpios I know rock!
    Many happy bday returns!
    So will you be posting another ‘belly beautiful’ self portrait before d-day? Oh, please doooo….

  4. Heidi

    Happy Birthday Andrea! I hope you have a fabulous day tomorrow, you deserve it!
    You are beautiful and inspiring. Thank you!! 🙂

  5. maureen

    best wishes for a joyous 3-5!

  6. tongue in cheek

    Quarters will become
    little shoes-
    maple leafs will stay maple leafs with
    the addition of snails,
    butterfly wings
    and lollipop sticks.
    Here is to the last year
    of being a woman without child. Next year you will be a Mommy celebrating
    her birthday with babe in arms…
    certainly you will have
    crumbs galore and sticky kisses!

  7. Pamela

    Andrea, you have lots of company in your “advanced maternal age.” I had my first at 35 and my second at 39. There are pros and cons both ways. I think at the “advanced” age, I certainly was more patient, had gotten a lot of “myself” out of the way, etc. Sure, I worried about being “older,” but I found out I wasn’t by any means the “oldest” mom in the kindergarten class!
    I loved your entry about connections yesterday. I always try to make eye contact with the “water server” at restaurants, and make a point of talking to them. I think so many people, especially in service industries, go unnoticed — to the point of being “invisible,” and that’s so sad. I remember my daughter’s first-grade teacher would tell every child at the end of the day, “See you tomorrow. I love you.” I asked her about that, and she told me, “There is always some child who never hears those words at home.” That stuck with me.

  8. Molly Hart

    Andrea! Molly Hart here from CTI. So happy we connected there. Anyway I wanted to point where you were then and where you are now. We talked about your birthday as a point of reference for your pregnancy. Here you are, round and lovely…full. I just wanted you to savor the contrast.
    cheers love!
    happy, happy b’day,

  9. Laura

    Happy Birthday Andrea!
    35 is SO YOUNG. 🙂 I’m 40 and I feel like I’m 30. Sometimes I wonder if there was a mistake in recording my birthday.
    I’d love to hear more from women who had babies close to my age. I would like to have a baby and I worry about it — would like to hear some real life stories, hopefully good, but realistic, ones.

  10. megan

    Happy Happy Birthday to the great Superhero Andrea! Have a great day!

  11. Keely

    Happy Birthday! I hope you do take the day off and do things that you love. 🙂 Hugs!

  12. Rebecca.

    Happy birthday to you.
    Happy birthday to you.
    Happy birthday dear Aaaannnddddrrreeeaaaaaaaa!
    Happy birthday to you.
    Advanced maternal age = advanced maternal appreciation.
    I take a picture every year with my girls now. I love those pictures. I never took pictures on my birthday in previous years. I love how we all change with passing time. (I’m 34, daughter 1 is 5, daughter 2 is almost 2).

  13. Michele Annette

    Have a wonderful Birthday Andrea! Still, a year younger than I! 🙂

  14. Holly

    Happy Birthday to the coolest-to-be-mama on the block!
    May all of your wishes come true…

  15. Holly

    Happy Birthday to the coolest-to-be-mama on the block!
    May all of your wishes come true…

  16. ellie

    my best friend just had a baby at 39… she had “geriatric mother” written on her file…
    it was a smooth delivery, and her baby is perfect.

  17. umber

    women are like fine wine…
    happy birthday and never let a doctor freak you out with anything they say, especially about childbirth. (This is an issue I’m dealing with as I am about to have a VBAC birth). For millions of years women have been giving birth and doing, I might add, a pretty darn good job of it. If your body weren’t meant to have this baby at 35, it wouldn’t have done it. You, your baby and your 35 year old body are perfect.
    Have a wonderful birthday and send your mom a special blessing — she worked hard to bring you in, too! have fun!

  18. kristen

    doctors schmoctors! the only thing not advanced about you is that number. you’re fab!

