I am so excited to share this interview I did with SARK. As most of you know, she is my mentor and friend and I continue to learn from her and be inspired by her every day. She has a new book out called Juicy Pens, Thirsty Paper: Gifting the World with Your Words and Stories, and Creating the Time and Energy to Actually Do It. Our stories our so important, whether they are on blogs, in scrapbooks or hit the bestseller list. This book is a perfect companion for all of us who have stories to share but feel afraid or blocked or are looking for inspiration. Julia Cameron said it like this: “SARK is a sparkler who jump-starts the creative process. Her ideas are user-friendly, innovative and pragmatic.”
More good news:
We will be giving away 3 copies of Juicy Pens, Thirsty Paper!
Giveaway Guidelines:
– You have until 9pm PST on Friday, October 24th to enter this giveaway.
– Just make a comment ON THIS POST to enter.
– One entry per person, please. (Just push “post” ONCE and wait a few seconds. The comment should appear)
And now for the interview:
You’ve written 14 books so far, nearly a book a year. What do you love about writing and making books?

What do you do when you hit creative blocks? (either in writing or art making) How do you move through those inner critics that try to sabotage your work? For me, they say things like, “You’re not a real writer! Who do you think you are?” How have you quieted those voices over the years?

One way that you inspire me is that you are always curious and questioning and in a state of wonder about the world. You are always growing and expanding how you create and love. I admire this about you.
If there were a recipe for how you would feel totally fulfilled and joyous in the world, what would the ingredients be?

Who do you admire? What do you admire about them?

Do the topics of your books match where you are in your life and the things you are thinking about? If so, I am curious what’s cooking in your pot these days? Where are you exploring and growing in your life right now?

Magic. Miracle walks. Dangerous tea parties.
These are things that are forever SARK to me and delight me so much.
How do you create/stumble upon/serendipitously manifest all that magic in your life? Do you have magic glasses you wear? Do you just see magic where others see regular old life? Do you consciously choose to have adventure show up or does it sneak up on you?
I think people believe that you have something special in this area that they don’t have. Care to demystify the whole magic thing?

great giveaway!! I hope I win:)
I love SARK! I went to hear her talk about 5 years ago in NYC and I still have the book she had us all make that night about our creative dreams. That was after we had sent our inner critics away to go play in Central Park for the night!
She is totally the bee’s knees and a kindred spirit. She rocks! (and so do you, Andrea!) ♥
My artist aunt gifted me my first SARK book when I was in high school, and I’ve followed her work throughout the years. She never fails to inspire!
Oh YEah! Count me in with this one. I’m a long time fan of SARK.
two of my favorite artists in one post ! delightful! 🙂
I’m in. I find that SARK’s words come to me when I need them the most — if I don’t win, I’m off to buy!
i’m a huge fan of you both! i’m looking forward to checking out this new book (hopefully as a winner!). as a shy writer and a writing teacher, anything that can inspire good story telling is a huge gift in my life! thanks to sark for always providing such good words, illustrations and thoughts.
thanks for the lovely interview! take care!
what beautiful artwork and beautiful words! i’m inspired already!
i’m taking this as a sign. i’ve seen this juicy pens thirsty paper mentioned in so many places in the last few days…so much so i thought to myself, “you need this book, nicole.”
love the interview!
i would love to put my name in and loved reading your interview with lovely SARK.
OH, yes please. The timing could not be more perfect.
(thanks, Andrea! great interview)
OH, yes please. The timing could not be more perfect.
(thanks, Andrea! great interview)
I am reading,writing and starting to live The Artist Way and I would love to win this book….
I still have a small little post-it note from college, about 10 years ago now, that says “yes!”
Thanks, ladies, for reminding me to go look for that affirmation, again, and put it into practice, again.
I love the “True self-love…” statement. So true and if only women could believe and live it. I’m working on it! The world needs more love, beginning with me! 🙂
What a wonderful interview! I love it!
