Summer Giveaway: Ali Edwards online workshop*

Ali Edwards’ and little Anna, Manzanita, Oregon, Canon Digital Rebel XSi

If you don’t know Ali Edwards’, she is a brilliant designer, scrapbooking artist, author and speaker. There is so much inspiration to find over at her beautiful site. (She also happens to have the loveliest baby ever named Anna who was with us in Oregon last week. See above photo)

Today one lucky winner will receive a spot in Ali Edwards’ upcoming online workshop Yesterday & Today Thank you for offering this Ali!

Giveaway Guidelines:
– You have until 9PM PST on Wednesday, August 26th to enter this giveaway.
– Just make a comment ON THIS POST to enter.
– This is a random drawing
– One entry per person, please. (Just push “post” ONCE and wait a few seconds. The comment should appear)

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Cindie

    Love Love Love Ali Edwards… and what a fantastic photo… I know I would learn a great deal from her workshop!

  2. Jamie

    What a great giveaway. I found your site through Ali’s blog and visit often. Thank you for a chance to win.

  3. Jeni

    I love Ali too and Anna is very cute. I would love to take her course!

  4. Michele May

    Ali is the bomb!

  5. Jessica Turner

    I love Ali. This would be such an incredible blessing to win a spot in this class. Keeping my fingers crossed! Thank you. 🙂

  6. AndiD

    Love Ali, and I really want to take this class! Great giveaway!

  7. Cindy

    Been a fan of Ali Edwards for a long time and would love to win a spot in her class. Thanks for the opportunity!

  8. Lesliemc

    What a beautiful the little tu-tu! Thanks for the opportunity!

  9. Stacy Trimble

    Love, love, love, Ali!

  10. Megan

    Oh, man! Me, please! Ali is so great. I love reading about her family and her crazy energy!

  11. Amy M

    Big fan of Ali’s and found your blog through her. Love the photo of Anna and Ali in your post!!

  12. Jennifer

    I would love a chance at this! I really want to take her class.

  13. Ramie

    Would love a place in her class, but can’t swing it $$ wise! Thanks for the chance to win!! Off to explore your blog a bit! 😉

  14. kim Miller

    Love Ali! I would love to win a spot in her class.

  15. Robyn W

    Love Ali, and would really LOVE to be in her class….thank you so much for the chance

  16. Tanya

    Love Ali Edwards. Would love to win this workshop. Also love getting updates on Facebook

  17. Tanya

    Love Ali Edwards. Would love to win this workshop. Also love getting updates on Facebook

  18. Christine

    Pick me……………..I would love this….Thank youb

  19. Tanya

    Love Ali Edwards. Would love to win this workshop. Also love getting updates on Facebook

  20. Stacie

    Love Ali Edwards. Missed her at CPR CT in ’08 as she could not travel when she was pregnant with Anna. So taking her online course could be the next best thing! Thanks for the opportunity!

  21. Sue

    Love the photo of Ali and Anna…Love Ali’s blog… its full of wonderful inspiration

  22. Katie Nelson

    Love Ali’s inspiring style! Thanks for the opportunity to enter this generous giveaway 🙂

  23. Meagan

    Sounds like a great class with much inspiration!

  24. Jennifer

    Would love to take part in this workshop…thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

  25. Monica

    What a beautiful picture. I would LOVE to take a class with Ali!!

  26. Michelle B

    Oh please pick me. AE is my favorite scrapbook superstar!

  27. Katherine B

    I would LOVE to win Ali’s class. Thanks for the opportunity. Crossing my fingers. =]

  28. kerry

    Great picture of Ali and Anna! Thanks!

  29. amy

    me me me- amazing stuff i would be so lucky.

  30. chris

    Nice….sounds like fun!

  31. Lisa

    Beautiful photo. I love Ali and I’m planning to take the class, but free would be even better!

  32. Andi

    What an exciting give-away!!! I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a cuter baby. 🙂

  33. Melissa Mann

    Wow!! Great giveaway!! Found this link on Facebook!
    I’d LOVE to win this great giveaway!

  34. Anna

    What an opportunity… along with graduate school, my other new adventure is trying to chronicle a family story that I am also chasing here in New Mexico…

  35. Elisa

    What a great, great photo!
    I am looking forward to taking this class, and taking it for free would be even more awesome!
    Thanks so much for the chance, Andrea.

  36. Lana

    Thanks for the chance to be bettered 🙂

  37. Holly Ford

    I love your work and would love to win this class!

  38. melody

    Fantabulous chance. Thanks.

  39. melody

    Fantabulous chance. Thanks.

  40. Kim Sanborn

    You are such an awesome person to give away a spot. I would love to join the class. Please pick me….please, please, please 🙂

  41. Allison M.

    Thanks for the chance to win. I love Ali’s work – it’s so inspirational. I have a baby girl just a couple months older than Anna and I love seeing the great layouts she puts together.

  42. Michelle Y.

    This workshop sounds great! Ali’s work is so amazing.

  43. aimee c.

    beautiful concept! thanks for sharing

  44. Lauren

    Love Ali Edwards….she is such an inspiration, I would love to be able to learn even more from her at her workshop !!

  45. Carol

    Thanks for a chance, I would love a chance to win this spot. I have a 2 month old & haven’t had time lately to do any scrapping.

  46. Samantha D

    Every picture tells a story. This sounds like a blessed way of telling those stories!

  47. Brandie

    Love her!!! Amazing artist, inspiring momma, keepin-it real, and incredible teacher. Would so totally love another class with her!

  48. Jen

    I love how scrapbooking brings the stories from the past into the present. Looks like an awesome workshop!

  49. rachael schirano

    wow, what a beautiful mama + daughter. i cannot wait to visit ali’s blog. the class sounds like it would be a wonderful experience, thank you so much for the opportunity!

  50. rachael schirano

    wow, what a beautiful mama + daughter. i cannot wait to visit ali’s blog. the class sounds like it would be a wonderful experience, thank you so much for the opportunity!

  51. rachael schirano

    wow, what a beautiful mama + daughter. i cannot wait to visit ali’s blog. the class sounds like it would be a wonderful experience, thank you so much for the opportunity!

  52. rachael schirano

    wow, what a beautiful mama + daughter. i cannot wait to visit ali’s blog. the class sounds like it would be a wonderful experience, thank you so much for the opportunity!

  53. Amy Bailey

    I would love to win this! Ali Edwards is by far my favorite scrapbooker/graphic artist. I love her simple style, and her personal edge. Exactly what I would like to reflect on my own scrapbook pages.

  54. Nicolette Anderson

    Would love love love to win a spot!! Love Ali’s work

  55. Pam

    Thanks for this wonderful offering. Such a great gift!

  56. amy

    I discovered Ali’s blog last fall and have become a huge fan. I have done the week in the life project, december daily, and a few mini albums with her direction. I would really love to take this class!

  57. Lynn Herrick

    I really, really, really want to take Ali’s class!

  58. Lynn Herrick

    I really, really, really want to take Ali’s class!

  59. Toni

    Would love to try this!

  60. Donna Bettencourt

    I love Ali and her work. I have lots of vintage connection photos and would love to be inspired to work with them through her class…

  61. Joy

    That is a gorgeous photo! I have some great heritage photos of my family which is quite rare for Indigenous Australians it would be great to do them justice and show them to their best advantage.

  62. Donna Bettencourt

    I love Ali and her work. I have lots of vintage connection photos and would love to be inspired to work with them through her class…

  63. leah g

    I am so hoping that I will be able to take this. (Of course, if I win, that would make it a super easy decision to “attend”.) Thanks for hosting this great giveaway.

  64. Suzanne

    Ali is such an amazing inspiration. What a wonderful giveaway! I’ll be crossing my fingers super tight 🙂

  65. Yolanda

    I would really love to be a part of this. I discovered Ali through your blog 2 or 3 years ago, and have been hooked ever since.

  66. Cheryl Smith

    Thanks for the opportunity to take Ali’s class!

  67. Cheryl Smith

    Thanks for the opportunity to take Ali’s class!

  68. Tamikko

    I love Ali’s work, and her blog. She’s just one of those people that you’d love to meet in person because you know you’d get along so famously. This photo of her and Anna is absolutely priceless.
    Thanks for the chance to win one of her amazing workshops.

  69. Beth Ann

    Love Ali AND Big Picture Scrapbooking! Would so enjoy the workshop!

  70. JennL

    I would so love to win this giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity

  71. Susan S.

    What a gorgeous photo! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!!!

  72. Enjoli

    Love Ali, love scrapbooking, love winning. ::Crossing my fingers::

  73. Rebecca s.

    Great picture of Ali and Anna!

  74. carrie

    Thank you both for sharing so much of yourselves!

  75. Sonja

    Congrats on your baby girl, Ali! Would love to join you in class!

  76. Wendy

    Love Ali and I’d love to take her class.

  77. Carrie Higby

    I would LOVE to take this class ;O) I love love Ali’s work ;o) I can only hope I win!!! Thanks so much for that chance

  78. Carrie Higby

    I would LOVE to take this class ;O) I love love Ali’s work ;o) I can only hope I win!!! Thanks so much for that chance

  79. Laura R.

    I’ve been waiting to take this class all year! So looking forward to it.

  80. Miranda

    What a great photo! Such pure joy and happiness 🙂

  81. Elisa

    Would love the chance to win this workshop. Thanks for the opportunity!