  19. Liz

    Oh so Many November babies popping up everywhere… Have a wonderful and grandly gorgeous birthday celebration!
    -from another Scorpio baby

  20. Di

    All the best things for the year ahead of you 🙂

  21. jenifer

    oh so fun! 35! i figure that’s my cut off date for figurin’ on having me one of those baby’s too…! (i’ve got 2.5 years to decide!)
    have a lovely day filled with wonder & yummy cupcakes 🙂

  22. Laura Neff

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW TO YOU!!!!!!!!! I’ve got a year on ya, and yes, it does get better and better! (As I’m sure you know by now.) 🙂

  23. Lori

    Happy Birthday!!!

  24. espana

    Happy Birthday
    Happy baby growing
    Happy bewilderment and wonder
    Happy hard work and happy vacation!

  25. Regina Clare Jane

    Happy, happy birthday Andrea! Don’t let those doctors define who you are by your age- besides, they are using scare tactics on you and I HATE that! You are the most perfect age to have YOUR baby!

  26. Kathie

    Twenty eight Novembers ago I was awaiting the birth of my daughter. I think about the years since then with awe and amazement. There are no words or simple ways to describe the many ways she has surprised me, shocked me, made me proud, and challenged me to think and to re-evaluate my comfort zone. She has enriched my life in ways I could never have imagined back in November of 1978.
    All of this is awaiting you. What a wonderful life is ahead of you!

  27. scout

    Happy Birthday! Although I’m older than you so I guess I’m advanced advanced!

  28. Julia

    Dearest Andrea, Happy, Joyous “BIG 35” birthday to you!!
    As for your “so called” advanced maternal age??… I’d tell those doctors, who would be so insensitive as to say such a thing…to “buzz off.” (or actually I’d probably use a more colorful phrase…) But you get my drift…..
    Your body and your natural maternal wisdom will see you through with flying colors.
    Happy, Happy, day to you and blessings on you and your baby.
    xoxo, Julia 🙂

  29. LaSaundra

    Happy Birthday, Andrea!!! I am so happy for you…a growing family and all the new experiences that involves. May this year be full of beautiful things!

  30. Lindsay

    I would just like to say that your photography is beautiful, and you’re words are very insightful.
    That is all. Have a nice day. 🙂

  31. stef

    wishing your Birth-day is filled with more fun than you can handle!

  32. bluefaery

    wow happy birthday! Have a gorgeous opulant day!

  33. Jennifer

    Happy Birthay darling. Enjoy every moment. It is your last birthday you have with out children. 🙂

  34. Anna

    Enjoy this fabulous new year in your life… it is all a wonderful adventure.
    I have enjoyed every day of my thirties more than any of my other years.
    On “advanced maternal age” — for reasons that I cannot actually comprehend too well, I have been considering the difference in mothers I know who were mothers before and after say 28 years old. Here’s what I know: age brings much more wisdom, nurturing and patience. Maybe it is that we can’t run as fast, but we seem to enjoy the chase so much more.
    I am so excited for you!

  35. Jen D

    Happy Three Five, Andrea. Happy. Happy.
    What an incredible year you have before you.
    I know you hear stuff like this all the time, and it may be really weird and cheezy, but I don’t care…
    I totally love you and admire your spirit.
    I celebrate you. I’m glad you were born.

  36. kristine

    Happy Birthday!!

  37. Tracy

    I’ve purchased 2 Superhero necklaces from you & let me tell ya, wearing them gives me an extra “kick” when I need it. I bring this up because I want you to know that your work provides a gift to other women. I can only imagine what blessings you give to those who seek you out for life coaching!
    I hope you have a wonderful birthday; something tells me that this is one you will always remember. As for the fact that your doc says you’re of “advanced maternal age”, well, I just turned 36 & I am still hopeful that I will become a mother. I know many women have kids later in life these days, so don’t let that bug you!
    Thank you for keeping this blog; it provides inspiration, thought, joy, & introspection to those of us who frequent it.
    Have a fantastic birthday, Andrea!
    Tracy Arbuckle

  38. Tracy

    I’ve purchased 2 Superhero necklaces from you & let me tell ya, wearing them gives me an extra “kick” when I need it. I bring this up because I want you to know that your work provides a gift to other women. I can only imagine what blessings you give to those who seek you out for life coaching!
    I hope you have a wonderful birthday; something tells me that this is one you will always remember. As for the fact that your doc says you’re of “advanced maternal age”, well, I just turned 36 & I am still hopeful that I will become a mother. Many women have kids later in life these days, so don’t let that bug you!
    Thank you for keeping this blog; it provides inspiration, thought, joy, & introspection to those of us who frequent it.
    Have a fantastic birthday, Andrea!
    Tracy Arbuckle

  39. Silvia

    It’s tomorrow here 😉 So…Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your day off!