Everything about this is fabulous 🙂
loving it – i’m in for a signed copy of her new book 🙂
perfect timing – just yesterday, i decided to seriously work on a creative project that’s been hovering over my head for a while now. i love interviews with creative people on creativity! thank you!
i have had the pleasure of listening to sark speak twice. and even getting to say hi to her. i have a shelf on my bookcase dedicated to her books. they are tattered + well loved. i share them with people all the time.
i loved this interview.
i found you through sark as so many have – what a treat for this double-dose of juiciness 🙂
I have always been a huge fan of SARK! This was a wonderful and visually beautiful interview. Thanks for sharing it!
What a great interview! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the book!!!
What a great interview! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the book!!!
yay! just in time for my birthday! pick me!
SARK makes my soul sing! Her creativity and openness inspires me to be more so and each book helps me come out of my shell a little more and share more of myself with the world. And she introduced me to you, Andrea!
What an amazing interview. Loving Sark.
Inspiration Sandwich, is still my most cherished gift. Love SARK!
super fab interview. so succulent and juicy!!!!
I found out about SARK when I bought her calendar on a whim…it was so colorful and wonderful for my freshman year of college. Then I found out about YOU, Andrea, from the back of one of her books, and I have been reading your blog ever since.
oh, this kindof hurts, I want it so bad.
A couple of years ago I was on a retreat at Wisdom House in Litchfield CT and it was being held the SAME weekend as Sark was there for another gathering. I DIDN’T KNOW THIS. But I know that the first night, in the dining room, in walked Sark…and even though I had never seen her before and even though she didn’t speak (at that moment I saw her) I like INSTINCTIVELY knew it was her—even though I didn’t even know she was there. Well, no, let me rephrase that…I remember seeing her and feeling this, I don’t know, quiet power/wisdom/charisma, just from her presence…and then I put the two + two together—the rooms I had seen with the art materials and such…
I own Succulent Wild Woman. I would love the new book! Love it love it love it!!!
Thanks for doing what you do! Peace!
Great interview! You are both so wonderful.
Love, love, love SARK! I desperately need some joy*full inspiration right now.
What a beautiful interview!
I would love SARK’s new book! Like everyone here, I am a huge fan, and have all her books. I also seem to have mislaid my magic glasses right now…
this is soo great of you! i would love to try and win
HI! I feel so inspired just reading the interview! I would be honored and excited to win this book 🙂 Thank you for sharing this with us!
its so true ~ life IS magical and the more you see the magic, the more of it there is … i so love that 🙂 i so heart sark!! xo
And wonderful advice too.
Am thinking my inner critic needs to head south – Antarctica perhaps. With a little luck it will get marooned on the pack ice and have to spend its time playing with the penguins instead of nagging me.
my soul is smiling.
Yay! A giveaway!
Oh how wonderful!
lovely! count me in!
What a great introduction to SARK this would be if you picked me. I just finished a book and am looking for a new one..hope I win!!!
I have several of Sark’s books, and find them all inspiring and wonderful. Thanks for the give-away and interview. :o]
This is a fantastic giveaway.
Hi Andrea,
I am a long-time lurker of your blog (and others) and this week I have decided not to do that anymore. I am an active comment-leaver now! I like the name of Sark’s book and it would be a big treat to look in my snail mail box and see it there waiting for me.
Thank you!
I could so use a jolt of juiciness and creativity right now…what a great interview. Thank you!
I love SARK! I have a few of her books too. I’d love to have a chance to win her new book. I originally learned about SARK through Sabrina Ward Harrison, numerous of years ago.
So colourful & creative!
Oh, one more thing: Pick me! Pick me! 🙂
Reading SARK books at Barnes & Noble in high school was the only antidepressant available to me. So grateful to her in so many ways!
I’m commenting, not for the giveaway, but to express some skepticism. I feel a little badly for doing so.
I’m somewhat familiar with SARK’s work, and I find it pretty inspiring. However, I’m a little disappointed that she answered your questions in her own medium instead of coming to meet you at yours… it kind of supports my suspicion that there is no way that she can be a real person.
How can a REAL person really quiet those inner critics in the ways she describes? How can a REAL person really come up with the idea for “Dangerous tea parties” and then live them out?
What about this life stuff that gets in the way and gives you shit to deal with? I just feel like it has to be exhausting, overwhelming, and very near impossible to live life in the open, inspired, joyful way the SARK describes.
In short, where is the grit and struggle? Where is the everyday triumph?
