Obama dreams

Obama, me, Ben, Berkeley, CA, taken with Iphone

I’ve been having lots of vivid Obama dreams lately. Sometimes Michelle and I are chatting in their home, other times Barack and I are whooping it up at a party. In my most recent Obama dream, we are sitting together and he is holding my hand. We do not know each other of course, but he is holding my hand anyway, so that I feel that he cares, that he is the real deal, that he believes in connecting and wants me and the world to know that. In the dream I say, It’s okay. You can let go of my hand. You are exhausted.” He looks relieved, lets go and says, thank you… in an appreciative whisper.

It’s true that I have been thinking about this a lot as I watch Obama tirelessly give speeches, attend parties, and grin for the camera. Just looking at the magazine rack these days will make your head spin, seeing his face on so many covers. That man must be so tired! But someone told me once that we are every character in our dreams… and I see that it holds true in this case as well. Some part of me was whispering, “Let go… It’s okay to preserve your energy. People will still love you.”

I offer this up because I suspect that there more of you out there. We give sometimes because we are afraid… afraid people will not like us if we don’t, that we won’t be generous if we don’t, that we will be forgotten. Sometimes we don’t have it in us, but we are afraid to let go, to trust that just being who and how we actually are is enough. This little dream for me was a gentle whisper and call to authenticity… an invitation to relax in knowing that I am loved and held unconditionally, that I can put down the striving, at least for a moment.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Jolie

    That’s just what I needed right now. I’m going to go to sleep. Thanks!

  2. Bel

    This came on a day of soul searching and self analysis. Thank you so much. It’s what I knew, but couldn’t articulate.

  3. Chloe

    So well put. xo

  4. Sam

    I love that Ben looks decidedly unimpressed in this photo! So funny.
    I, too, have been worried about the whole Obama family – I know they must be tired! Of course, I have forgotten that they’ve been living a wild and crazy life for two years, campaigning – and I do hope that they will somehow find a “normal” life in the midst of the public life, and rest, and days for pajamas and pancakes. (Okay, at least the girls!)
    And I wishing the same for you – gentle days, in your pajamas, fun with Ben and your honey – you are a very special woman!

  5. Puanani

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I began a painting this week. What has arose in the color is the side view of a woman with her back turned. I took it as a sign that sometimes, it is the right thing to walk away. Or toward something new…

  6. Toni

    I have been having dreams about him too! Only in my dreams he is playing basketball in my driveway. Thanks for the message about letting go. 🙂
    Have a lovely day.

  7. creativevoyage

    no dreams about Obama but a hug for you ((((( Andrea)))) sounds like you need one

  8. vanessa

    thank you

  9. Wanda

    I am amazed by how many people are having “Obama dreams.” It’s a good thing. Not only is it about our finding our “inner Obamas,” but I think it is about “Yes, We Can.” We have integrated them into our consciousness and that is very important because they need us, now that we helped to put Mr. Obama in the office. So great to know that so many of us are part of the team.

  10. Catherine

    ok this is very timely.
    I had a belief when I was young that if I wasn’t around people would forget about me. So I did double duty. Being there all the time. Paying for gas, driving, paying for people’s food, etc.
    Recently I have been home pregnant and not feeling well. All of my friends stopped calling. I felt very depressed about this. No one offered to host a baby shower. I’m still heart broken. It’s like all that stuff I imagined is real. I am forgotten if I am not there.
    Truth is – those friends are self absorbed in their own drama. They don’t have relationships or kids because they surround themselves in their own chaos. They imagine that my life is rosy because I have a husband and am pregnant and no stress or drama. So they leave me alone.
    Sadly I am still getting over the lie I tell myself about why this happened – and the truth of it.
    That it’s time for new friends. And it’s ok to host my own shower. People are helping me as I ask them to – with joy and happiness about it. So I know that there are friends out there who love me. They just didn’t know I needed them because of their assumptions – and my being too ill to ask for them to call me.
    This was a very hard time for me.
    Glad you wrote a bit about this today.

  11. gonzomama

    i needed this today. thank you. it’s been a rough week.

  12. marilee pittman

    One of the things I loved about the change in power is how healing it was, thanks to Obama. Perhaps he recognizes the wisdom in not hating. Because I sure hated Bush. But without Bush we would not have had Obama.We need the shadow to show us the light. Remember the transition in South Africa, when Nelson Mandala was released from prison.It was a peaceful transition . Healing old wounds, moving forward. I appreciate these lessons.
    I love your dream, it is very compassionate and healing.

  13. Teresa

    I too have heard retelling of tons of Barack and Michelle dreams! One I like involved Michelle deciding to plant a Victory Garden at the White House, and asking our friends here to take care of that!
    I’ve only had a Sarah Palin dream recently – I wonder what that says about my worries? (For the record, she was confusedly eating raw chestnuts??)
    That may remain a mystery, but I love your post! Thank you for sharing. We’ve all worked so hard lately.

  14. lu

    how cool is it when you receive the message you need in a whisper or a dream?

  15. D

    I think I have the opposite problem. I need to give a little more.

  16. RetroBerry

    If you feel scared to rest or say no or not give, just say so!
    Often a little, “I feel a little scared/anxious/nervous to say this, but I really need to give myself a break and decline ….. this time.”
    Then you’re being honest, open, AND taking care of yourself.
    Might be worth a try…my heart always opens even that much more for someone willing to tell me their truth.

