yes we can*

Obama sticker, Chinatown, SF, Canon Rebel Xti

I’m a bit giddy about it all.

The Bay area is all aflutter today and it feels like a holiday, like we shouldn’t be working but instead parading in the streets or feasting together and banging on pots and pans. As we drank champagne last night with friends and cried and hugged each other, it felt more like New Years eve than election day.

I’m sure not all of you voted for Obama, but I hope that we can all be inspired by his message of hope and our shared vision for a more peaceful world. I thought McCain’s speech last night was very gracious.

I will be crying many tears of joy today; every time I hear Obama’s acceptance speech I am so moved…I hope you are celebrating with me and feeling the excitement of this new day. Off to go bang on some pots and pans!

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. James

    this little light of mine, i’m gonna let it shine..

  2. Lea

    Oh, yes we can.

  3. denise

    There was a parade last night in the Mission! People were banging pots and pans, dancing in the streets, and 2 dueling marching bands came out. I’ve never seen so many hipsters sing the national anthem..We CAN and we DID!

  4. Shawn

    I did get tear-eyed and can’t really explain it to the kids…it just amazing isn’t it? Hope bubbles up…

  5. Shawn

    I did get tear-eyed and can’t really explain it to the kids…it just amazing isn’t it? Hope bubbles up…

  6. Shawn

    I did get tear-eyed and can’t really explain it to the kids…it just amazing isn’t it? Hope bubbles up…

  7. Sam

    I stayed up all night in England to watch. The BBC had called the election so early but I had to stay up and be sure it was really happening. It was the most important election in my lifetime, I feel optimistic and hopeful and excited for the first time in years.

  8. Sam

    I stayed up all night in England to watch. The BBC had called the election so early but I had to stay up and be sure it was really happening. It was the most important election in my lifetime, I feel optimistic and hopeful and excited for the first time in years.

  9. Sam

    I stayed up all night in England to watch. The BBC had called the election so early but I had to stay up and be sure it was really happening. It was the most important election in my lifetime, I feel optimistic and hopeful and excited for the first time in years.

  10. m-c

    ***Congratulations on winning your elections!***
    I’ll join and party with you in spirit – i am so moved and inspired by the idea that possibility and positive changes are ahead of us… I say us, because if the USA can move on, we’ll all follow.
    I wish i could hope for a prime minister who inspires me – nothing i have seen here so far 😉
    This is a good day!

  11. Di

    Yes you did! And finally, I can calm down and relax into what Mr Obama might do for the world.
    I’ve been a small disaster about these elections, despite being a New Zealander in Belgium and knowing it was none of my business. I lived in Turkey a while and saw how the Turks loved America … today I feel like America is back on the path to being what we all love out here.

  12. stef


  13. greta

    I woke up feeling pretty happy, but wilted a bit when I saw that it looks like Prop 8 is going to pass. I was so sure it would be rejected! I can’t even believe how close it is. Still, last night was pretty amazing, and McCain’s concession speech helped bring back a lot of the respect for him that I had lost during the campaign.

  14. Jess

    I couldn’t agree more – McCain’s speech was gracious, indeed, and I am also moved to tears by Obama’s acceptance speech. Hooray!
    Wonderful photo, by the way.

  15. Laura

    Down here in LA County, we had 82% voter turnout yesterday. It just gives me such chills to think about so many people coming out and coming together to create change. I will be smiling all giddy-like for a long time to come. 🙂

  16. cjh

    It’s true. They both gave great speeches. Part of me wishes we had seen more of that McCain during the election. I’m just happy that so many people have become inspired. And it’s even more interesting to see (even in your comments here) how many people have been impacted worldwide. Amazing.

  17. Charis

    Even we Germans are VERY happy today! I’m so glad for you AND for us! 🙂

  18. andrea

    I feel like I moved into a new country without changing my zip code. It truly is a beautiful day.

  19. tiffany

    Right there with ya.

  20. jen downer

    i feel like i can breathe again. and so i shall… {entorer long cleansing breath here}
    i too want to sing and dance in the streets.
    it is a new day.
    it is a new america.
    thank god!!!!!

  21. AndreaD

    I AM SO HAPPY! I wish Canada had such a cool leader – Obama is incredible. I’m so thrilled that the US finally has something to be happy about. Hooray! Hope and love and all good things.

  22. christine

    I too stayed up here all night in London. I’m proud to have worked on his campaign over here as an American expat.
    People have been so giddy all day. I had many of my british friends phone and say how happy they are and how much they cried and they didn’t even vote!