Sorry to be skeptic! True believers, please forgive me!
I’m commenting, not for the giveaway, but to express some skepticism. I feel a little badly for doing so.
I’m somewhat familiar with SARK’s work, and I find it pretty inspiring. However, I’m a little disappointed that she answered your questions in her own medium instead of coming to meet you at yours… it kind of supports my suspicion that there is no way that she can be a real person.
How can a REAL person really quiet those inner critics in the ways she describes? How can a REAL person really come up with the idea for “Dangerous tea parties” and then live them out?
What about this life stuff that gets in the way and gives you shit to deal with? I just feel like it has to be exhausting, overwhelming, and very near impossible to live life in the open, inspired, joyful way the SARK describes.
In short, where is the grit and struggle? Where is the everyday triumph?
Sorry to be skeptic! True believers, please forgive me!
oops. posted twice!
Sometimes the serendipity in life can be so surreal. I lucked upon your site, Andrea, in the last year when I clicked on a link at a photographer’s site that I had recently found. And through you I have found Karen’s site, and Brene’s site, and shutter sisters and so much more. And now, SARK. I found SARK back in 1994 as I was preparing to get married and found myself in a terrible crisis with my family. Her books sustained me through some very roungh and very wonderful times. It has been several years since I read her books. My husband died 3 years ago and I am just now re-emerging from a dark period of grief. And what do I find ? 🙂 A familiar face, a name I link with an intense period of growth and change, just as I am entering a new phase. Thank you for bringing her back into my world. And thank you for your wonderful blog and the incredible people and ideas and art that you have brought into my life!
Lots and lots of color!
What an amazing gift!
What a cool interview! I love that SARK answered all the questions in her usual texta colours. (‘Texta’ being Australian for ‘marker’.)
love the part where she responds, “Life is magic. The more you notice, the more it will come to you”
this is wonderful and so true.
Everyone DOES have magic glasses! Thanks Andrea and SARK for reminding me to put the magic glasses on!
as you know SARK was a huge reason Tim and I ended up in SF and it’s her that gives me the inspiration to write along with everyone else out here in blog land. thank you for sharing her words and keeping us inspired by *your* work.
Ooh, Sark – another lovely superhero I adore. I hope I win!
I love SARK! I have a copy of her book already, but promise to pass along to a friend should I be lucky enough to win. I actually thought of you while reading it and loved that she mentioned you and a few others I know of.
What a beautiful interview! I loved reading her colourful and bright responses to your insightful questions!
ooh! sark and andrea together. this is marvelous.
ooh! sark and andrea together. this is marvelous.
I’d love to give this book to my sister (and read it myself, too!). Lovely interview–thanks!
I would love to read this book, leisurely, joyfully, on a sunny morning, in my favorite chair, tea steaming, my son playing on the floor, the colorful letters tumbling through my mind…
Oh how I could use some colorful inspiration for a book I have been writing for over a year now…I hope I am a lucky lucky winner!
SARK is my greatest mentor and has truly helped me share my words, art, and stories with the world. She has inspired me to be BOLD and DARING. Susan, if you are reading this THANK YOU for gifting the world with Sark magic!
Sark’s books never fail to amaze me! Brilliant!
sark + andrea = true goodness.
it’s funny and apropos that this post came out when it did – i just wrote a grad school creative writing portfolio that had my inner critic SHRIEKING and tearing its hair out the whole way. i’m sending it off to be edited tomorrow, but the whole process was somewhat painful and i was wishing about ways to make writing more simple and joyful again….
love to you.
I agree, self-love is so important. But can also be very challenging.
I want to give the world everything sark has given me. I love her and I would love to have this book. xo
Oh, yum! Juicy Pens, Thirsty Paper…what a magnificent, gustatory title. Yes, please.
colorful dots like sugar sprinkles to say self love!
I just LOVE Sark!
Fabulous interview! SARK is freaking awesome!
Oooh…SARK. I LURVE SARK. Thank you so much for this interview! Her succulence and love just jump out of the screen and into your heart. My introduction to SARK and her writing was very magical and serendipitous and I cherish that memory. She continues to be a magical and creative influence in my life with her gorgeous writing…and I really needed that self-love reminder today. Serendipity strikes again!
