wild thing

Ben the dragon, Berkeley, CA Canon Digital Rebel XSi

The dragon costume arrived today and Ben couldn’t be happier. He is asleep right now in the middle of the living room floor, his tail peeking out of his blanket.

For my thirtieth birthday, I went to see Monsters Inc…. It is still one of my all time favorite movies. This year, I might go see Where the Wild Things Are. These photos of Ben remind me of Max…

Taken with Iphone

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Robyn

    That is the cutest thing ever. He is soo adorable!

  2. Irene

    omg that is so precious.
    I want the same costume.

  3. Belinda

    Awhh. That first photo gave me my first laugh of the day, the second made me melt. Hope you guys have a great Halloween!

  4. cjm

    Those are awesome! Love it (and that you let him nap in it).

  5. chrissy

    andrea!!! he is simply wonderful! thank you!

  6. chrissy

    andrea!!! he is simply wonderful! thank you!

  7. chrissy

    andrea!!! ben is simply wonderful! thank you!

  8. kolleen

    love the tail poking out from under the blanket.
    i just took my stepson and youngest to that movie…liked it!
    such creativity and imagination in it!
    xo to you.

  9. Anne Ferguson

    Hi Andrea, those are just too cute. The sleepy tail one should be submitted to someone!
    Hope you are well. I’m moving back to Canada this Saturday to be closer to family — going on Air Canada, not on a broom!
    I’ll look forward to continuing to read your wonderful posts!

  10. Michelle Shopped

    prepare yourself — he may be a wild thing for the next 6 months or so…my son was batman for about 6 or 7 months when he was 6, followed by indiana jones and zorro — i think he was also a ghostbuster somewhere along in there, too — it was over a few years actually…now he’s a rock * as far as i’m concerned…xo…

  11. Annie Lewis

    Hello Andrea,
    Ben looks so adorable in his costume!
    Just a little heads up on Where the Wild Things Are. My 9 and 7 year old children saw it and did not like it. My daughter said everyone was sad throughout the whole movie – her teacher even wrote in her newsletter that it is not necessarily geared toward younger children. Another friend who took her 5 year-old said it was dark and dysfunctional. Now all tht being said, I have not seen the movie, so can only share others opinions.
    Happy Halloween!

  12. Trish

    As my mom would say what a love dove!

  13. Trish

    As my mom would say what a love dove!

  14. Trish

    As my mom would say what a love dove!

  15. Trish

    As my mom would say what a love dove!

  16. Trish

    As my mom would say what a love dove!

  17. jenn

    love these pictures….so great and a great way to make me smile today.

  18. liz elayne

    oh my goodness he is all kinds of adorable. the blanket photo. yes. love it. whenever i see the preview for where the wild things are i think about how i kind of want my own wild thing outfit like max. i think i would curl up with lots of pillows and blankets right on the living room floor and nap nap nap! 🙂

  19. Puanani

    Oh, man. You are killing me. The tail peeking out of the blanket? I can hardly stand it!

  20. mamie

    gawd, that is one lovely little wild thing. i missed the family film attendance of the movie last night, we spent a day in the throes of disneyland joy with our little wild things. the things that make them happy seem to make me double so…
    i signed up for mondo as my birthday present to myself, looking forward to january and the singular experience it seems to be shaping up to be. 🙂

  21. pom.

    love this!
    and love love lovvvvvvvve the movie..and the soundtrack!! oh gosh. xoxoxo karen O

  22. Megan

    YES! He looks so regal in that amazing costume!

  23. Jennifer

    Oh my gosh…he is so cute. I just love him in this costume.

  24. Amber

    The bottom picture is adorable!

  25. nicole

    Love the photo of the tail poking out. Just a little side note on movie: sad, depressing, very violent, kids were crying in the theater and I was in a horrible pissy mood for the rest of the day and night. Now I love all kinds of weird, electic and creative movies…but this was horrible. Don’t bring Ben. Seriously.

  26. Di

    As an avid fan of childrens books I don’t want to ruin my childhood memories, nor those of sharing Where the Wild Things Are with my two boys. So many of the “classics” are ruined by modern media tweeking. Just my personal feelings.
    Love the costume! I always had grand aspirations of creating amazing costumes for my sons; buying fabric, patterns and accessories. That’s as far as I got. lol I always ended up purchasing ready-made versions.

  27. Nancy

    Such a sweet capture, love it!

  28. Nancy

    Such a sweet capture, love it!

  29. TAG

    The movie is pretty horrible and I REALLY wanted it to be good since it’s so nostalgic. But, two thumbs down:( These pictures are adorable:)

  30. TAG

    The movie is pretty horrible and I REALLY wanted it to be good since it’s so nostalgic. But, two thumbs down:( These pictures are adorable:)

  31. Katherine Pike

    Wow.Wow.Wow. Do those pictures of Ben ever remind me of Max. Adorable.

  32. Lucia

    I love his solemn expression in the first pic. And the tail in the second. Just wonderful. x

  33. celeste

    Oh, Andrea, what a CUTIE!
    I named my son after Max of WTWTA… a lifelong fave. :o)

  34. Cath

    Okay, see, now this is a photo series that really creates that vision of a whole and well balanced and happy childhood. And, oh my, that tail sticking out definitely seals the deal. Made my heart leap.
    (And i’m bummed that I can’t see those videos from the previous posts. Will have to get on that technological deficiency I have.)

  35. kimberly/tippytoes

    These photos made my day. I love ’em.

  36. marilee pittman

    I love the ‘oh so proud’ look on his face. I think he was transformed. Happy Halloween Ben

  37. elizabeth

    those photos are just too adorable. I love the tail peeking out of the blanket.

  38. Corinne

    Love love love the photos! About the movie: I loved it as well, the wild things are amazing, made by Jim Henson’s Creature Shop, but it is definitely NOT a kids movie. Very dark and sad but still amazing.

  39. Tammy

    I totally agree with Nicole about the movie. I just want to add that my seven year old asked me twice during the movie,”can we go home.”

  40. lauren parker

    The Incredibles is one of my favorites, too. Elastigirl is my hero!

  41. Maya Laurent

    Oh that second photo is just darling. Both of them are of course but the second one speaks so much to his age! Run, run, run and then crash!

  42. mccabe

    oh holy cuteness!!!!

  43. Jaimie

    It actually puzzles me that anyone seeing the trailer would really think it was a movie for children. Sure, it was inspired by a children’s book — but the children’s book has a total of something like 10 words in it, so clearly the film adaptation was going to have to go in some other direction.
    But then again, I think lots of children are taken to the movies too soon and to inappropriate things (like the 2-year-old I saw being taken to Spiderman).

  44. Kimberly

    The tail sticking out of the blanket might just be the cutest thing I have seen in a long, long time!

  45. Kimberly

    The tail sticking out of the blanket might just be the cutest thing I have seen in a long, long time!

  46. Kimberly

    The tail sticking out of the blanket may just the cutest thing I have seen in a long, long time!

  47. Rachelle

    I took my boys to see the movie (10 and 12yrs) and they loved it! When a grown-up told them the movie was too scary and sad for children my ten year old, named Max said “Let them pee their pants, kids are too sheltered and need to be scared once in awhile.” Then he said,”By the way, I’m quoting Maurice Sendack!”
    Love the photo of your monster. If you know your child and talk to them about it, they’ll know it’s okay to be sad sometimes. The movie was also empowering because Max knew he couldn’t be their king and that he didn’t have to, he could go home! My nephews 7 and 9, want to see it again even though it made them cry.

  48. DenzelWp

    Good evening, Happy Happy Hallowen!

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