  23. Samantha D

    I am right there with you! I have so much energy that I feel like I should be jumping up and down out in the sun instead of working a normal day in the office, but, rest assured, on the inside, I’m doing cartwheels. 🙂
    It is a brand new day.

  24. Samantha D

    p.s. I am also putting together a Time Capsule for our baby Ben filled with newspaper clippings and the liked for this momentous occasion! I hope he will see how much it meant to us, when he looks back on these times.

  25. Wanda

    The HOPE is palpable. We are so hungry for something positive happening. The election is the first step. I am so impressed by the president-elect’s capacity for inspiration of the people and his capacity for leadership. NOW…we have to keep following and keep doing the work to make it all happen. He can’t do it by himself.
    Yes WE can.

  26. Anja

    I was moved too by result. It is a beautiful day. Congratulations, all the way from across the Atlantic in Copenhagen

  27. mamie

    we did it for ben and mason and owen and all our little ones that will have the blessing and challenge that is the world of today. i feel as new and excited as they are….it is wonderful!

  28. Meg

    It did feel like New Years, but much much better. I’ll remember last night for a long time, if not the rest of my life.

  29. Lindsey Knight Whitty

    Even us deep in the heart of red states like Louisiana are celebrating. I’m so glad to be here, be present, and be a part of something bigger than myself. My heart is full… we’ve got so much to be grateful for. *cheers*

  30. Susie

    Truly wonderful and inspiring. I am in awe of all the amazing people who got out and voted. It DID make a difference. What a man and what a family! YAY!!!!!!!!

  31. Laura Neff

    OOOOHOOOOOO! I hope you can hear the pots and pans a’bangin’ here on the east coast!
    I have been a TOTAL FLAKE all day. There’s this sense of, “but…but…how can I go back to my everyday stuff after THAT?!?!” So I mostly have allowed the celebratory flakey haze and just enjoyed this day! It is one for the BOOKS! 😀
    Yes we can! Yes we did! Yes we WILL!!!

  32. La'Saundra

    I feel like shouting from the rooftops! I am elated…and excited…and so so proud! This is a new beginning for our country and I’m so thankful that I get to not only witness it but be a part of it – it’s AMAZING!!!

  33. rowena

    It is so amazing. I hope that even those who didn’t vote for him can see how significant it is for America to overcome its racist past to vote for a black man.
    It feels miraculous almost.

  34. Mary

    I’m so thankful for this day. I keep catching myself with tears on my cheeks with just the sheer thought that possibly, just possibly, hope is emerging into my scarred heart again. I’m elated that there is such balance in life at this moment!!
    You are so on point, too, that it felt like New Years – I couldn’t sleep all night – I just wanted to party!

  35. shawna

    i’ve been crying on and off all day today too. I’ve never felt so proud of my country.

  36. Jen

    Yes We Can
    Yes We Did
    Yes We Will Continue To Bring About Postive Change in This Country and Throughout the World.

  37. Sarah

    I am absolutely amazed by the election results from last night- although I’m a Canuck and thus unable to vote, my friends and I were all huddled around the TV making Obama themed cookies and celebrating the victory.
    There’s still much to do, but this is one great step.

  38. Jennifer

    No matter who you voted for you have to be inpsired that so many people went out there and put there vote in. How simply amazing.

  39. Tracie

    Obama’s speech was so moving and the fact that he mentioned the rest of the world watching the results or huddled around radios was amazing. The world breathed a collective sigh of relief.

  40. colleen

    it was beautiful and wonderful and inspiring. And positive. Just what our world needs. It was similar to the ’94 elections in South Africa when Nelson Mandela, against huge odds, was made President of our country… it’s really an incredible feeling 🙂

  41. Lisa

    I have PERMA-SMILE 😀
    While I was journaling this morning, I realized that this event is perhaps *the*most*incredible* happening of my entire life as an American! Wow!

  42. Tracy

    We are celebrating across the border – like he was our (very own) leader! He is inspiring the world and will be a leader for all. Loving this shift, and the hope it brings to us all. Yay for you, and for us too! Love from Canada….

  43. alison

    i cried too, and i’m not even american. 😛 a monumental shift! obama didn’t only rock america, he rocked the whole world! hope is good, change is good, and YES WE CAN!
    i feel the world loves him. 🙂
    yay to you, america and the world! the world really needed it! the ‘hope’ and ‘change’ thank you mr. barack obama, god bless you and america.