I was first exposed to SARK when I was very young. Great to see that all these years later she still inspires!
Oh, I love this! Had never heard of SARK, possibly because of me living on the other side of the Atlantic, but I’d love to read her book! Wish me luck ;-)))
What divine timing…I pulled out an old journal with some space in the back and struggled to rediscover my voice today…
Thank you to both of you for sharing these words and reminding me of the bounty of opportunity life continually presents.
Wow. I’m a huge Sark fan, that is, a large admirer of the author, regardless of stature. This is a fantastically creative way to conduct an intimate interview. Very powerful. Thank you.
oh please, with all of my heart, i wish that i win this wonderful jewel of a book. i wish so so hard.
I love SARK’s books 🙂
I love, love, love SARK …
Once upon a time my life was pretty dark … I bought “Make your creative dreams real” and it got colorful again. It’s unbelievable how much potential you do have once you explore your inner child.
Well — … THANK YOU BOTH for being around and bring so much joy into the world. May your fingers ALWAYS find the keyboard and your pens never get dry … 🙂
Lots of sunshine, love & light … PEtra
I have never read Sark, I am very intrigued though.
Molly I’ve met SARK aka Susan and she’s very real and I think she’s shared enough of the hard parts of her life in her books to see that she has learned all this stuff not by being incredibly fluffy but by being incredibly real.
feels like a ‘love sandwich’!
Love to you as well.
thank you so much andrea for this wonderful interview! i think it’s definitely time i invited SARK into my life 🙂
“Refuse to believe in creative blocks”!
That is the BEST advice/news/quote ever!
It has got me off and running!!!!
Love Sark! She’s always inspiring. As are you! Thanks for the opportunity to win a book.
thank you so much andrea for sharing this interview, i love sark’s magical words!
this was exactly what i needed this morning 🙂
I love Sark’s books, especially this one — I sure could use it, especially now!
I love the idea of sending my inner critic to another country to do “complex work”! I have loved SARK since discovering her in college and calling the inspiration line frequently. Thanks for the interview!
What a great interview… so inspiring! I would love to add to my SARK collection!
Wondermous… tis lovely. Thank you for sharing.
beautiful beautiful interview. i found SARK at 14 years old, and she’s still inspiring me 7 years later. (i’m a youngin’) thanks for sharing!
beautiful beautiful interview. i found SARK at 14 years old, and she’s still inspiring me 7 years later. (i’m a youngin’) thanks for sharing!
thanks for this! 🙂
You and Sark – you both bring light and joy to the world. 🙂
Thank You…I needed this reminder today.
Great interview!
I have loved you and SARK for YEARS!!! I think you are both magical. Please enter my name in the drawing! It would make my year to win her book!
Sark’s book “succulent wild woman” changed my life! I met you and she at a book signing in santa barbara in 1997. thanks for offering the giveaway and doing the interview!
What a wonderful opportunity! Count me in!
i love sark & i would love to add this new book to my sark collection…
Didn’t know she had a new book out – would love to win a copy!
I would love to add this to my book collection. I have one of her books and I absolutely love it. I would love to win, but just knowing that three people will get to enjoy her creativity and inspiration just puts a big ol’ smile on my face:)
I think your new book, “Glad for the Grief” sounds like a great idea! I think many people get stuck here. Can’t wait.
Great interview!
I would love anything SARK-y!!
How did you know today was the day I need inspiration? What a wonderful interview. Thank you!
I love SARK! Count me in. 🙂
I have loved SARK since my college days, 15 years ago. I would be thrilled to win a copy of her book. I am a struggling, striving, doubting, trying, learning, wondering writer–and am certainly in need of inspiration, a kick-start, or the courage and energy to get really serious about it. Thanks for the great interview and your inspiring blog!
Succulent Wild Woman changed my life!!
I have read SARK for years! I am from Minnesota and love to think that there is a part of MN with her.
I have been waiting to buy her new book – maybe because I have been meant to have it a differnt way?
love and sunshine!
i *heart* SARK!
Thanks Sark, for sharing your light!
One of the things I love about your blog is that I’m always coming across amazing, inspiring women who’ve somehow been flying under my radar.
How could I have not come across SARK before?
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
would so love the sark book!
