Superhero Photo Challenge: Hands

Eileen’s beautiful hands with acorns, NH, Canon Rebel Xti

I posted a new Superhero Photo Challenge up on Shutter Sisters today. I’ve also posted it below… would love to have you all participate!

I’ve always been a hands person. Thinking about any friend I have, I can very clearly conjure up an image of their hands. Some are strong and look like they could do many hours of work in the hot sun, others are more delicate and gentle, with long fingers and painted nails. One friend of mine has so many lines crisscrossing all over her palms, that she is surely an old soul. And then there are Ben’s toddler hands, that are like little starfish exploring the world.

One of my all time favorite photos of hands is a shot that Jen Lemen posted on Shutter Sisters (with a beautiful story) And oh my goodness, in the Shutter Sisters Flickr pool are some of the most stunning photos of handswow people! This week’s challenge is to explore photographing hands.

I am moved by how much hands can say in a photo, how much love can be transmitted by a gentle squeeze, how much life they can hold. There is a Rumi quote I love: Look at your eyes. They are small, but they see enormous things. I think the same goes for hands. They are small, but they hold enormous things.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Trish

    Andrea, Sweet Andrea,
    This is a beautiful post…thanks for reminding your audience what most of us take for granted every day…our hands and all they do: they hold hands, hands that teach, hands that cook, hands that garden, hands that build and bridge the tangible and intangible, hands that clasp in applause, hands that hold another’s hands when words won’t work, hands that type, hands that scratch, create, comfort. Here’s to all our hands may they be enjoined in spirit with yours.
    Love, Trish

  2. lu

    i love how the focus is on the fingertips. what a nice and unexpected perspective.

  3. Kirstie

    My husband is a potter and some of my favourite photographs that I have of him are of his hands working with porcelain creating something beautiful. You wrote about this so beautifully as you always do with your beautiful sense of wonder and appreciation for all those things that others pass by. Jen’s story and photograph brought me tears for the incredible forgiveness and understanding in her beautifully written story. Thank you for this post Andrea. I read every post you write and I am often moved by your words, real,honest,raw, encouraging, loving and inspiring. Ben is so lucky to have you as his mama, I know I’ve told you that before but it is so true it should be said many times.

  4. Felicia

    check out January 16post on nieniedialogues..for a perfect picture of hands

  5. jenny d

    mmmmm, some of my favorite and most meaningful personal photos have been of hands.
    i have hand photos of my mom shortly before she died.
    the photo that made me realize that i have a taent in this photographic medium is of my little brother’s hands…
    i’ll have to find some negatives and scan them so i can share….
    i had an assignment in a photo class once that required us to take portraits of people wihtout showing their faces. hands. that’s what i went with.
    love it.

  6. rachel

    makes me think of Ben Harper’s song…”i can change the world, with my own two hands…”

  7. Rebecca

    This is lovely. Love Shutter Sisters. The photos… and…
    I read your posts thinking now…
    I have to ask…
    Did I miss MONDO BEYONDO?
    I fell in love with your blog over Mondo Beyondo a few years ago and love, love, love reading, reflecting and creating MONDO BEYONDO around the New Year.
    No Mondo Beyondo this year? Maybe I missed it when I was on vacation. I looked back and I don’t think so…
    Feeling MONDO BEYONDO challenged myself this year and thinking on it til something emerges.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. Jennifer

    I am a hands person, too! It is my favorite part of the body…I think they convey so much about a person. I’m glad to know I’m not alone!

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