  17. Brené

    oh man. this is tough to read but exactly what I needed. thank you wise friend.

  18. Lori D

    Your call to authenticity floored me. In a critical time where all things seem prepared to unravel before my eyes, your few simple words have evoked a passion from within me – that I’m going to be alright, and that I am authentically…beautiful.

  19. Nerdy Renegade

    What a powerful post! And so true.
    Once we take this leap, and realize that it does in fact work, we are liberated. It may take repeated practice to perfect it, but like anything else, it gets easier the more we abide in this realm.
    Thank you for this reminder ~ and the unique way in which you shared the story 🙂

  20. kate

    how wise and insightful you are.

  21. ~moe~

    Amen. Thanks, Andrea.

  22. paige

    Okay, this is kind of freaky. I dreamed Obama and his family last night, too. In my dream, he and Michelle were taking a nap at my parents’ house while my sister-in-law and I watched the girls. He really must be tired; I get tired just observing.
    On a different note, I never told you that you turned me on to Nia. (I thought it about it last night when a friend taught her first class after doing her white belt.) I went to my first class in June 2007, and I’m going to do a white belt in November.
    And it wasn’t only mentioning it, it was you telling how your teacher had played some music you didn’t like, but she told you to dance it out anyway. Something about that rang with me, and for good reason. I have loved every minute of every class, and I have you to thank. So thanks.

  23. paige

    Okay, this is kind of freaky. I dreamed Obama and his family last night, too. In my dream, he and Michelle were taking a nap at my parents’ house while my sister-in-law and I watched the girls. He really must be tired; I get tired just observing.
    On a different note, I never told you that you turned me on to Nia. (I thought it about it last night when a friend taught her first class after doing her white belt.) I went to my first class in June 2007, and I’m going to do a white belt in November.
    And it wasn’t only mentioning it, it was you telling how your teacher had played some music you didn’t like, but she told you to dance it out anyway. Something about that rang with me, and for good reason. I have loved every minute of every class, and I have you to thank. So thanks.

  24. Marianne

    Here’s a little secret. When I met you I loved you. Right away. And not because of anything you “did” for me, but because of something very fundamental in who you are – I just adored your spirit, your intelligence, you. I also loved you for trusting me with a little bit of your story, for the courage and the generosity that took. Thank you, now, take a rest. xx

  25. Rachel Briggs

    AMEN!!! I feel this way all the time. Hence one reason why I bought the book “How to say NO without feeling guilty” (just need to actually finish the book now). So glad you said it out loud!! Thanks!!

  26. Rachel Briggs

    AMEN!!! I feel this way all the time. Hence one reason why I bought the book “How to say NO without feeling guilty” (just need to actually finish the book now). So glad you said it out loud!! Thanks!!

  27. katie

    This is my first visit to your blog, and i look forward to reading on! (linked through Ali E blog) This is the insight that i needed this morning…I need to let some things go, but i worry a lot that I may be making the wrong decision, or that I may be letting someone down. I need to make the best decisions for me, and my family and know that i’ll be respected for doing so 🙂
    Thanks so much!

  28. Butternose

    It’s amazing how “things” can just fall into your lap.
    I’m visiting my brother & sister-in-law and helping them out with their older kids while they take care of their very sick baby at the children’s hospital about 2 hours from the house.
    Things are hectic for them as well as for me and my daughter.
    I’m trying so hard to be the coolest Aunt and the most helpful sister/sister-in-law because I don’t want to “let anyone down,” but I think I need a break and, after reading your post, it has helped me to know in my heart that I will still be loved!
    Thank You!

  29. Karen Travels

    I had an Obama dream too, back in October…I was at a potluck dinner and I had forgotten to bring my dish. I was not allowed into the party. He come around the corner and hands me a tupperware dish of dip and told me to bring it in, and he would bring the crackers!
    That is all I remember. True story!

  30. gypsy alex

    When I started reading this I could hear your sweet giggly voice telling the story. I love when you’re just you, sweet, giggly, fun, loving, witty! And I love the metaphor for dreams! I’ll have to keep it in mind too, as I have so many crazy symbolic dreams. Rest up, sweet girl! 🙂

  31. gypsy alex

    When I started reading this I could hear your sweet giggly voice telling the dream story. Just being your sweet, giggly, fun, loving, creative, witty self is more than enough! Rest up, sweet girl! You are loved. And yeah, all those magazines are driving me nuts too ;P

  32. Jody (milehighmommy)

    Stumbled across this post randomly – or maybe not so randomly…you know how that goes!
    Obama is so busy that he’s even visiting random people around the country while he’s sleeping/dreaming! 😉
    Strangely, I had an Obama dream last week too. I’ve never dreamed about the President before…so it has stuck with me. My family and myself were visiting with him and his family at the White House. It was all very casual and comfortable, like we had known each other forever! He kept telling me what an amazing man my husband is (like he had accomplished something great) – while my husband was sitting next to me on the couch. It was strange and yet so familiar all at once! Not sure what it means, but maybe I will find out someday.

  33. RookieMom Whitney

    I have a similar picture of me and Julian with an Obama standee. (Did you know that word?!)
    I just had to comment because we currently put a book under Julian’s pillow to keep the “bad guys” away at night. We have been through many items like this – a dream catcher, etc. I just joked yesterday that when the magic of the book wears off, the next comfort object I’m going to try is a photo of Obama under his pillow.

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