I would love to gift this book to my mom who should get back in her creative mojo. Thanks for the opportunity.
I absolutely LOVE SARK!!! Thanks for this and of course I would love to win too.
I have been inspired by SARK for about 15 years now! One of my good friends since high school introduced me to her books. My friend is wonderfully talented artistically which I have always envied! Even though I don’t have the “traditional” artsy expressions, SARK has always inspired me to be creative in my own way! She has also taught to do everything with passion!
I ADORE SARK – and her new book looks fantastic!
There is just something special about SARK.
Thanks for the chance to win-This book looks amazing!!
I LOVE SARK! She is absolutely fabulous! Yay!
Oh this looks fantastic! I could use some energy, juice, and wonder. 😉
I see why you are so enamored with SARK. What a colorful and shiney gem she is! (you too!)
This is my first encounter with SARK, but I could sure use some inspiration! Even if I don’t win I may have to go check out her book. 🙂
Sark is incredible!
I have read most of Sark’s books. I am very interested to see what she has created with this one.
SARK is one of those people who has been fueling this new age of creativity for all. Yay SARK!
Awesome! If I win I’ll give it to a friend who really wants to write but hasn’t started and doesn’t know why.
SARK is such an inspiration! I have collected all of her books and each time I open her books is like fresh air renewing and re-charging. Thank you for having her on your blog (for our treat) and for the giveaway!!!! (keeping all my fingers and toes crossed)
Inspiring interview!
I love this interview. I can’t wait to read Sark’s new book. It inspires me to listen to that voice inside me always telling me to write, my stories will be heard.
Just wow. Thank you Andrea for posting this!
WOW> inspiration abounds!
I always feel so at peace when I read SARK books, but filled with a wild buzzing energy. Just a big smile.
I need a sparkler!
I need a sparkler! Thanks for the chance,
Superhero Jenna
I’ve heard of this book! It’s on my order list at the library right now – but a copy would be even better!
Thank you for such a magical collaboration!
I am a creative writer (is there any other kind?) and would absolutely love a copy of the book.
I need to get in touch with my juicy.
she totally gave me the courage to be the artist I am today. Without her words and juicy pens I would still be afraid of my words and my art.
First Sark book I ever got was Succulent Wild Woman. Loved it…very inspirational.
She is amazing!
abs x
Gosh I would LOVE a copy of the book!!
What a cool inty!!
what a treat to drink my morning tea and be infultrated with juciness.Two beautiful creators bringing out the goods in each other. I would be honored to receive a copy of Sark’s new book!
After saying I wanted to become a published author since I was able to write, I’ve finally decided to make it a reality. Will be participating in National Novel Writing Month in November…can’t wait to see what comes out of it!
Please enter me for the giveway…thank you!
What a yummy taste of inspiration for today! Thank you! I’m intrigued by the book.
I’m working on my first novel right now. OK, right now I’m avoiding working on my first novel because I’m feeling one of those creative blocks you mention. I’m totally loving SARK’s advice to “find a way to sneak past” it … fantastic!
Just seeing SARK’s handwriting makes me hopeful for the little girl inside me! Thanks!
sark’s book enlighten the world!!!
Wonderful interview! Thank you for sharing the wisdom, joy and fun with us!
Wow, after reading that I’m feeling decidely “unclever”. Anyway, great interview!
Andrea and Sark,
Please pick me! I just was told by my Mom this morning that my Dad has stage one of early Alzheimers. I’m in need of a juicy pen and thirsty paper guide to write my Dad the most heart felt love letter to him while he can still ‘hear me’.
Thank you for your consideration.
Love, Trish
More Magic, Less Critic!
I would love to enjoy this book!
Peace and Thanks Ladies!
I would love, love, love this juicy, delicious book.
I so enjoy your blog and have shared it with people many times over. Thank you for the words you bring to my life…and for the Superhero Jewelry I enjoy daily.
I love Sark! pick me!
I love Sark! pick me!
I <3 Sark. 🙂
Every time I feel like I’m hitting a rut in my life, I stay in bed, curl up and read a Sark book. I’m sure I’ve read Succulent Wild Woman from cover to cover a dozen times over by now, and would love to get my hands on her newest book!
more love, more SARK. mmmm, i feel good.