  40. luzie

    Happy Birthday to you!!! I hope you’re having an extra special day.

  41. jolene

    high five, beautiful birthday lady!

  42. Nina

    Happy, happy day! Celebrate yourself — you deserve it!

  43. Sandra

    Have a fabulous birthday 😉

  44. Jeanne

    Happy Birthday to you!
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  45. wilsonian

    Loving this image and title.
    Happy Birthday. May every blessing that comes with advanced maternal age be manifest with joy.

  46. Jennifer

    Happy Birthday, I know this is probably a special one for you now that you’re coming down the home stretch. Hope your day’s a great one!

  47. carrster

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Andrea! Hope you have a wonderful day and an even better year ahead. 🙂

  48. Chris

    Happy Birthday!

  49. Marilyn

    Tell ’em where they can put their “advanced maternal age.” ‘Cause speaking from (a different) experience, 35 is where it all BEGINS, baby! Happy, happy birthday, Andrea! May this be your most joy-filled one yet. xoxo

  50. Ann Marie

    Happy Birthday!!!

  51. my pink sky

    ahhh, yes…the dreaded AMA…i’ll be there as well if number two ever comes along. don’t you hate when people slap a label on you? enjoy your day off, and have a hap, hap, happy birthday!

  52. Jennifer McNeely

    Happy Happy Birthday. Age is just a number.

  53. meg

    Waited till today to say Happy Birthday on the day itself.
    Have a wonderful magical day!

  54. Leslie

    Happy Birthday and one thing I do know for sure is this……the older you are when you have your first child; the younger you will appear – forever. It’s true…children keep you young.

  55. shelly

    Happy Birthday!

  56. Sandy

    Hope you’re having a fun day!! Happy Birthday!

  57. linda

    Happy Joyful Silly Birthday!
    I’m wearing my superhero necklace as I type this.

  58. NessieNoodle

    fabulous photo- as well as the other leaf photos in previous posts.
    Stop by every now and then and thought I should say hello… especially since it is almost your birthday!

  59. Leonie

    Rock on Scorp Sista ~~~
    I shall raise my sangria glass to you on Sunday morning as I celebrate my own birthday on a mountain top 🙂
    Enjoy the View.
    love and light,

  60. Janece

    Happy Birthday! And I had my girl 6 months shy of my 35th birthday. I have to tell you, it’s a wonderful time in life to have your little one! For your sake, I can’t until he’s born. It’s like nothing else. Truly. Your 35th birthday will be a landmark for so many wonderful reasons. 🙂

  61. Jessica

    Happy Birthday Scorpio Girl!
    Us water signs rock!
    Hope you have had a great day!
    (Pisces Girl)

  62. Sophie

    Happy Birthday Andrea!

  63. blackbird

    Happiest of Days!
    (as for the AMA, my SIL is due when you are –
    she’s 45 and all is very well, so just FORGET IT.)

  64. Shelley Noble

    A most Happy Birthday to you, Andrea!!! May this year bring you everything you could wish for!!

  65. muck

    you gave me hope.

  66. Amy K

    Happy Birthday sweet Andrea!

  67. James

    Happy Birthday Andy. Love James

  68. ejjjik

    happy birthday, Andrea!

  69. cyme

    Happy Birthday!
    Your next “birth”day is the one I bet you are looking most forward to!

  70. Asako

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Andrea!!!

  71. rani Shah

    Hope you had a wonderful birthday!!!!

  72. surcie

    Happy Birthday, Andrea! Wow, your 36th year is really going to blow your mind.

  73. chris

    “advanced age” means very little these days. I had both of mine at that “advanced” time. No problems whatsoever. Good luck and Happy late B-day!

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