  44. stacy

    the most beautiful, brilliant, shining light of change at the end of an eight-year long dark tunnel of grief.

  45. Heather Espana

    A…men. I am sure I will be crying all over again on January 20th. I’m SO excited that this happened in my lifetime.

  46. jeanine

    all that joy is also being felt up here, in canada. saw michael franti & spearhead in concert yesterday… and it couldn’t have been a better band to see live the day after the election. everybody jumping and celebrating and dancing for hours, with so much hope in our hearts.

  47. Just Me

    Stayed up all night and watched on TV here in Amsterdam, Netherlands. A great day indeed. America is great again!

  48. Carole

    YES!!!! (bang bang bang bang) HOORAY!!!! (bang bang bang bang) YIPEE!!!!
    (And thanks to Samantha for the idea of putting together a time capsule!)
    ~ Carole

  49. marilee pittman

    your blog is like the United Nations of Bloggers. Isn’t it too wonderful that we all feel so elated. The day of hope we have yearned for is here at last.”Free at last, thank God we are free at last!”

  50. marilee pittman

    your blog is like the United Nations of Bloggers. Isn’t it too wonderful that we all feel so elated. The day of hope we have yearned for is here at last.”Free at last, thank God we are free at last!”

  51. Laura

    Congratulations USA– I have to say that for the last 8 years, I’ve been cringing every time our past and present Prime Minister made speeches announcing support for US initiatives. Now I’m looking forward to it.
    There are so many of us who are utterly, utterly thrilled. And what a sassy woman to have as your first lady! I’m excited to be moving to your country in 2010…..
    I hope you are all getting ridiculously ‘high on life’ at the moment 🙂

  52. Tara Arismendy

    Hell Ya!
    It is good to see that there are people who have embraced the 21st century! I am proud to be a part of that and to be able to show and teach my children that we live in a true country where equal opportunity is more of a verb then a statement.
    Now if we could just work on that gay marriage thing in Florida.
    Give us time.

  53. Tara Arismendy

    Hell Ya!
    It is good to see that there are people who have embraced the 21st century! I am proud to be a part of that and to be able to show and teach my children that we live in a true country where equal opportunity is more of a verb then a statement.
    Now if we could just work on that gay marriage thing in Florida.
    Give us time.

  54. Mia

    Dear Andrea
    The election of Obama as president has caused a major change in the world. The symbolic change has been felt like waves even to the ends of the earth – yeah that is where I live, south-west Western Australia.
    We believe again.
    Come visit my new site when you have a spare minute.
    Love the photo

  55. Julia

    I have been in party mode since Tuesday night!
    On Election night,friends and I were sitting in my den, around the time the polls closed here in CA, and watching the electoral vote count with nervous anticipation.
    By 8:30pm when ABC news updated the count from the west coast and pushed Obama over the magic number of votes needed to win…we were all doing the “Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy dance” and drinking red wine and crying.
    By the time Obama took the stage for his accectance speech…we were so in awe that we all watched it with silent tears of relief and joy running down our faces.
    Even my 83 year old mom was dancing in her walker!!
    It was quite a sight at my house.
    I wish I had thought about banging on some pots and pans that night.
    It would have been a nice touch to an already great evening.

  56. Mel

    Waking up and finding out that Obama had won felt like waking up on Christmas morning as a child, and realising that the day you’d spent a lifetime waiting for had finally come.
    Well done for everyone who made it happen!
    Mel, UK

  57. Sundries Sublime

    Being part of his/herstory is so amazing!

  58. Rebecca

    I was a prof of Media Law and Media and Politics who left the US after Bush was reinstated four years ago. I felt so bewildered and sad and like the country had gone insane and no one was allowed to talk about it. I got online, found a professorship in Switzerland (a neutral country!), applied, sold my house and have been living here since summer 2005.
    My new German husband woke me up Wednesday morning whispering, “You can go home again.” I think he’s scared to death I really will, so it was especially sweet…
    A black friend in Florida said to my Mom, “You could say to your children, ‘You can be anything you want when you grow up and we could never really say that.'” If Obama is able to accomplish nothing more than the hope he’s inspired and the victory over apathy he’s already won, it’s one hell of a Presidency already.
    I am so proud of us. Wish I could have been there to see the people out in such numbers to vote.
    Love, love, love your blog and this community…
    Rebecca in Switzerland

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