Banging my head against a creative drought. Would love this.
Please pick me so I can give my copy to Trish Dolan (see above comments). I did the same for my grandmother and writing those letters helped me through the time I had left with her.
Thank you,
What an inspiration!! I feel empowered and forever changed by reading this….the magic has been here with me the entire time and it’s pure joy to realize that. Thank you!! ~ M.
Love SARK!
Love this. Thanks Andrea and SARK.
Ah, new SARK! I love the idea of building a castle with the blocks. I need to put that idea to use!
Thanks for posting your interview with SARK. She is an inspiration (and so are you)!Susie
Oh – I love SARK and have lots of her stuff. You are so lucky to know her personally. Count me in!!
I loved the interview and would be thrilled to get a copy of the book…though in all honesty..I’ll probably purchase it anyway. Thanks for prompting me to comment here..I recently found your blog and am enjoying it.
I love the idea of inviting your critics to take a long trip!
Consider mine on holiday. 🙂
Thanks for the chance at winning this great give-away!
ooohhhh….so exciting. I’ve been looking forward to reading this book! I heart SARK! Thanks for the chance to win! 😉
One of my very favorite things is my framed print of Sark’s “How to Really Love a Child”. I was introduced to Sark by a friend in college. So inspiring.
Two of my most favorite people to read in one blog entry (sigh of happiness)…
OK, I so need a Sparkler right now!
Thanks for that chance and keep up the
great work!!!
Hope I’m one of the lucky winners
Hope I’m one of the lucky winners
SARK is wonderful, and has inspired me to live a life of succulence!
I have so many stories inside, I hope I can get a few out of me in November in Nanowri month! Love Sark, thanks for sharing this!
Giveaway – woo hoo! What a nice interview, too. It’s always nice to have a little inspiration.
Sark is how I found your blog…bringing it full circle!
SARK is how I found your blog too. Love, love, love her. What a wonderful interview!
I am so in awe that not only have you worked with SARK, but she is among your inner circle (and you in hers). SARK brought one of my dearest friends and I together through our mutual love of her work over 13 years ago. That same friend bought me Juicy Pens for my birthday a few weeks ago. It is sitting at my bedside waiting to be devoured with the passion and space it requires. I was so excited to come to your blog today and see that familiar handwriting. Thanks for this interview AND all of your wonderfulness!
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway. It looks like a magical book!
I am reading Succulent Wild Woman again and mentioned it to my friend at work…she saw the interview here and sent the link to me…how exciting when the universe cups you in the palm of her hand! I love Sark’s joyfulness, once I am done rereading Succulent, I am going to give it to another friend, she and I are survivors together and she could use some Sark in her life too.
I’d love to win the latest Sark book. I could use some color and inspiration lately.
Every time I see that lovely colored handwriting it makes me happy!! would LOVE to page through this one everyday….
I really needed this today. Self-love is a huge problem for me. Am also dealing with a lot of grief. Can’t wait for her book about grief.
Oh I would so love to have a break and win this! It would be food for my broken soul!
i love the piece about giving “any inner critics new jobs”…the bit about SARK sending hers “to other countries” makes me giggle…
Even though I almost never comment or contact you, I was getting ready to email you with something entirely unrelated. I’ll comment though because 1. I LOVE SARK 2. Free stuff rawks 3. going off topic is fun.
I thought you and yours might be interested in: http://www.holdthathug.blogspot.com/ an event that was held in honor of my huband’s and my friend and our wedding photographer, Sarah EM Becking.
Thanks for this and every day!
oh, how absolutely amazing it would be to win!!
ooh fun!
i met sark years ago in chicago, and am finally taking her advice seriously to “just do it badly” and completing a book proposal.
so glad she continues to share her inspiration with us.
I could see you asking Sark those questions, your smile poking through when asking ‘do you wear special magic glasses?’, a question that has come to my mind plenty when I think of people who inspire me, who seem like they were born with a perspective of well-adjusted enlightenment. And what passionate, true responses by Sark–a glimpse into what it would be like to sit down with someone who oozes acceptance and compassion. (PS you are like that, too.) You give so many people gifts with your blogs, and your individual and delightful perspective. I don’t mind about the book, by the way, because I’ll probably buy it anyway, but I wanted you to know how special that interview is and how appreciated your perspective, your questions, and your input, as well as Sark’s, are.