  82. Helen

    That is the MOST adorable phone of Ali & Anna. Would LOVE to win a place in the workshop – I have taken the Evolution class with Ali and found it so darn inspiring…

  83. Tammy Milborn

    This course sounds sooooo fantastic and I would LOVE to win a spot.

  84. Jessica

    That photo of Ali and Anna is AWESOME – love it!! Winning a spot in the class would also be pretty awesome – thanks for offering a chance to win 🙂

  85. Leslie

    Wow…how great is that picture?! You are
    both smiling with all that you’ve got!

  86. Jes

    Ali rocks, indeed.

  87. Leslie

    Wow…how great is that picture?! You are
    both smiling with all that you’ve got!

  88. Jes

    Ali rocks, indeed.

  89. Lowly

    Oh, I hope I’m not too late. Do the people at the end ever get chosen? I really want to take this class. Really, really.

  90. Shosh

    Pick me, pick me! Would love to attend.

  91. Lowly

    I hope, hope, hope I’m not too late. I NEED this class. Yup. Yup.

  92. Lori

    I would love this!! What a great giveaway!

  93. Cathy Wilson

    Pick me! Pick me! I would LOVE it! I’ve been following Ali for just over a year now. She’s GREAT!

  94. Avital

    Ali Edwards has a lovely attitude towards life in general and scrapbooking in particular. I am sure this workshop will be as inspiring.

  95. Megan

    Would love a chance to win this prize. Thanks very much!

  96. Christi Williams

    I love Ali, this would be so fun!! I love connecting today with the past and the history of who we are.

  97. Elizabeth Rosemond

    HUGE FAN!! Winning a spot would be a dream!!

  98. Megan Powell

    Ohhhhh i would LOVE to win this!!! i am so inspired by ali is should be ilegal! Thanks for the chance!
    Megan P

  99. emily kate

    How great. Would love to take this workshop!

  100. Julie

    I’d LOVE to win! 🙂

  101. melanie

    What a gorgeous photo- Anna is adorable. 🙂 Of course I would love, love to win a spot in this class- I want to sign up badly, but there is so much back to school stuff to pay for first- ugh!Thanks!

  102. Carrie

    Love Ali! Love the photo! Love a chance to win a spot in her class!

  103. Cindy

    I LOVE this lady! Was blessed to have gotten to meet her twice in 2008 at my local scrapbooking store! A wondeful lady with an amazing creative sense!

  104. Marygail

    Love the picture! Thanks for hosting such a great giveway! I’d love to win it so please pick me 🙂

  105. Jummy

    What a gorgeous mother-daughter picture!

  106. Renee

    I love Ali….what a great prize someone is going to get.
    Thanks for a chance to win.

  107. ali wood

    from another ali to ali!! 🙂 her blog is great, the photo is even better and wow! this workshop looks like fun!!

  108. Amanda Coolidge

    sign me up!! this sounds fabulous!!

  109. Jennifer Evangelista

    Love her outfit! Would love the class! Thanks for the offer.

  110. celeste

    Yum. an online workshop with Ali.
    and I have a 13 month old who needs to have a scrapbook 🙂

  111. Liz F

    I can’t wait for this class.

  112. Kristin Reinhard

    Love Ali Edwards – would love to win!

  113. Kristin Reinhard

    Love Ali Edwards – would love to win!

  114. kristine

    Who could resist?! She’s incredible!

  115. Toni

    OMG what a cute baby! I would love to take part in this workshop 😀

  116. Angela Meredith

    That picture is priceless!!! Thanks for sharing!! (

  117. Edie

    LOVE ALI! LOVE her work… love her as a person… LOVE LOVE LOVE any classes she teaches. It would be so awesome to be picked to take this class.

  118. Ann

    I would LOVE to win this!

  119. Margy Eastman

    Would love to win this class…and what a beautiful little girl!

  120. Czarina

    Ali ROCKS!!!

  121. Lisel

    All of my old photos are begging me to take this class – they have been trapped inside a box for way too long. My fingers are crossed. 🙂

  122. Sheri C

    Ali rocks! I would love to take one of her classes. Cute picture. 🙂

  123. betsie

    Ooooooooooooooooh, this sounds so much fun, too bad I’m low on money now, otherwise i’d run for it. But there’s still a chance for me with this post now, isn’t there? 😀

  124. Joslyn

    What an adorable picture! I’ve enjoyed Ali’s website in the past and would love to participate in this workshop.

  125. Jeanette

    Crossing my fingers:)

  126. Mary Beth Hunt

    I’d love a chance to win!

  127. Angi on the move!`

    Love Ali Edwards and all that she shares on her blog! I’m already thinking about registering for this class – would love to win a spot – Thanks!
    And for sharing about your ladies get together – your post about being painted with your word was lovely…I wonder if I would have been so brave!

  128. Teresa Lynn Cotterman

    What a great gift. Thanks for the opportunity.

  129. Laura

    Anna is just the happiest looking baby ever. I’d love the opportunity to take an Ali class.

  130. Denise Laborde

    Have been inspired by Ali for years ! And yes , her Anna is beautiful 🙂
    Good luck to everyone.

  131. Wilna

    I LOVE that picture! And yes, I would love a spot in her class!
    : )

  132. JoS

    GOrgeous photos – both the yesterday and the one of Ali & Anna together. Have followed AE for years and would LOVE to do her workshop – lots of heritage photos here that I’m too scared to touch!

  133. Kate

    I am dying to do an online class but can’t afford it at the moment!Ali’s baby is soooooooo cute! Makes me all broody 🙂

  134. kate blue

    Awesome giveaway! AM jumping at the possibility of actiually winning!!!!!!

  135. Mel

    Love Ali Edwards… Would love to that … thanks for offering such a fab prize!

  136. Dot

    Thanks for your gracious offering…

  137. Nancy L

    I absolutely love Ali! I’m sure the workshop will be awesome!

  138. Missscrap

    This picture is so beautiful, I love Ali. Tank you for this lot !

  139. Teresa

    My son is to be married soon.
    I would dearly love to be able to understand scrapbooking and thus produce something for him of his wedding

  140. Sharon

    That is one cute photo. Wee Anna looks like she is personality plus 🙂

  141. Nina Douglas

    This class looks amazing. I love Ali’s work.

  142. Melissa

    Oh wow, great giveaway.

  143. Szabina

    WOW!! What an amazing giveaway! I love Ali! I would love to win!!! Thanks for chance :))))))))

  144. grungedandy

    great photo of Ali – i’m hoping to take this class anyway but hey always worth a try to win! LoL good luck to everyone seeya hugya *G*

  145. grungedandy

    Great photo of Ali & Anna – I’m hoping to take this class anyway but hey always worth a try to win! LoL good luck to everyone seeya hugya *G*

  146. alison sutton

    What a fab giveaway would love to do this class

  147. Chloe

    Ali Edwards is amazing! I’m a long time fan. Wee Anna is so sweet – beautiful photo of mama and daughter 🙂

  148. Tara

    Ali’s class looks fun…thanks for doing this giveaway!!

  149. jenn

    this sounds like a great workshop. Ali is very talented!

  150. Nina

    This class looks amazing! I love Ali’s work. Cute pic too!

  151. Sara-Jane Bunting

    What a gorgeous photo of Anna and Ali! I would so love to win a place in this class, thanks for the opportunity.

  152. Jan

    Looks interesting. I have found so many thoughtful talented people through blogs!

  153. PattiP

    I’ve already registered the class, but I have a friend I’d LOVE to give this to! Great pic of Ali & Anna. Pick me! Pick me!

  154. Tammy Eberhard

    Sure do love Ali ! Would love to win a spot in her upcoming class. She does an awesome job in simplifying scrapbooking down to its base elements – pictures & words.

  155. Amy

    Looks fabulous!

  156. Amanda

    I would take any class Ali teaches, she’s that good.

  157. Esther

    Love it!

  158. Nina

    I’d love to take this class, I’ve heard so many wonderful things about Ali!

  159. betsybeth

    looks fantastic…

  160. betsybeth

    looks fantastic…

  161. michelle shopped

    i love these giveaways and i love that photo of anna and ali — i’m looking forward to my mini-photo shoot at squam with thea — thank you for that!

  162. SusanB

    I would love the chance to take this class!

  163. Christy

    Oh how I’d love to be the winner! Love Ali’s work!

  164. Marcy

    Just visiting your site for the first time and so glad I am! What a great giveaway! I’d love to win one of Ali’s classes! She’s so creative, innovative and practical! Thanks for the chance!

  165. Marcy

    Just visiting your site for the first time and so glad I am! What a great giveaway! I’d love to win one of Ali’s classes! She’s so creative, innovative and practical! Thanks for the chance!

  166. elise

    throwing my name in! thanks for the chance.

  167. tbscrapper

    The class looks great – can’t wait.

  168. Emily Lyles

    wow! what an offering! count me in 🙂

  169. amanda

    What a treat! Count me in!

  170. Beth ANn

    Cathy Z is right – that is teh cutest pic of Ali and Anna that I have seen! I would LOVE to win a spot in her class. Thanks so much!
    Beth Ann

  171. Mel

    Ooh, please count me in – LOVE Ali’s style 🙂

  172. Donna Bloom

    Thanks for the chance to win! I am an Ali fan! She is brilliant and very sweet!

  173. Brookiej

    Adorable photo of Ali & Anna! Love Ali & all her inspiration! 🙂

  174. Birute P

    Love, love, love Ali’s style! I’ve been eyeing this class for a while now and would love to win a spot in it. Thanks for the opportunity!

