the best sound in the whole world*

Every year I make a list of people I’d like to meet…and I got to meet one of those people last night! The fabulous Amy Krouse Rosenthal. She is the creative mind behind the Beckoning of Lovely film project and is the author of Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life (in addition to several children’s books)

She gave me Little Pea for Ben, and the film above shows what happened when we gave it to him this morning. I have never seen him laugh over a book in my life. I suspect he could really relate to the a character who didn’t want to eat what was on his plate. Adorable.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Izzy

    Oh, too cute. I need to play this each morning as I get up and prepare for my day ahead. Who couldn’t have a great day after listening to that little laugh.

  2. stef

    Well I guess you did 🙂 glad you did and all of her books will make him laugh this way 🙂 xo

  3. Catherine

    Augh, your son is ADORABLE!
    His laughter filled up my heart with GLEEEEEEE!

  4. celisa

    sooooooo cute!!!! those sound effects made me giggle too though 🙂
    long overdue, but a package is headed your way 🙂

  5. Glad

    Precious. Thanks for the free laugh today.

  6. Blythe

    Little Pea is a big hit at our house too!

  7. tonya


  8. Miyuki

    THANK YOU! I totally needed to watch a kid giggle today 🙂 Your son is adorable!

  9. vivienne

    i can barely handle the overload of cuteness that is ben’s laugh!

  10. Savor It

    I am in heaven with this video. Must watch it again and again! Ben is ADORABLE and his laugh is contagious. Amy K is coming to DC on May 19th to our local book store and I can’t wait to see her! Thanks so much for sharing this!

  11. Lydia

    I love her books! That’s one of my son’s favorite books. This is adorable. Thank you.

  12. Lydia

    I love her books! That’s one of my son’s favorite books. This is adorable. Thank you.

  13. Lydia

    I love her books! That’s one of my son’s favorite books. This is adorable. Thank you.

  14. Puanani

    Oh my. I remember now, that sound. So pure. So genuine. Enjoy. Soak it all in. You are all so lucky!

  15. catina


  16. Nicole

    Andrea, I love Amy too. I just did her logo for the Beckoning of Lovely brand. I am excited to see it come together at some point. I think she is really fabulous…as are you!

  17. Jennifer

    Oh my God, this is so funny!!!! Thanks for sharing.

  18. Shelley Noble

    oh God, how sweet! He is one happy and loved little guy! How marvelous to see.

  19. karen

    wish i could bottle up all of that happy! he is precious!

  20. Mariella

    oh my gosh…is that the greatest thing ever?!! Thanks so much for sharing! ~ M.

  21. Paige

    I love that book too! And I don’t even have any kids yet. But I did give it to a kid as a gift. Ben’s laugh is adorable. I didn’t realize that Amy was the author of that book!

  22. Kirstie

    Thank you for sharing such a sweet happy moment Andrea. I’ve watched it many times and it makes me smile and feel great everytime. Ben is lucky to have a mum who recognizes the important moments and documents them for him. What a gift for his future wife to be able to see this sweet video and for Ben to be able to see his Dad happily reading to him. Thank you Andrea for making my day!

  23. pixie

    this is so special and sweet. having never heard his voice before, i cherish this!
    you lucky girl.

  24. sparkyd

    Seriously awesome! I need to go home and video my son laughing…

  25. amy j.

    That just made my day…nothing better than TRUE laughter from a child…the kind that can not be contained and spreads like wild fire. I was laughing right along with Ben, who is just the cutest thing evah!

  26. amy j.

    That just made my day…nothing better than TRUE laughter from a child…the kind that can not be contained and spreads like wild fire. I was laughing right along with Ben, who is just the cutest thing evah!

  27. Lindsey

    I love that book! I recommend that {and ALL her other books} to every one who comes in my bookstore 🙂

  28. mccabe

    too freaking precious!

  29. Lianne

    Oh that could not be more delightful.
    I’ve gone ahead and ordered the book for my nephew. Thank you Andrea and Amy!

  30. gem

    thank you for sharing the “best sound in the whole world”…indeed, it is! and, it is contagious – thank you, dear Ben.

  31. Lianne

    Oh that could not be more delightful.
    I’ve gone ahead and ordered the book for my nephew. Thank you Andrea and Amy!

  32. debbie

    that laugh is pure joy!
    also … love your new pendant. that’s pure joy, too.

  33. thea

    Oh what a great laugh! Trey LOVES when his daddy reads any stories that have blech, farts or any other yucky sound. I enjoy nothing more than hearing this laughter ring through my home. Thanks for sharing it here.

  34. Amber

    What a delightful giggle! My son and I checked out Little Hoot (which he lovingly refers to as Little Snooze, don’t ask me why) and Cookies by Amy Krouse Rosenthal at the library. We’ve been reading them before bed the last couple of nights. These books are the best! I think I enjoy them as much as my son does.

  35. Catherine Masi

    This is one joyful and abundantly loved lil’ one.
    I am feeling such sweet happiness after watching this.
    Thank you for the extended moment of “in the now”, Andrea.

  36. shona

    thank you for sharing! that was a seriously contagious gigglefest from Ben. so sweet and perfect. *smiles*

  37. kelly

    my sister used to tickle gabe under his chin and he would cackle just like that. we would sit there doing it over and over again, just to get more of that laugh… that abusive!
    ben is such a beautiful boy.

  38. Puanani

    I just played this for my daughter. This is a direct quote, “Oh my God, he is so cute. I hope I get a child like that!” We have been appreciating his cuteness since the day he was born. She can’t believe he is talking… Thanks for bringing light to our day!

  39. eva

    OMG, Ben is such cutie 🙂 Love that video.

  40. eva

    OMG, Ben is such cutie 🙂 Love that video.

  41. robyn

    Wonderful! Ben is adorable and that video will be such a wonderful memory to hold on to.
    As I read this I have Amy’s book right next to me on the bed. Lucky you getting to meet this inspiring woman.

  42. Anon

    The best part was the sigh after the first laugh.

  43. tracey

    “best sound in the whole world” – what a perfectly appropriate title! simply adorable.

  44. tricia

    ugh…I could just melt…His laugh is contagious, thank you:)

  45. Chris

    Oh! And yes, that is THE cutest little laugh ever! Makes me heart melt a little. Sigh….

  46. jen gray

    his laugh is how i have been starting my mornings. i need him on my ipod. makes me want to dress up like a big green pea and come over to your house!

  47. Ali

    Ok seriously, little kid laughs like that are the absolute best ;).

  48. Sheila

    Who ever knew peas could be so funny?! Ben showed us!
    Ben is just too cute for words. cliche, i know. but he is.

  49. anslee

    “Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life” is one of my fave books!
    Thanks for making me smile this morning.

  50. pbird

    what a beautiful moment…
    thank you for sharing your real life stuff.
    also, the beckoning movie is so inspiring!

  51. Shelly

    Andrea, that’s so sweet. Happy Mother’s Day.

  52. Heather Espana

    That is one of the best laughs I have ever heard :-).

  53. Brené

    so glad i listened to this today. what a gift!

  54. shona Cole

    Thank you for posting that. Your son is so precious giggle along with the story. Made me smile.

  55. Kelly

    I looked you up after reading a SARK book years ago and yours was the first blog I ever read. You have given me so much more than just a cool necklace (which I love). The people you have introduced to me are such an inspiration. No matter who’s blog I follow, I always come back to you as the orignator. Ben’s laugh has to be one of my favorites! Thank you for the investment you make – its one of the lil somethings that add up to make my day.

  56. Donna J. Shepherd

    That is precious. Thank you so much for sharing the joy.

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