Thank you. 🙂
I could see you asking Sark those questions, your smile poking through when asking ‘do you wear special magic glasses?’, a question that has come to my mind plenty when I think of people who inspire me, who seem like they were born with a perspective of well-adjusted enlightenment. And what passionate, true responses by Sark–a glimpse into what it would be like to sit down with someone who oozes acceptance and compassion. (PS you are like that, too.) You give so many people gifts with your blogs, and your individual and delightful perspective. I don’t mind about the book, by the way, because I’ll probably buy it anyway, but I wanted you to know how special that interview is and how appreciated your perspective, your questions, and your input, as well as Sark’s, are.
Thank you. 🙂
I went to the library to get Sark’s previous books after reading your blog. I loved them! I would love to have my very own and the new one at that 🙂
The name of the book alone makes me want to gobble it up. I’m heading to the library first thing tomorrow!!
Ohhhh….I had to jump in on this one !!!
I was once told by a good friend to “write your life like a story, because someone will read it one day and be changed.” But lately I have felt like I’ve had nothing to write about. I’ve never heard of Sark, but would love to read this book. She reminds me of an old friend…
Oh, I just love, love, love Sark! So happy she has another book out to inspire us all!
Yay, another SARK book!
the unfolding
of the future
I enjoyed the interview.
Wow, her answers were so surprising and true! Totally unexpected. I loved being turned around by each response she gave. Thanks for the interview and inspiration, as always!
I’ve seen Sark’s books on the shelves and am always drawn right towards them… I would love to be a proud owner of one of them.
Pick me! Pick me!
Oh my gosh! I would love love love SARKS new book:) Thank you!
So exciting! It was through SARK’s books that I found your website!
Loved this post!
I have all of SARK’s books except this one and have been meaning to get this one as well so this would be a real treat. This is my favorite gift to give friends after all who wouldn’t love to open their gift only find it filled with sparkles of SARKism
That was fun & interesting & inspiring… & Andrea, you are my go to girl for all those things 🙂
i will tell you a little story:
i was dating someone years ago, i was about 19 years old i think…i walked into barnes and noble after a lovely dinner at cracker barrel…and i was metaphorically and literally searching for something to guide me. i sat cross-legged in the ‘self-help/creativity’ section with my cup of hot chocolate and gazed at all the various books that seemed to say the same thing. then something popped out at me…yellow cover, colorful writing…bodacious book of succulence. my eyes scoured and savaged up every word and colorful drawing. right then my life changed…i will be forever grateful for finding that book because it led me to you dear sweet andrea…and so many more amazing things …but i do believe my creative journey began that day…that book set me in motion. i still have that book over a decade later, and it still sits by my computer at all times. i don’t need to look in it anymore, just the mere sight of it is a guiding light, reminding me and inspiring me to follow my own way.
yes i would love another book….but i just wanted to share that with you, because i don’t think i have ever told you that tidbit of info. it’s funny how vividly we can remember certain events of our lives. and finding that book was one of them. i remember seeing on the back on the cover your name andrea and my eyes seemed drawn to it…the words superhero stuck out in my mind. so anyway, that is my story.
i remember seeing sark in perth, west australia – i think in 1998. wow! ten years ago. i LOVE her life philosophies, full of colour and hope. long live the pen of sark. 🙂 laf
I’m in!
I love the idea of sending our inner critics and naysayers on international missions of great complexity. I think that I’ll send mine somewhere far away first thing when I get up in the morning.
OOh… cute girly things are nice, but this kind of loving inspiration is even better, I am crossing my fingers and toes!
May Canadians enter?
Last week I sat in Barnes and Noble and read half of this book. What and amazing lady, and what an awesome interview!
PS: I would love to finish that book!
oh! oh! i have loved sark since the early 90’s. and what’s even great is that you and her are friends. 🙂 good luck to the winner! i hope i am one of them 😉 thanks andrea!
It was through one of SARK’s books that I heard about you, Andrea!!! I would LOVE to have this book!!
Even the colors are magic, transforming…How lovely to be a Magician….as always SARK inspires….thank you both.