  175. Sherry G

    What a great opportunity; I love Ali’s style. Thanks for the chance.

  176. Brenda

    Great photo Ali, Anna is so adorable!

  177. Marcie

    Sounds like such an amazing workshop..and opportunity to grow and learn.

  178. Esther

    Oh, I love Ali, I’d love to join that workshop!

  179. Kimberly Gero

    Oh I would just love to win a spot in her class – thanks for the chance! BTW love your blog – so inspiring!

  180. marcy

    for a long time i have wanted to add scrapbooking to my photography and writing, just not so sure how…looks a bit intimidating…what a great opportunity this is….

  181. Robyn

    Oooh! Count me in! Thanks!

  182. Donna

    Amazing giveaway, please count me in 🙂 love love Ali’s scrapping style
    Donna x

  183. alyssa

    That beautiful banner alone makes me want to take the class! 🙂

  184. Helen

    Oh, I would so love to win this place! Thanks for the opportunity!

  185. Linda E

    I love Ali’s style and would be honored to win a spot in this class!

  186. Cameron

    I’ve been wanting to take this class but money is tight right now, I’d LOVE to win a spot! I love Ali and am so inspired by her and all of you LoveBombers!!

  187. Kathy (kathyb)

    I found your blog via Ali E’s blog. You have some amazing photos. Thank you for the chance to enter the giveaway, and what an amazing opportunity if I was lucky enough to win.

  188. Candace H

    Taking this class from Ali would be an honor – LOVE her style and substance!

  189. Jennifer

    I would love to take this class.

  190. Deborah

    I would love to take this class. Thank you for this opportunity to win a spot.

  191. Tiffany

    yayyyyyy! thanks!!

  192. Katie

    I’d love to take this workshop. Thanks for the great give-away!!

  193. Kathy B.

    Would LOVE to take a class like this. Keeping my fingers crossed …

  194. Kathy B.

    Would LOVE to take a class like this. Keeping my fingers crossed …

  195. Karen Lee

    What a great giveaway…
    I would LOVE a spot in Ali’s class.
    Anna is a doll!
    Thank You!

  196. Madeline St Onge

    Love the picture of you and the baby
    I would love to take your class

  197. Mar

    Please, please, please… I’ll love it!!!

  198. Rosslyn W.

    I would LOVE to take this class. Ali is so gifted in telling stories, it would be learning from the best! Also happen to love Oregon….lived in Coquille for 5 years. Miss that gorgeous coastline!
    Happy Day to you.

  199. meg

    this class sounds fantastic! would love to be in it!

  200. Ophelia

    Love the picture. Anna is so cute and her “TUTU” (in french, not sure about the english word) is wonderful.
    I am in love about this class project, so please pick me pick me! (:

  201. Pata

    This sounds like a great class. I would love to take it.

  202. Tessa

    I’m so excited about this class!

  203. Char Griffith

    I would love this class.

  204. Jessica

    Ohhhh, pick me!

  205. Aimee Confer

    it would be awesome to take this class!

  206. Aimee Confer

    it would be awesome to take this class!

  207. becky swisher

    This class would be the ULTIMATE GIFT!

  208. Kristine S

    Would love the opportunity to be inspired by Ali.

  209. Julie

    It sounds like a great class.

  210. Susie Leggett

    That Anna is too cute. I’ve been a long time fan of Ali’s style and creativity. Thanks for the great opportunity.

  211. Janet White

    ALWAYS looking for new ways to grow. I’ve not done many classes, but this one really intrigues me. 🙂

  212. Marilyn Johnson

    Ali Edwards is my favorite! I am so excited and ready for this class. Thanks for the opportunity to win a spot!

  213. Sara

    I would love to take this class! Thanks for the chance!

  214. JennyD

    This sounds like a super class! Thanks for the opportunity.

  215. hanna

    would love a chance to win a spot in her class

  216. hanna

    would love a chance to win a spot in her class and love that picture

  217. hanna

    would love a chance to win a spot in her class and love that picture

  218. Jenell

    Great giveaway – love Ali’s designs and have contemplated taking the class, but just can’t financially. Would LOVE to win this!

  219. Tracy

    I would love to win this!!

  220. hanna

    would LOVE a chance to win a seat in her class (and that photo is too precious)

  221. Kristyn G

    Oh, this would be an amazing treat! I am planning to take the class, but to take it for free would be fabulous!

  222. Laura Gedeon

    This would be an incredible class to take – I love Ali’s work!

  223. Tara

    I just saw this on her blog. Looks like an amazing workshop to take part in.

  224. Rigel

    I would love a spot in Ali’s class!

  225. Amy

    I want to take this so bad but no extra $$. I love Ali and her approach to scrapbooking! She rocks!

  226. Dana

    She is my favorite. Can’t wait to start this class!

  227. holly s

    I would love to take ali’s class… thank you for the chance

  228. Shannon C

    Oh, how I would love to take this class. It looks awesome! Thanks for a chance!

  229. Ashley

    Ah, I would love this, thanks for the chance!

  230. Ashley

    Ah, I would love this, thanks for the chance!

  231. Cassi

    Oooo, would LOVE to take a class with Ali, thanks for the chance!

  232. Briana N.

    I would love to win a spot in Ali’s class- thanks for the chance to win!

  233. Michelle B.

    This would be awesome – just what I need to get my butt back in gear with keeping track of my boys!

  234. Suzi

    I would love to take a class with Ali!
    Thank You!

  235. Cara

    I know I could learn so much from her workshop, but I just can’t do it financially right now. Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome opportunity!

  236. Suzi

    I would love to take a class with Ali!
    Thank You!

  237. Gale

    Thank you for your wonderful giveaway. I would LOVE to take Ali’s online class.

  238. Elisabeth G

    I’d love the opportunity to take her course! Far too many of the stories from my childhood and my parents are left untold and this would be a great opportunity to put them on paper.

  239. Gale

    Thank you for your wonderful giveaway. I would LOVE to take Ali’s online class.

  240. Shelly

    Ali’s class sounds wonderful. I’d love to be able to participate!

  241. Susan

    What a lovely tribute to Ali…and such a gorgeous photo. I’d love to take her BP class.

  242. Amanda

    Awesome giveaway! thanks

  243. Susan

    What a lovely tribute to Ali…and such a gorgeous photo. I would love to take her class!!

  244. Cristin

    I would love to win this class! I love Ali’s style… so simple!!

  245. jennifer

    yippeeeee – sounds like this could be fun!

  246. Catherine

    Wow i’d love to take this class. What a great giveaway, thanks!

  247. SandyB

    I’d love to win a spot in this class!

  248. Gabi

    Ali is a person who’s totally changed my point of view at scrapbook! 🙂 She is a big inspiration to me!
    Thank you so much for this opportunity and chance to win.

  249. Charlie

    I love Ali Edwards and I am psyched about her upcoming class.

  250. Cathy

    I love Ali and Anna is so cute. I’d love to take her workshop. Thanks for the giveaway!

  251. jill wendorf

    Thanks for the opportunity

  252. Kim Su

    Hi: I’ve been following Ali for a number of years now. I first noticed her work in the Creating Keepsakes magazine, and I was instantly drawn to her style of scrapbooking. She continues to be a HUGE source of creative inspiration to me. Thank you so much for the chance to win a seat in her upcoming class. Have a great day, Kim

  253. Laura Bruynell

    Love Ali Edwards! Would love to win a spot in her class.

  254. Laura

    WOW, what a great prize to win! Thanks for offering this giveaway!

  255. Rhonda Stone

    That Anna is a real cutie! This class sounds fantastic.

  256. Francisca

    Last week I found 9 pages of personal memories that my mother had written down, about her youth, the death of her father, how they survived WWII and so on. It was so wonderful to read these memories and to get to know more about her, in that personal way. It made me even more aware of how important it is to write down our stories!

  257. Rachel

    What an exciting give away!

  258. Angie

    This would be a great class to take and I have time with all my kids in school for the first time.

  259. Jennifer Gill

    Thanks for this chance…I love your blog and would love to take Ali’s course.

  260. Michelle C

    Thank you so much for sharing such a great opportunity.

  261. Jayne

    Great pictures on your blog. Lots of life in those folks!

  262. hchybinski

    would love to take this class – I’m a big fan of Ali’s
    Thanks for the chance –

  263. Jennifer

    Would love to take this course!

  264. Karen

    What a great opportunity! Love Ali and all she does.

  265. Kelly H

    Love Ali Edwards and love everything she does – so simple and yet so beautiful, cant wait for the class

  266. Samantha L

    I find so much inspiration on Ali’s site. She is truly talented.

  267. Monika

    I just love the way Ali’s original ideas spark my desire to create something similar, but always my own “original.” And sometimes we all need a kick in the tush to get moving and start doing!

  268. gizi


  269. Michelle (from KY)

    Oh, I would LOVE to take her class! Please pick me!

  270. robin

    thanks for a chance to win this class, would love to learn from Ali for 12 weeks

  271. Jessica

    I am a huge Ali fan! She truely stands for everything that I believe scrapbooking is all about: Pictures, Words, and Moments! I am hoping to get some new and wonderful ideas on how to document the memories without pictures.

  272. Andrea Adams

    Please pick me- found your contest through Cathy Z’s twitter- bookmarked it!

  273. gretchen

    Love Ali! I want to do a scrapbook so bad and I think this would be a great starting point!

  274. kerry g.

    Great picture. Sounds like a great class.

