Registration opens today for the Mondo Beyondo e-course*


So it’s time everyone! Drum roll please…

Jen Lemen and I would like to announce our first online class–an online experience really–called Mondo Beyondo. For those of you who have been keeping up with our blogs, you might already know what Mondo Beyondo is… but we will take it from the top anyway.

This is how it began:

The idea of the Mondo Beyondo list was introduced to me about ten years ago. My friend Adrienne told me that she and her husband had made a list of goals for the year (which was their tradition) but this time they added the whopper: a Mondo Beyondo list. In that moment it was like a neon sign flashing in my brain, I somehow knew what she meant even before I asked. “This is the list of totally outrageous things you would love to have happen in your life. You know, like meeting Bruce Springsteen or buying a house in the Mediterranean.”

I had been making these kinds of lists for years but had never had a name for it, or ever formalized my mental list by writing it down. My Mondo Beyondo. I liked the sound of it. I also loved the idea of stretching yourself into this world of the outrageous. If your imagination could reach a bit farther with this exercise, then you were giving yourself a powerful gift: expanding your idea of what is possible.

Working for SARK had been a Mondo Beyondo dream for me. She was the first person I had ever written fan mail to (or maybe the second? I sent a letter to Ralph Maccio back in 1982) and she was a fundamental part of my journey as a creative entrepreneur. After I got a job with her, I shared the news with an old boyfriend from New Orleans.

“Isn’t it amazing?” I gushed.

“You told me you were going to work for her one day,” he said, unfazed.

I did? I had no memory of this.

“You showed me her book, pointed to her photo and said, ‘I’m going to work for her one day. She’ll be my mentor’.”

Jen Lemen and I are passionate about manifesting. Geeky about it really. It is not only one of our personal superpowers but something we are passionate about sharing. As almost daily phone friends, we have had countless conversations about dreams and how they unfold. We started taking notes on our conversations and then began to map out the elements. What does it actually take to make our dreams come true? Is it about thinking the right thoughts? Is it about serendipity and magic? Is it about action and efforting our way there? Does it have to be about struggle?

In sharing our stories with each other, we noticed that there were key elements in our journeys. It seems that there are ways to actually create better conditions for dreams to grow, ways to clear the channels so that we can be more open to receive. Over time we realized there was so much in these conversations worth sharing, and the the Mondo Beyondo class was born. Will you join us?

For a description of the class and other details, go to the brand new Mondo Beyondo web site!

You can also just REGISTER here. We are so excited to have you.


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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. christine

    What if you don’t know what your dreams are yet…you are just trying to figure things out first…would this class be beneficial?

  2. tricia

    It sounds amazing! Congratulations:)

  3. gem

    i have been waiting for this course & this announcement! i am sitting in my nest on this friday morning, surrounded by boxes which will be going into temporary storage tomorrow. i am following my heart & choosing to leap north to new england, creating new work & home on august 1. i am tickled by the timing of this announcement – as it intersects with my bRAVe (one of my “words” o’ the year) choice & the inaugural course is happenin’ just a couple of days after my birthday! i just registered. hooray!

  4. Mel

    I have been sitting here for a while now trying to figure out why my life seems to be “Groundhog Day”. When I read your Mondo update this morning, I realized what has been missing – I have put dreaming and creating on hold without even realizing it. I registered for this class right away! You have no idea how much I need this! Thank you!

  5. heather

    Hooray! Just registered, so excited!!

  6. michelle shopped

    as i clicked on my link for you this morning i was thinking when will the mondo beyondo class start? yay!

  7. Trish

    Yippee, Yahoo and Hooray….
    I didn’t even read the today’s post I saw the class signed up and then I read the description that is how much I BELIEVE and ADORE you and Jen.

  8. dani keith

    I am all signed up and couldn’t be happier to be apart of the inaugural course.

  9. celisa

    yay for you girls! and yay for everyone who gets to share this! 🙂

  10. Sarah

    Well, that barely even took a breath – I’m there! 🙂 Looking forward to this class, Andrea.

  11. Melanie

    I saw this on Brene Brown’s twitter and immediately knew that this was for me, that it is time for some dreaming.
    Can’t wait!