Hi Andrea, thanks for this opportunity! I would love to give this book to my mom. She used to enjoy to write and has such a creative spirit! She could use a little jump-start!
Love the way you presented this interview so full of color!
I want to win!
ohh please! i would loooove to win! and at SUCH an uber fitting time in my life!
Yea for you and yea for SARK!
have a joy-filled day!
Oooh… I would love a colorful, creative jumpstart! With a toddler and a full-time job, my inspirational juices are dried up when “me” time comes around. Thanks for this opportunity, Andrea! And, SARK, thanks for letting us inside your world!
what a great, fun, super interview…would love the opportunity to win ..I’m inspired by just reading the answers to the questions
Thank you for this. I love it when you write about SARK — both of you are such INSPIRING women! JOY!
hi. this made me smile. thank you.
Sark! We love you darling!
I continue to be inspired by your blog and would treasure the opportunity to be inspired by SARK!
Thank you so much for sharing! Count me in! ~
This is the post I needed to read today, because I’m one of the ones who needed a jump start to get right back into the creative process and make something beautiful. Thank you!
This is the post I needed to read today, because I’m one of the ones who needed a jump start to get right back into the creative process and make something beautiful. Thank you!
Sorry! I don’t know how that got posted three times! Please delete this one and the two others so there’s only one! Thanks.
Great interview – sounds like it will be a great book!
My first contact with SARK came in form of a poster gifted to me “How to be an Artist” It spoke to my heart and hung on my bedroom wall for many years. Through high school, college and across the sea moves it got lost. I didn’t realize it was written by SARK some 15 years later when I found her once again through your blog.
You brought back SARK into my life once maybe this time in can come in the form of a book 🙂
Lovely, just what was needed as we move into Winter. Thank you.
WooHoo. I hope I win. She’s one of my heros!
Thanks for sharing this interview. You and SARK are both incredibly inspiring. We certainly need all the magic we can find right now.
Beautiful post! Funny how the artists I am drawn to seem to come back to SARK….you, Sabrina Ward Harrison. Must be some connection there!
I hope I win!
WELL, there are quite a few comments already.
BUT, i don’t yet have this Sark book.
AND, i’m feeling a little bit lucky today 😉
SO, i guess we’ll see what happens!!!
I am feeling lucky! I would love SARK’s new book!
I love Sark almost as much as I love working in a chocolate factory. Oh please, karma gods, let it be me. But if it’s not me, let it be someone whose day would be dramatically changed by being a winner. 🙂 Wheee!
Me too!!! Me too!!!
Great interview and questions. Thanks for sharing.
Wishing you,
Peace & Love, Just Because,
Goddess Diana
Dear Andrea,
This interview is so wonderful and playful! It made my heart feel lighter today. I included it in my list of 5 Things that Inspired Me Today on my blog. Thanks for being a continual source of inspiration!
warm wishes,
Wonderful! This did my heart good today. :o)
you are all my superheroes!
my first intro to SARK,
thank you for all you do!
and I would love to win this book!
Thanks, Creativevoyage, for your honest and non-judgemental response. I know Andrea has a strong relationship with SARK and I have faith in her choice of associates. It’s just so overwhelming to see someone so close to self-actualization, it’s almost easier to believe it’s not true than it is to believe that something so distant from my own experience could be possible.
Yay! Just what I need. This book looks like something I’d really enjoy and use.
This would go a long way in my classroom…I like.
Oh what joy this would bring! Please choose me.
xo -Leia
As donkey says in Shrek: “Pick me! Pick me!”
Yay! I heart Sark. And your blog. And Ben pics. :0)
A new Sark book! YAY!
Thanks for the encouragement today! I’m trapped at home after ankle surgery, alternately napping and feeling sorry for myself. I’m so glad I summoned the energy to get online.
As always, your timing is perfect Andrea!
I have a friend named Alice who got distracted by her life, and forgot that she is secretly a playwrite, and an author… because she kisses giggly babies all day, and wipes faces and butts.
If I were to be selected at your drawing,I would wrap that book in sparkly tissue paper, with every color ribbon I store under my bed~cover it in stickers with her name on it, and make a chocolate truffle bow…and leave it mysteriously in her path….and magical things would manifest