  275. Allison

    Great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity!

  276. Wendy

    Oh I love Ali’s work! Thanks for the chance to win a spot in her class!

  277. Denise

    Absolutely beautiful!! It would make my day to win – and thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  278. Kristen Butler

    I’ve been waiting all year to take Ali’s class, and now … well, finances are saying a different thing. Would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity!

  279. Jenny McGee

    I was just reading about this class on Ali’s blog. I would love to win a spot. Thanks for a chance.

  280. Desiree

    I would love to take her class! Whoever wins is a lucky gal.

  281. Jennifer A.

    What a wonderful opportunity!

  282. Cindy D

    How cool! I would love to win this class!
    Thanks for a chance,
    Cindy D

  283. Cindy

    I love Ali Edwards. I am going to sign up for this class either way, but it really would be nice to win it!

  284. Barbara

    One way or another, I’m fairly certain I’m going to take this class!

  285. Michelle

    Please add my name to the drawing! This class would be just what I needed to tackle some heritage photos I have. I have been wanting to scrap them, but have been intimidated because i wanted them to be perfect.

  286. Stephanie Wheeler

    Agreed that the economy is a bit tough for paying for the class – thanks for the giveaway.

  287. Stacy Milford

    Like everyone before me…I am a HUGE Ali Edwards fan!!!! Love her style! Love her work! Just love her! Thanks for the chance to win a spot in her workshop!!!

  288. Amy Wathen

    I would LOVE to win and take this class. What a generous giveaway!

  289. Heather Grimsley

    I’d love to take Ali Edwards class. Was lucky enough to take a class of hers at CKU years ago.

  290. Katie Chapman

    I would LOVE to take this class! Thanks for the chance to win it!

  291. Katie Chapman

    I would LOVE to take this class! Thanks for the chance to win it!

  292. Kim Bolyard

    I would love to win a spot in this class…Ali always has so much to offer…
    Kim Bolyard

  293. Laura

    Thanks for the chance–love Ali’s stuff.

  294. Samantha

    That is such a wonderful picture of Ali and Anna! 🙂 I would absolutely LOVE a spot in this class! (fingers are securely crossed!)

  295. SparrowApril

    Since I began blogging, I find I don’t scrapbook as much. I think a lot of it was because I use so many more words, so my voice makes it into my blog posts, while I was mostly absent from my scrapbooks. This class sounds intriguing, like something that could kindle the scrapper flame in me again.

  296. Laura

    I’m just getting starting with scrapbooking and would really love to have a chance to take this class. Ali’s was one of the first blogs in this creative field that I began to read and I really like her style. 🙂

  297. Sharna

    Love your jewelry! Love Ali! Love your giveaway! Thanks so much!

  298. waking up late

    This looks like so much fun. I really hope you pick me.

  299. Mary L

    Would love to win this course with Ali…please pick me, pick me! Thank you so much.:)

  300. Tobey Saniuk

    Boy, Anna sure looks like her Mama! Her Mama who is a very inspiring lady!

  301. Amber

    beautiful, wonderful! count me in! I’m a huge fan of Ali’s.

  302. Robin W

    What a great give away; I would love to take this class!! The picture of Ali and Anna is just too cute!

  303. Vanessa

    The idea of blending photos from vastly different years and parts of life intrigues me, and alludes me. I know Ali’s class will be fabulous and eye-opening. Thanks for the giveaway!

  304. Vanessa

    The idea of blending photos from vastly different years and parts of life intrigues me, and alludes me. I know Ali’s class will be fabulous and eye-opening. Thanks for the giveaway!

  305. Nikki Love

    What an awesome give-away!!!! I’m a huge Ali fan and would love to win this class 🙂

  306. judy r

    Would so enjoy this class and have the time to do it!

  307. Linda

    Thanks for this chance to win. Ali is my hero. She encourages me to tell what is important!

  308. Jaana

    I’d love to take this class!

  309. Mary L

    Would love to win this Ali class please pick me…please, please. Thank you so much.:)

  310. Mary L

    Would love to win this Ali class please pick me…please, please. Thank you so much.:)

  311. Susanne N.

    i would so love to take this class! and anna is the cutest thing ever!

  312. Tiffani

    I really admire and appreciate Ali’s style of scrapping and think this class would be a great way to start making progress on all the photos from both my husband’s and my families.

  313. HeatherC

    I love all the creative things that Ali comes up with — I am sure this class will be awesome and would love to win!

  314. Monica Benischeck

    I would love to win this Yesterday and Today class. I like to use old and new photos on my layouts to show age and character. Please consider me for your drawing. Thanks.

  315. Cary

    Ali’s class sounds awesome. She evokes a heighten sense of creativity in her process. Thanks for the opportunity to attend since an inspiring class.

  316. Renee

    I would just love to win this class!! I love Ali’s approach to telling the story. Thanks for the chance to win.

  317. Sarah

    Love the dress!

  318. Sarah

    Love the dress!

  319. Dennylyn

    Been wishing I could take this class. Please feel free to pick me. ;0)

  320. Shannon

    As everyone else before me, I would love the opportunity to take this class. I am slowly finding my way back to being creative. Thank you –

  321. julie macneil

    thanks for giving all of us a chance to take this class for free! you’re the best!!!

  322. Susan

    I’ve really enjoyed Ali’s style and information she has shared on her blog. I think this class would be very meaningful for me.

  323. Betty

    I certainly would love to be the one chosen to take Ali Edwards class. I follow her blog and think she is fabulous. Thanks for this opportunity.

  324. debbi g.

    would LOVE to take a class with Ali!

  325. Lisa

    Oh my gosh! I would love to win this. Ali has such an awesome way of helping others see things in a different, deeper way. Thanks for offering this.

  326. Alison

    You ARE lovable.

  327. Amy

    I would love, LOVE, l.o.v.e. to be a part of her workshop. Thanks for the chance!

  328. Alison

    You ARE lovable.

  329. Stacy

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  330. Jo

    Oh, I would love to take this class! I love Ali and find her so inspiring! Thanks for this awesome chance to win! 🙂

  331. AmberCA

    Wow, What a great giveaway! I want to take this class so bad, but just can’t afford it right now. I hope I win, I hope I win!
    Amber Osburn

  332. reyanna

    I would LOVE to win this class! YAY! It looks spectacular! 😀

  333. Adriane

    Would love to take this class.. thanks for the opportunity to win a spot : )

  334. Jackie Hughes

    I’d love to win the class! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  335. Fun Mama - Deanna

    I have been following Ali and reading her blog for years and have wanted to take a class with her but never had the opportunity. I’m so excited about this class. Can’t wait!

  336. Susan Hessler

    Hurray! Gorgeous photo of Ali and Anna!

  337. rachel marquette

    anna is too cute! thanks for the chance!!

  338. Kay Gregory-Clark

    Ali Edwards is probably my favorite scrapbooker and I’m sad I cannot afford to take her class right now (financially). Winning a spot would make my entire year! Thanks for the opportunity.

  339. Kim

    Ohhh wow…. I wanna win! What a great prize! 🙂 xox

  340. Kim

    Ohhh wow…. I wanna win! What a great prize! 🙂 xox

  341. Kim

    Ohhh wow…. I wanna win! What a great prize! 🙂 xox

  342. Staci Nay

    Now that my kids are both in school all day, this would be a great way to tell those stories that I have been wanting to for awhile.

  343. Gabriel Hanson

    I would love to take this class!

  344. Debbie

    Who wouldn’t love to take this class? Thanks for the generous give away!

  345. erikape

    I would love to win this.

  346. Susan

    In repeating what everyone else is saying, I too would love to take this class!

  347. erikape

    I would love to win this.

  348. stef

    love Ali – such an inspiration and I would love to know more about designing and photography!

  349. Shannon

    I have been following Ali Edwards for a while now and have several stamps. I have been wanting to take a class, but haven’t worked it in the budget. This one would be perfect for me if you saw all the genealogy files and pictures I have. Thanks for the opportunity!

  350. Francine

    I love Ali E! She has always been my biggest scrapbooking inspiration!

  351. Kimberly

    Love the photo!
    What a generous prize!
    🙂 -xox

  352. Nieka Apell

    Oooohhhh… your things and LOVE Ali! How generous!

  353. Angie Rice

    What a fabulous prize! Thank you for being so generous.

  354. heidig

    I would love to take Ali’s class.

  355. Jen D

    Oh, I just love her style- have been wanting to take this class!

  356. denali

    The idea of taking an online class intrigues me. Thank you for the opportunity to try to win! 🙂

  357. Taci

    Love Ali and would really love to take this upcoming workshop!

  358. {vicki}

    Would love to win a spot in Ali’s class!
    She ROCKS!!!!!!!!!

  359. Meghann Andrew

    I would love to take this class and learn more about feelings vs. facts journaling! I’m great with facts, and need more help with feelings. =)

  360. Mattie

    Yay Ali Edwards! I would love to take this

  361. Kirsten V.

    I’ve been looking forward to this class! Would love to be a part of it. (What a great picture of Ali and her sweet Anna!)

  362. donna

    ohhh i would so love to win this class! i just admire the work ali edwards does sooo very much! how exciting this class is. i might even have to break down and tak ethe online class…it seems pretty enticing!
    thanks for offering up the chance to win a spot!

  363. kelly fitzgerald

    I would love to try out her online class!

  364. Roberta

    Not sure about this class…I’m digitally challenged…but love the concept behind this class of telling the stories. Thanks for the contest opportunity. Roberta

  365. Laura

    I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to be able to take Ali’s class!

