heart pendant*

self portrait with heart pendant, Canon Rebel Xti

A brand new pendant to add to the superhero collection! Just in time for Mother’s Day… this heart has the word “loved” engraved on the back. Perfect gift for yourself or someone who is loved by you this Mother’s day.

heart pendant, back side, Canon Rebel Xti

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. stef

    OOHHHH! Love it 🙂 xo

  2. vivienne

    its so gorgeous!

  3. Lauren


  4. Kate

    I love this so much, it makes my heart sing. LOVELY Andrea, truly.

  5. Catherine


  6. Caroline

    Love it!!

  7. Vanessa

    it’s beautiful, andrea!

  8. Lu

    This just makes me so happy.

  9. Sara


  10. Sara


  11. kristine

    so sweet!

  12. Chana

    This makes me smile. I am enjoying the bull’s eye pendant so much, I don’t think I have room in my heart for another necklace right now 🙂
    Also, love the green shirt.

  13. jenn

    Oh Andrea, I think this is just perfect!

  14. Brené

    i love it! what a wonderful shape!

  15. Sarah

    Oh now, I think you must have had the Weepies muse sitting on your shoulder when you designed this, cause the instant I saw it I could hear the song in my head. “You make me, feel like, somebody loved.” But then there is my other favorite “She will be loved.” by Maroon 5. Either way, I love the necklace!!!!

  16. Mariella

    Beautiful! I have the circular one and whenever I wear it my 4yr old daughter never fails to exclaim, “You’re wearing you’re superhero necklace today…yay!!” I am thinking of getting this heart shaped/loved one for her. She will be so excited to have (sort of) matching pendants!! xoxo, ~ M.

  17. Caroline

    <3 this!

  18. Nicole

    Oh, the cuteness of it! I LOVE this. I NEED this. I will ask, no, DEMAND that this is given to me for Mother’s Day. Or I might cry. Do you send reminder emails to husbands?

  19. Rebecca

    Love this one… and have to say I´m really partial to my Superhero bullseye pendant in a way I don´t think I´ve ever been about a necklace before. Every time I put it on, I put the word superhero against my chest and think, “I am a superhero.” Last week I had two big, tough meetings and I put the necklace on quite purposefully even though it wasn´t quite as dressy as my suits. I wanted it there and to say the sentence before I went into the meetings and WHOA! I was a superhero! I know it wasn´t the necklace… still the whole little Superhero ritual is fun.
    Rebecca in Switzerland

  20. Gwen Bell

    Ok, I know what Joel’s mom is getting for Mother’s Day! *shhh* Don’t tell & I’m sure she’s gonna love it. xo, @gwenbell

  21. pixiemama

    best! heart! ever!

  22. pixiemama

    are all my comments to you getting lost in the ethos?

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