  12. Jennie

    I just signed up…I can’t wait! I couldn’t agree more with the commenter above – my life is stuck on Groundhog Day, and I’m ready for that to stop!

  13. monica

    I just signed up, too! One of my dreams is on its way…my husband and I are moving to Mendocino to become innkeepers. I’m so looking forward to this course to inspire me and fuel my dreams as I begin a new life…

  14. christine

    Ok…just decided to do this. I have no idea what my dreams are and am pretty ‘stuck’ but decided this may just help me.
    Looking forward to it.

  15. Emme

    I’m in! Woo-freakin’-Hoo!

  16. kim f

    just signed up and I can’t wait…now to focus in on the whole dream part 🙂

  17. tiffany

    SO excited! I’ve got some dreams — I just need to know what to do with them!

  18. Jena Strong

    Well, I clicked over the MB site this morning and signed up. It was a completely unpremeditated act, utterly spontaneous, irrational, and unexpected – all of which I take to be a good sign. Looking forward!

  19. Laura

    I just signed up!! I feel the energy already!
    : )

  20. Nicole

    I just signed up too. I usually waiver on these kinds of things but it felt good to be able to give you something back after reading and being inspired by your blog for so many years.

  21. Andrea

    OMG…just what that dr ordered!
    Can’t wait for the class to start!

  22. Jacqueline

    I have two of your necklaces…and I truly admire you! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to take this wonderful e-course. I already signed up and I am already a happier woman!

  23. Jacqueline

    I have two of your necklaces…and I truly admire you! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to take this wonderful e-course. I already signed up and I am already a happier woman!

  24. emily

    wow…andrea, this sounds really amazing! i feel a sense of hope bubbling inside me already. count me in 🙂

  25. Jennie

    I’ve been reading your blog for years now and gained such wonderful things from it! This class sounds like just what I need after a big move and during this period of unemployment and confusion.
    I’m adding finding 79 dollars to register by July 31st to my list of goals! 🙂 Will you be offering any scholarships the next time around?

  26. nicole

    i signed up and i’m feeling giddy! 🙂

  27. Annette Q

    Hi! I’ve been looking for the right e-course for ages, I came across this one and thought: This is perfect…just what I need, especially because I’m so fearful when trying to make any of my dreams happen, I tend to be quite negative. So I’m hoping that this e-course will help change this about myself. I cannot wait!!!:-)

  28. Tara

    O what a great idea! now I don’t think my lists are so outrageous.

  29. Jennifer

    I’ve been asking for the support and resources I need to continue to grow and live my dreams. Thanks so much for offering this! :0)

  30. Holly

    J-U-I-C-Y! I can’t wait!

  31. Mel

    Great idea! Timed nicely my next week off work as well. I have a big dream at the moment so hoping that the MB class will help keep me going.

  32. nicole

    YEP! Count me in. Sigh of happiness follows this sentence!

  33. jen

    yay! i am so excited!

  34. Paula

    Hooray! I gave myself this course as a 40th-birthday present (the date’s careening toward me), and figured out how to use my husband’s Blackberry to keep up while I’m at the beach one of the weeks.

  35. Mariella

    Awesome!! Love this! Reminds me a teeny-tiny bit of “The Secret”. Gonna get myself signed up (if there’s still room — fingers crossed!). xoxo, ~ M.

  36. jen

    sounds like a perfect 40th birthday present to myself! off i go to sign up.

  37. murr

    this is BS, the real secret to achieving near impossible things is having a huge wang. no but seriously this actually sounds great, i do this in my daily life, and i’m pretty amazing, take this class peoplez.

  38. TokyHouGssono

    Hello! i have been studying this internet site for a while. Decided to say something=)

  39. Oni

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  40. Jacey

    Wow! Perhaps Mondo Beyondo may be for me!

  41. Polprav

    Hello from Russia!
    Can I quote a post in your blog with the link to you?

  42. Shel

    Is there any place where the fortunate souls who have participated in the course have posted about their experience? I am very interested in participating in January and would very much like to hear what others are saying about it.

  43. Maxime

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Ready for your next creative adventure?

Download the Mondo Beyondo dream generator!

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