  366. barb

    Just love Ali. I have been reading her books and blog for a while now. We lost a daughter in 2007 and I think this class would help me to get her story told and into an album. Thanks!!!

  367. Anni

    I love AE and would love to be part of her class!!!
    Such a cute photo!

  368. Audra MacCollum

    Thanks so much for a chance to win a spot in Ali’s class, I am SO looking forward to learning more from her, & have several pictures to put to use!

  369. Caitlin

    I would LOVE to participate in this class! Ali is such an inspiration!

  370. courtney

    I would love to win a spot in Ali’s class, thanks for the chance!

  371. Karen

    Thanks so much for the opportunity to win a spot in Ali’s class. Love her philosophy and style.

  372. Kelly R.

    Wow, a chance to win a spot in Ali’s BPS class…how sweet it is!

  373. Anna Vollmer

    I would love ove love to win a spot in her class!
    Thank you for the great giveaway!

  374. Anna Vollmer

    I would love love love to win a spot in her class!
    Thank you for the great giveaway!

  375. Anna Vollmer

    I would love love love to win a spot in her class!
    Thank you for the great giveaway!

  376. Sam F

    What a beautiful baby she is!! and Thank you for the chance to win a spot in Ali’s class!

  377. Mel

    I would absolutely LOVE to win a seat in Ali’s class…she is one of my scrap “heroes”…she is one of the few “big names” that focuses on the stories and memories…I really appreciate that about her style.

  378. Therese

    Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful prize!
    Therese, Lancaster, PA

  379. mia

    thanks for the chance. That is a fantastic photo.

  380. Adriana P.

    I would love to win a spot in Ali’s class. I have been a fan of her work and blog for years.

  381. Ann Marie

    I would love to take the class. Ali is an amazing inspiration.

  382. Rachel Anderson

    I would LOVE to win a spot in that class. Thanks for the chance. 🙂

  383. Teresa

    Thank you for this opportunity!

  384. emilie

    i love ALI!!! i would LOVE to participate in her workshop, it’s just too much money for me to spend at this time… please consider me!!!

  385. Donelle Macey

    That photo is darling it reminds me how fast my own DD has grown up. Gone are the too too days…Thanks for the opportinity to take Ali’s class.

  386. Erin

    I would love an opportunity to take a class with Ali. She is just fabulous!

  387. KellyW

    Adore Ali and her approach.

  388. Erin

    I would love an opportunity to take a class with Ali. She is just fabulous!

  389. Erin

    I would love an opportunity to take a class with Ali. She is just fabulous!

  390. cassiopee

    Thank you for this opportunity!

  391. cassiopee

    Thank you for this opportunity!

  392. Debbi

    Love Ali Edwards, and would love to take the course! Thanks for the opportunity!

  393. Beth

    I’d love to win her workshop! Thanks for the chance. Her blog is another on my igoogle page.

  394. Debbi

    Love Ali Edwards, and would love to take the course! Thanks for the opportunity!

  395. Jennifer

    what a great giveaway! I love Ali’s style, and would love a chance to take a class from her.

  396. Melissa

    I SOOOOO want to take this class!!

  397. Trude

    What an awesome giveaway! Would love the chance to learn from a workshop like that!!

  398. Jennifer

    what a great giveaway! I love Ali’s style, and would love a chance to take a class from her.

  399. Lolly Busey

    Wow! What a great giveaway! I just discovered your blog and love it. I am going back to read more. One thought that I take away from what I have read so far is that I need to get my sparkle back and that I am enough. Wow.

  400. Steph Herbert

    Thanks so much for this generous opportunity! Love Ali’s work!

  401. Dana N

    I can’t think of anything that would be more fun than taking a class from Ali. Thanks for a chance to win.

  402. Judy Grubbs

    I love Ali’s work. I would love to win a place in her class.

  403. Dawn Rankin

    What an awesome opportunity! A few relatives have passed away recently and I have been going through my mother’s old photos and want a chance to create something meaningful with them. This would be great!

  404. Lillian

    Yes, please. I really want to take this class, but money is tight. A giveaway would be awesome!

  405. Heather

    I have been a fan of Ali’s for years. I would love to win this spot! Thanx.

  406. Nancy

    I would love to take this class as a way to scrap about my father who passed away before my son was born. I loved my dad and miss him so much and it just really pains me that my son doesn’t know him.

  407. Heather Ippolito

    I love Ali!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  408. Steina

    What a great giveaway.
    Love Ali, and would really LOVE to be in her class.
    Thank you for a chance to win.

  409. Brandi Osborn

    Thank you so much for a chance to win a spot in Ali’s upcoming class. I love Ali’s style and storytelling.

  410. Cheryl K

    Thanks for a chance to win a spot in Ali’s class!
    I would love to do this class.

  411. Jennifer

    I love how it’s so easy these days to take great candid photos – it’s always so fun to look back on pictures from your childhood, and it’s cool that my nephew and nieces will have so many pictures from their own childhoods to look at when they’re my age. And it’ll be interesting to see what kind of technological picture taking devices they’ll have access to when they’re my age!!

  412. Stephanie J

    Oh my.
    This would be FANTASTIC!!!

  413. conniemelancon

    Thanks for a chance to win a spot in Ali’s class!!!

  414. Amy Quertermous

    What a great photo of Ali and her daughter – so darn cute! Thank you for the chance to win a spot in her class!

  415. Christi

    Wow, thanks for sharing Ali with us. I’m excited to learn about her and have a chance at the workshop.

  416. Judy Lucas

    I would love to take her class- so fun!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  417. Bethany E.

    Awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

  418. Erica Alem

    Oh, this would be fantastic! Thanks for the opportunity!

  419. Barb

    Love Ali and her message….thanks for the great opportunity to take her class.

  420. Becky O

    Would love to take Ali’s course! I had my first DD a few weeks before Ali had Anna, and would love to learn more about creating a book for my DD about me and my life

  421. Jodee

    Would love to have a spot in her class! Thanks for the chance!

  422. Kelly H. (SC)

    This looks great. Crossing my fingers!

  423. GeneB

    Would love to win this. i actually admire Ali, she has such a great approach to life. She inspires me!

  424. Dori J

    Today is my (57th) birthday and a spot in Ali’s class would be the best present ever! I’m a huge fan.

  425. Kim Strother

    I would love to take this class just like everyone else here. Thank you for the chance!

  426. Cheryl

    I’m a huge fan of Ali’s. She’s the first blog that I open everyday. I would love the chance to win. Thanks!

  427. Roberta

    This would be a wonderful workshop to be able to attend. Wow. I’d love it.

  428. Carole Hepburn

    Love Ali’s style, creative talents and would love to win this class – thank you for the opportunity……

  429. Stephanie B

    This workshop looks awesome. Thanks for the opportunity to win a spot!

  430. Jane S

    It would be great to be in this class. Sounds like such fun!

  431. Kathy

    I am so excited about this class! It would be awesome to win a spot.

  432. DanelleB

    This class would be something totally out of my comfort zone… and would love the opportunity to take the leap. Thanks!!!

  433. Tertia

    I would love to do Ali’s workshop.

  434. Stephanie

    Thank you for this opportunity. Ali’s class sounds like a great opportunity to explore the past and present, and I love her personal motto of keeping things simple. This is something that I am trying to keep in mind when I get overwhelmed with my own projects!

  435. Carolyn

    Oh wow, this class is just what I need! Love Ali.

  436. Julie

    I would love to take Ali’s class. Love the photo of her and Anna.

  437. Grandma Shelley

    I would love to win this prize…Ali is just GREAT! Thank you for the opportunity!

  438. Lisa Summers

    This would be a perfect class. I so love Ali and her incrediable talent. I have pictures from my fathers wake that the family set out, and now my mom wants me to do something with them…this would be a awsome christmas present for her.

  439. Susan

    Thanks so much for hosting the perfect giveaway! Ali’s class will be a fabulous gift for someone. Thank you!

  440. Dedra Long

    Thank you for this wonderful giveaway!
    I would love the experience of this class and a new perspective on telling my story!
    Thanks Again!

  441. magda

    gerat giveaway!
    you both inspire me!!!

  442. Kimberly L.C.

    I’d love to take Ali’s class.

  443. monica

    I would love a spot in this class!

  444. betty koch

    I am in the prosess of pulling information and photos together for an album of my family’s stories. this class would br a real inspiration to me because i love ali’s work, and to be in this class would be the icing on the cake for me.

  445. Edie Crump

    I would love to take Ali’s class. Edie

  446. Verona

    It’s so much fun watching darling Anna change. I’m hoping to take Ali’s class, & “free” would be wonderful!

  447. Sheri Twing

    Beautiful photo! Love Ali and would love to be in her class! Thanks for the opportunity!

  448. Jean Hanson

    I would love to take this class! I love her scrapbooking style.

  449. Marnie

    What an inspiring woman to learn from! The opportunity to glean from her is not one I could pass up!

  450. Mandi

    Thank you for such a great give-away. Ali is such an inspiring woman! I would love to take her class.

  451. Mandi

    Thank you for such a great give-away. Ali is such an inspiring woman! I would love to take her class.

  452. Janie

    I’d love to win this class! Thanks for the chance! Janie

  453. Janie

    I’d love to win this class! Thanks for the chance! Janie

  454. Raewyn A

    what a generous giveaway, please count me in. Now I’m off to be inspired by your lovely photography. I can see I am fast going to become your blog stalker. LOL
    Raewyn (New Zealand)

  455. Lourdes

    Thanks for this great opportunity!

  456. Kathy

    I am so excited about this class! It would be awesome to win a spot.

  457. Reba (MamaBee)

    I would so want to be able to take this class and home that I’ll be able to budget for it. Thanks for the change to win!

  458. janie

    I’d love to win this…thanks for the chance.

  459. janie

    I’d love to win this…thanks for the chance.

  460. janie

    I’d love to win this…thanks for the chance.

  461. Lucrecia

    I love her classes, this looks like another great one!

  462. Olivia

    Wow, Ali is such an amazing person, and scrapper. I would love the opportunity to learn from her!

  463. TracyBzz

    This would be a very cool class to take. I love her words + photos philosophy.

  464. Leora

    Ali is a great inspiration. Thanks for the chance to win.

  465. Sharyn

    I would love to learn from this workshop! Thanks for the giveaway! -Sharyn

  466. kim

    singing the little tune as i write my comment …
    Time it was, and what a time it was, it was
    A time of innocence
    A time of confidences
    Long ago, it must be
    I have a photograph
    Preserve your memories
    They’re all that’s left you
    Simon and Garfunkel, Bookends
    thank you …

  467. Noreen

    Would totally love to take this class. I have been trying to figure out how to construct a family scrapbook (pretty much all my family is gone). I want to be thoughtful & reflective when I make it & I know this class would totally be ideal. Thanks!!

  468. Celeste Edwards

    Would love to take this class. Thanks for the chance to win!

  469. Kendra

    LOVE Ali’s blog and her down-to-earth approach to scrapbooking.

  470. heidi

    I would love to win a spot in the class. Thanks for the chance.

  471. Brigindo

    What a fabulous giveaway! It certainly looks like the workshop appeals to a lot of people.

  472. Susan E in VA

    I love Ali! I’d love to take her class! My dd13 English teacher was just telling her how important it is to tell your stories…I’d love to share this with my dd. Thanks for chance to win 🙂

  473. penny nelson

    thank you for your generosity in sharing and yes, I would like to take Ali’s class.

  474. Cheryl Anderson

    So excited about this class. Thanks.

  475. cindy b.

    What a wonderful giveaway. Thanks so much for the change to win!!! peace and blessings

  476. Stacy

    I would love to win a spot in your class. Thank you!

  477. kimberly a

    I would love to take this class, documenting stories and photos from all periods in my life sounds like a fun journey. thank you for the chance.

  478. Karen

    Enjoying another summer day (Hot, Hot Hot)
    would love a spot in this class.

  479. Heidi

    That is one gorgeous baby and what looks like a beautiful course!

  480. Heidi

    That is one gorgeous baby and what looks like a beautiful course!

  481. Margaret

    i love ali!!!!!! i check her blog nearly everyday! this would be supercool to win!!!!

  482. Kara

    This class looks wonderful!!! Love Ali and am excited to be introduced to your website as well. 🙂

  483. Kellie Lund

    I have been waiting to sign up for this class. Winning it would be even better.

  484. Monica Coffman

    I love Ali! I’m certain I am her biggest fan…or stalker…whichever you prefer. LOL I would LOVE to take the class!

  485. Annette

    This looks like a wonderful class!

  486. Clara

    Thanks for the lovely giveaway. I enjoy your blog and read it regularly, so this is the perfect icing on the cake.

  487. Heather

    I would love to win!!

  488. renee lige

    oh i would love to win!!! great giveaway!!

  489. renee lige

    oh i would love to win!!! great giveaway!!

  490. renee lige

    oh i would love to win!!! great giveaway!!

  491. Deiga

    I really want to take this class, hoping finances work out where I can – so it would be so awesome to win! Thanks for the opportunity…

  492. renee lige

    what a great workshop…awesome giveaway..would love to win!

  493. Jessica

    What a fun giveway! This sounds like a great class. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  494. Nicole

    I read Ali (and your) blog every day. I would love the opportunity to be inspired even more!

  495. Nicole

    Huge Andrea and Ali fan!! Would love the idea to be inspired even more. Thanks!

  496. Liz

    Ali is genuis! I would love to take this class! Thanks for the chance to win!

  497. Melanie

    I love Ali’s style and approach – I would love to win a chance to be inspired more!

  498. Mary

    I’d LOVE to attend this workshop! Thanks for the chance!

  499. Amanda S

    Love the photo of Ali and Anna. Her workshop sounds great.

  500. Jennifer

    oh simply divine. this looks incredible.

  501. K.Drummond

    This class sounds awesome! Thank you both 🙂

  502. Loretta

    I’d love to win a spot in this workshop or simply return to debating about investing in it!

  503. marg

    thanks for the chance. would SO love to give ali’s workshop a try!

  504. Alexa

    i love Ali! So glad to have fond your blog through her!

  505. Alexa

    i love Ali! So glad to have found your blog through her!

  506. nitasha

    How generous to offer such an amazing gift– Ali rocks! She’s so real and down to earth- and her style is so “simple elegance”! Thank you for the opportunity

  507. Deborah

    Standing on my toes, waving my hand…pick me, pick me!

  508. Tracee

    My middle baby started school today, and I am already counting the minutes until the bus will bring him home! Finally I will have some time to do some more scrapbooking, and Ali’s class would be perfect. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the draw.

  509. Beverly

    Pretty please? Pick me? 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity.

  510. busymomma66

    I would love this class I have so many photos and I don’t know where to start!!

  511. anneberit

    Aw, thanks for the giveaway! I absolutely LOVE that photo of Ali and her daughter. The smiles, the joy, the light – gorgeous captured!

  512. Amy Coose

    Love Ali, and would love to be picked for her class! Thanks for the chance to win a spot.

  513. lynne moore

    Ali is so inspiring. It would be wonderful to be able to take her class.

  514. Jenny

    I have learned so much from reading Ali’s books and blog. I would love to take this class-she is inspiring!

  515. Elizabeth Blais

    I don’t know what to post – maybe I should say I was reading your blog yesterday and loved your writing about your trip with the girls and being “written” on – I loved looking at the picture of all the attendees and see that Ali was there . . . she just said she had been away with Anna – I signed to get info on the next Mondo Beyond – I wish another was coming before january – or should I just agree and say – ANNA IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BABY other! thank you for offering this giveaway – very cool – happy day!

  516. Sue in Grapevine

    I found your blog from Cathy Z’s twitter. Great pics.

  517. Melissa Cummings

    Wow! This is a lot of comments! Shows you how much all of us love Ali’s work and want to win a spot in the class. Me too!

  518. Mary

    A chance to win a post in Ali’s class… how fun. thanks!

  519. Catharine

    Thanks for a chance at a great class! It looks fantastic!

  520. Joyce

    Love your photography! Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!

  521. Christy B

    I’m really looking forward to Ali’s class. I think she’s going to be just a little outside my comfort zone, and therefore a fun challenge.

  522. Yolanda

    Thanks so much for giving us a chance at this. I so want to take it!

  523. Carole

    I would love to win a spot in Ali’s class. Thanks for the generousity of your contest, open to all us scrapbookers.

  524. Belinda

    Since I always have one foot in the past with my everyday life, a photography course about documenting Yesterday&Today seems like a natural thing to me! Good luck to all entrants 🙂

  525. Colleen

    Thanks for the giveaway! I’m loving your photography.

  526. Melissa B.

    I love Ali! She is such an inspiration to us all. Taking her course would be a dream come true!

  527. Seetje

    I loved the painted words: I am enough.. And would love to win taking Ali’s class!

  528. shannon

    I think this would be a fun class to take!!!!

  529. kathy anderson

    How wonderful! I would love to win a space in Ali’s class. Thank you for offering the class!

  530. Sarah

    LOVED reading about your time at the Oregon Coast! What a cool, creative time. And how cool of you to do a class giveaway- would be honored to get to participate!

  531. mari

    Love to win this class -never taken one on the web before and would love to stretch my comfort zone.
    Good luck everyone!

  532. Jennifer

    As I’m awaiting an adoption, I’d love to tackle some of these pages and projects that I’m hoping I won’t have time for much longer! Thank you Ali and Andrea.

  533. Francisca

    Last week I found 9 pages of memories that my mother had written down, years ago. These memories were about her youth, how they survived WWII and about the death of her father when she was 5 years old.
    Reading these memories made me realize how important it is to write down my own stories! The class of Ali would be a great tool to do so!

  534. Jenn

    Wow. Sounds like a fabulous class. Put my name in the hat please.

  535. Melissa

    Thank you for the chance!

  536. Sheryl

    It would be GREAT to win this opportunity! ( I will keep my fingers crossed that I am picked)

  537. meera

    Please count me in, would love the opportunity

  538. Danielle Crume

    Thanks for the opportunity to take her class. Definitely something that I would love to add to my scrapbook collection.

  539. Linda M.

    I took Ali’s Evolution class last year and it took me a while to finish it because I wanted to incorporate everything I learned from her. It was truly the best class I have ever taken and the album means tons to me now that it is done.
    I would love to take this workshop! Go Ali!

  540. Janelle

    Thanks so much for offering this. Ali’s class looks like so much fun and just the thing to get me scrapbooking all the stories I have a photo of.

  541. giselle taminez

    This is perfect to put together a scrapbook for my daughter and to recreate the adventure we recently had in Europe but very limited images of because our camera was stolen. I am so hoping I get this!

  542. Sheri

    Hi there,
    Love Ali’s blog and her work.
    Fingers crossed….

  543. himiko

    What a wonderful class… and seeing Ali’s work, I think the content of this class will get right to the essence of scrapping stories…
    Many thanks for the opportunity to win a spot… wonderful thing to do!

  544. Carolyn

    This class sounds so interesting! What a beautiful photo of Ali and Anna!

  545. Diane

    I would love to win this class. I am really apprehensive about digital scrapbooking and would love to learn from Ali Edwards. The topic sounds great too. Thank you!

  546. Sarah

    I need motivation…pick me please!

  547. kristine

    Ali – is so fantastic and inspires me to try and capture my everyday stories! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  548. Paola

    I love Ali and her process in scrapbooking projects.

  549. Kristen

    I’m a big fan of Ali! So inspiring!

  550. Kristen

    I’m a big fan of Ali! So inspiring!

  551. Anna

    she (ali) is definatley my scrapbooking hero; and i’ve gained so much scraping confidence through her!

  552. B. Helmandollar

    OH I LOVE ALI!!!
    This class sounds great.

  553. brandi evans

    Ali is awesome .. i have been following her for quite sometime~! 550 comments .. that is craziness but wonderful!

  554. brandi evans

    Ali is awesome .. i have been following her for quite sometime~! 550 comments .. that is craziness but wonderful!

  555. Kori

    I would love to participate in Ali’s workshop. Thanks for the giveaway!

  556. shawn

    oh…she rocks!! would love love love one!

  557. Laura

    I am dying to take this class! Wish I could afford it. Hopefully I will WIN! 🙂

  558. Karen

    I would love to participate in this class.

  559. Debbie

    I love Ali’s blog and check it out everyday. This looks like a pretty interesting site too.

  560. Marianne

    Ali’s blog is a favorite! I would absolutely love to be the recipient of this wonderful giveaway!!

  561. Libby

    What a great class – I would love to win!

  562. cheryl

    Just what I need right now!

  563. Julia

    Would be super thrilling to attend this class!

  564. Sharon F. CA

    Love the title of your blog. I would love to be entered to win this class. Ali is quite inspiring and I love the straightforward approach she takes to this wonderful world of memory keeping.

  565. andrea

    Throwing my hat in the ring! Thanks!

  566. Chana

    Awesome photo of Ali and Anna – I love it!!

  567. Glad

    I would so love to be the lucky one who gets the spot. I have been trying to write more and am a beginner picture taker.
    sounds wonderful.

  568. Shelly P.

    I love Ali’s style. It would be awesome to get to take her new workshop at BPS. The class description is right up my alley.

  569. Monica

    I really, really want to take Ali’s class. Still waiting to see if finances can handle it. winning this class would be great!

  570. Kate

    Ali’s work inspires me. I would love to take part in her class so I can have a beautiful document and journal to pass onto my children and grandchildren.

  571. Terri Torrez

    Definitely planning to take this class!

  572. Shannon D

    So looking forward to Ali’s class, I love her ideas and she is a girl after my own scrapping heart, words and photos – all it really comes down too, and boy that girl has a way with words, and images too the photo you have used of sweet Anna makes me want to have another baby girl, they are just so much fun! Thanks for the chance to win!

  573. Tobey

    Love the old and the new. I have a lot of old photos I am trying to do heritage pages with.

  574. Jenny

    Great giveaway, thanks for the chance to win!

  575. mael

    I would so wanna take this class!

  576. Ruth Freitas-Brightman

    Recovering from niece’s wedding, 5 days of partys at My house! Tired and lonely, miss my family! Have taken Ali’s classes before, could use some Ruth time! thanks for the chance to win! Ruth!

  577. Abigail

    I have been skirting around the idea of using photos in my artwork and journals, and this would be just the jumpstart I need.
    Love your Manzanita pix and stories — and those of the other Lovebombers. I have been mulling over the idea of starting my own Love Team, inspired by yours. And I love Manzanita (I’m from Portland, and I’ve been going there since I was a baby)! I was actually at the coast when you were there, staying just north of Manzanita at Arch Cape. I was with my in-laws (kinda wish I’d been with my ladies, though…).

  578. natalyn

    I would love to take this class!

  579. Rebecca Brigham

    Ali rocks….. thanks Ali, for offering the great class… it will be so great to take a class from you again.

  580. Ruth Ann

    Thank you for the opportunity to win a spot in Ali’s class.

  581. Gypsy

    One of my biggest laments about the end of CKU is that it meant I’d likely never get to do a class with Ali E I am SO glad she is doing an online class!

  582. Rebecca

    Ali rocks…. thanks for offering the class Ali… it will be great to take a class from you again…

  583. Amanda Newberry

    This class sounds amazing-good luck to everyone!

  584. Dena ZS

    I am really wondering how to tell the hard stories. Maybe this class would help. Looks like a great class.

  585. Amy Eaton

    Thanks for the give away – found your blog because of it and I’m so glad I dropped by!

  586. Kristin Rutten

    What a great opportunity … I would LOVE to take this workshop. And what an absolutely adorable photo of Ali & little Anna. 🙂

  587. Cheryl Wagner

    Thanks for the chance to win, I just love finding inspriation in new and exciting places!! What a find!!!

  588. Cheryl Wagner

    Thanks for the chance to win, by the way, I am getting so many compliments on my necklace – wanted to say thanks, I really enjoyed putting the “to the amazing” in my scrapbook! So fun!!

  589. Cheryl Wagner

    Thanks for the chance to win, by the way, I am getting so many compliments on my necklace – wanted to say thanks, I really enjoyed putting the “to the amazing” in my scrapbook! So fun!!

  590. Cheryl Wagner

    Thanks for the chance to win, LOVE Ali!!!
    By the way, I am still getting so many compliments on my necklace!!! and I loved putting “To the Amazing” in my scrapbook too!!

  591. katherine

    What a great photo and chance to win! Keeping my fingers crossed…I need a shove to get scrapping again and it sounds like this class is just the thing I need!

  592. Caralyn

    This sounds like a wonderful class! Thank you so much for the chance to win.

  593. katherine

    What a great photo and chance to win! Keeping my fingers crossed…I need a shove to get scrapping again and it sounds like this class is just the thing I need!

  594. Patti

    Ali is great and her daughter, Anna, is soooo cute. Would love to take this class.

  595. Michelle

    Thanks for the opportunity! Love Ali Edwards.

  596. Suzanne

    I would be honored to win a spot in Ali’s class!
    Thanks for the chance.

  597. katherine

    I love ali e’s philosophy

  598. Annie

    I would ADORE a chance to marinate in the inspiration and be led by Ali’s gentle instruction in this beautiful e-course … fingers crossed! Thanks, Andrea …

  599. Annie

    I would ADORE a chance to marinate in the inspiration and be led by Ali’s gentle instruction in this beautiful e-course … fingers crossed! Thanks, Andrea …

  600. Annie

    I would ADORE a chance to marinate in the inspiration and be led by Ali’s gentle instruction in this beautiful e-course … fingers crossed! Thanks, Andrea …

  601. Christina Forte

    Oh I so want to do this class. I’m scrimping and saving madly as times are a little tough since I lost my job. But I’ll be doing it even if I have to eat baked beans for a month!!!

  602. Naomi Gies

    I LOVE Ali Edwards – even my scrapping friends think I am nuts! I would love to take this class!

  603. Abby P.

    Oh! Pick me! pick me!

  604. Dawn Priestley

    As you can see by the title of my blog… i’m a huge Ali fan. Taking this class would be a real blessing. Thanks for the opportunity!

  605. Gina

    oh, pick me pick me!! i love Ali and all her ideas! I would love to take this class and learn more about documenting my family’s past! I have learned so much from her since i started scrapbooking!
    thanks for the opportunity!

  606. Donna C

    Ooooh! I soooo want to take Ali’s class and tackle some older photos and stories!

  607. celeste

    Sounds like a wonderful learning experience! Thanks!

  608. celeste

    Sounds like a wonderful learning experience! Thanks!

  609. Jana

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  610. Rosa

    what a wonderful opportunity! this workshop sounds amazing. thank you for sharing your spirit and creativity!

  611. June

    thanks for the chance to win! 😀

  612. Julia

    Thanks for offering this chance…I love Ali’s work!

  613. Jo-Ellen

    I would love to take this class. I am trying to see it finances can swing it. This would be a blessing. Thanks!

  614. Cortney

    oh wow! what a cool class! thanks for the give-away. cheers!

  615. Jane Thomas

    Wouldn’t this be the best to win? Golly, gee, I hope it will be me! This would certainly be wonderful. Thanks for making someone’s week.

  616. Andrea

    As someone who switches from photography to writing every few months, I’d love the chance to learn more, practice more, play more, with the relationship between the two. Thanks for the chance to win!

  617. Sara Belgrove

    Thanks for teh opportunity to win a spot in Ali’s class. She is such an inspiring story teller.

  618. Theresa Grdina

    Oh this would be lovely to win…I want to sign up for this class but there just isn’t the $$….one kid in college, one kid at home, one kid semi-independently on her own…and a car that just today needed $850 worth of repairs…..*sigh*

  619. Maria

    This looks like such a cool class. I’d love to win.

  620. Robyn

    This is one course that would really get me going on a long overdue and constantly procrastinated project. Thanks for being so generous with your offer!

  621. jenn

    I hope I mom just passed and I’ve been thinking about trying to make a scrapbook of her and I. Something to keep her close.

  622. Chasinash

    I would love to attend. There’s nothing I like better than watching “moments” through a DSLR.

  623. Maritza

    I love Ali Edwards and would love the chance to win.

  624. Marilyn

    Not to sound too sappy but anything “Ali Edwards” is a guarantee to success. Now how do you define success is just the way she would define it. It’s not about perfection it’s about YOU and your past stories that have contributed to whom you have become. I have never been disappointed in anything she has taught me. It is difficult locating the ‘ingredients’ that make up the spinner. I cannot wait for the class and hearing lots from you. Your photos with your family members make me want to begin all over again.

  625. Marilyn

    Not to sound too sappy but anything “Ali Edwards” is a guarantee to success. Now how do you define success is just the way she would define it. It’s not about perfection it’s about YOU and your past stories that have contributed to whom you have become. I have never been disappointed in anything she has taught me. It is difficult locating the ‘ingredients’ that make up the spinner. I cannot wait for the class and hearing lots from you. Your photos with your family members make me want to begin all over again.

  626. Marilyn

    Not to sound too sappy but anything “Ali Edwards” is a guarantee to success. Now how do you define success is just the way she would define it. It’s not about perfection it’s about YOU and your past stories that have contributed to whom you have become. I have never been disappointed in anything she has taught me. It is difficult locating the ‘ingredients’ that make up the spinner. I cannot wait for the class and hearing lots from you. Your photos with your family members make me want to begin all over again.

  627. Teresa M

    A chance at Ali’s class….I would love to win!

  628. Christine Villacarlos

    I would love very much to take this class! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  629. Kathy

    thanks for the chance at taking Ali’s class> I so enjoy her inspiration.

  630. michelle

    What an awesome giveaway!! I know we are all inspired by Ali.

  631. COLiz

    I’d love this class…good luck everyone!

  632. Becky Doxey

    I would love to take this class. May fortune smile upon me.

  633. Kim

    I would love to win a spot in Ali’s class! I’m a fan of Ali’s work and BPS!

  634. Nita Bolton

    What an adorable picture of Ali and little Anna. I am so psyched up about this class! I’ve taken a workshop from her before, and it was absolutely AWESOME!!

  635. Renee

    I am an Ali Edwards addict!! I would love to be able to take this class!

  636. Lisa

    Glad to have found your blog through Ali’s…looking forward to this class.

  637. paula

    would love, love, love to take this workshop

  638. kim Miller

    I would love to take Ali’s class.

  639. jennifer

    would love love to take the workshop!

  640. Kerry R.

    I really want to take Ali’s class … thanks for a chance!

  641. Ali

    Thanks for the opportunity to take a class that is otherwise not feasible with my finances…THANKS!!

  642. michelle

    awesome! I follow her blog and LOVE her stuff!! 🙂

  643. just B

    What a great give away, would love a chance to take Ali’s class. Thank You for the opportunity to maybe win a spot!

  644. Jeanne

    what a fantastic idea for a workshop – so many memories to pass down

  645. Amy

    I would love, love, love to take Ali’s class!!!

  646. Donna

    That photo of Ali and her little pumpkin is sooo cute! I would love a spot in her class…

  647. Dey

    Wow 🙂 such an amazing gift, thak you, I wanted to take the class but my budget didnt give in. Thanks!!!

  648. olive

    Have never scrapbooked, have a house full of photos and memories, would love to try. Thanks for the chance.

  649. Dawn

    hooray for the past!!!

  650. Shelly

    Great photos! Thanks for the opportunity to join in on Ali’s class!

  651. Melissa D

    You are so generous to give a spot away. Thanks! And so lucky to spend a weekend with those 2 girls!

  652. Jacqueline

    tomorrow is my birthday…so I would totally love to win this! Thanks!

  653. Dina

    Wow, what a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to win a spot in Ali’s class.

  654. lisa

    I love her, and her baby is very adorable!!

  655. mapsworker

    I’ve always wanted to take a class from her. This sounds fabulous. Thanks for the offer.

  656. Sylvia

    Thank you for the opportunity! I’m waiting with crazy anticipation. I have my fingers and toes crossed 🙂

  657. Beth

    Absolutely adore this class and would love to take it! I scanned well over 200 old family photos this summer and have no clue what I am going to do from there!

  658. Amy N.

    I’ve always loved Ali’s style and would love to take this class. It would be such a blessing if I won since I’m not sure I need to spend the money on the class right now. Thanks for the chance.

  659. Nancy Comelab

    Thank you ever so much for this amazing opportunity! Have a wonderful day. x0x0x0

  660. Kate

    Thanks for all of the ideas and inspiration. Your style is always about the internal and not external “things”. I love it!

  661. Mish Gasser

    Thanks for the chance! Now I’m off to check out your blog. 🙂

  662. Amy N.

    I tried posting a comment earlier and it never showed up so I apologize if this one is a duplicate.
    I would love to take Ali’s class. I’ve always loved her style.

  663. melanie

    I would love to win a spot in this class
    thanks for the chance

  664. Lisa

    What a generous giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.

  665. Kathryn Methot

    Love Ali’s style. A spot in her class would be the best present ever!

  666. Michele G

    I would love, love, love to have a chance to be a part of this class!

  667. Jill W.

    I would so love to win a spot in Ali’s class. I admire her work so much.

  668. Jill W.

    I would so love to win a spot in Ali’s class. I admire her work so much.

  669. Andrea MacDonald

    I have been wanting to take one of Ali’s classes for a while now. Oh how great it would be to finally have the chance.

  670. Andrea MacDonald

    I have been wanting to take one of Ali’s classes for a while now. Oh how great it would be to finally have the chance.

  671. Andrea MacDonald

    I have been wanting to take one of Ali Edward’s classes for a while now. Oh how great it would be to finally have the chance.

  672. Andrea MacDonald

    I have been wanting to take one of Ali Edward’s classes for a while now. Oh how great it would be to finally have the chance.

  673. Carrie

    I just love Ali Edwards. I lost my enjoyment of scrapbooking for a while then I started going back on her website and got inspired again. I would love to do one of her workshops. Thanks for the opportunity.

  674. Annette

    I was LUCKY enough to take a class from ALI at CKU Anaheim a few years ago. I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!
    I’ve been looking at the class for weeks now and keep trying to convince myself that I can spend the money and not feel guilty 🙂 unfortunately my sane self if winning out, if I won the class then both selves would win 🙂 Thanks so much for the generous offer.

  675. Casey M

    Holy cow, I love your blog! What a gift to find it from Ali’s. I am off to explore more of it!

  676. Amanda

    Yay for bringing memories with us! The memory is so fickle. I would love to be that lucky winner!

  677. Michelle

    WOW, thanks for doing this. I love how you extracted that photo of Ali and Anna! =)

  678. Kristi Sikora-Blankenship

    I would love to take this class but cannot afford it right now. What a gift it would be to win it and create this for my girls. 🙂 Thanks for posting the contest.

  679. rachelle.

    i’m truly inspired by ali. she’s amazing.

  680. Amy Tolbert

    Sounds like a great class…I’d love to win!

  681. melissa lefler

    most excellent!

  682. Tannis

    Ali is. Ali rocks. I’ve been a fan of hers and would love to record the stories that matter most about our family, yesterday and today. Thank you for such a wonderful contest!

  683. Leslie E

    Thanks for this chance to win!

  684. Nicola

    I would LOVE to win this! Keeping my fingers crossed.

  685. melissa lefler

    yaaaay! mostexcellent opportunity indeed!

  686. maureen

    sounds like a dream. thanks xoxx

  687. tania

    Love Ali,
    SO want to take a class just hoping to save enough to be able to. to win would be awesome.

  688. carolyn

    count me in! ?

  689. Christina

    Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! 🙂

  690. mari

    Would love to take ali’s class. I need help.

  691. mari

    Would love to take ali’s class. I need help.

  692. mari

    Would love to take ali’s class. I need help.

  693. shannon brown

    oh please oh please oh please pick me! This class is on the top of my wish list. I love Ali and would love join in on her workshop!

  694. Oggi

    I am planning to take Ali’s class. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  695. durquia

    I wish I could .. I hope I can .. please let it be me!

  696. Jodie Cowan

    Love Ali’s work, would love to try an online course. Thanks for your journal and for the giveaway.

  697. ina

    I’d love a chance to win the workshop, thank you!

  698. Ali

    Love your blog. Love Ali’s blog. Would love to learn some new skills. Thanks!

  699. Stephanie

    I would love to win this class I think it would be so wonderful to tell the stories of yesterday.

  700. Amber D

    Love Ali E and would love to win this class spot! Thanks so much!

  701. jen

    would love a spot in this class! cool!

  702. Elizabeth Williams

    Today’s my birthday and a class with Ali would certainly be the present of my dreams!

  703. Nancy

    Ohhhh! Please pick me random integer picker!!

  704. Amber D

    Would love to win this class, love Ali E!

  705. jennifer

    I love Ali and would so enjoy the opportunity to take her class! Thanks for the chance to win!! 🙂

  706. Lola

    I would love a spot in this class 🙂

  707. Thien-Kim

    I’ve been reading all the post about the getaway in Oregon. Looks like an amazing experience. And yes, that baby is adorable.

  708. Sabine F.

    I would love to take this class…thanks for the opportunity.

  709. Jen

    What a great opportunity to get me motivated!

  710. Beth S.

    I love Ali’s style! I have never taken one of her classes and think it could be life-altering.

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